**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.**

North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn: If your North Node falls in Cancer, this makes you North Node mission all about being of support to others and accepting that same support in return, learning how to be vulnerable, emotional and sensitive (and coming to terms with this side of yourself), and home/domestic life & family. With your South Node falling Capricorn, in a previous life/lives, you were probably in control of your emotions and vulnerability at all times; you didn’t freely express this side of yourself, even at times when you probably should have. There was also probably quite an emphasis on your career and ambitions (Oh! You were probably very ambitious!), as well as on your well crafted public persona. You probably really got off on being at the very top of the social echelon. There is also an element of authority here with Capricorn, and in previous lives you very well could’ve held some kind of authority by way of everything else mentioned (and probably got off on this, too). Even though some (or all) of these themes and areas of life may feel the most comfortable to you in this lifetime, you are supposed to move into your Cancer North Node. In this lifetime, you are supposed to dive headfirst into the more private spheres of life, to really understand yourself and your emotions and sensitivies, and allow them to freely show. This is all about possibly putting career ambitions behind those needs of caring for your family (either the one you are born into or the one you create for yourself). This can either mean just caring and nurturing your family in day to day life, but can also mean taking care of and nurturing sick or ailing family members. In previous lives you also took care of yourself, for yourself. In this lifetime, you’re supposed to move into not only being a supportive force for those you truly love and care about, but to also allow them to support you as well. I could imagine the catalyst towards moving into your Cancer North Node being something along the lines of either having your own child or having to care for a loved one for a period of time. Before this would happen, you would probably be more focused on those career ambitions and the more public areas of life. Once life kind of takes you a different way (possibly even by force or an unexpected situation), you would then begin to grow into the Cancer North Node.

North Node in Capricorn/South Node in Cancer: If your North Node ends up falling in Capricorn, this is the lifetime where you are supposed to be *very* ambitious in regards to your career aspirations. This is a lifetime that is meant to be lived in the public spheres of life, climbing that social ladder for the highest amount of social status obtainable, working your public presence to your advantage, as well as really harnessing your own personal authority that is wanting to come out (and being comfortable with it). You probably really wanted to get a firm grip on your emotions in this lifetime, and become more even-keeled in this respect (not letting them dominate and rule you). There is probably also a real soul desire to completely be able to take care of yourself (being completely self-sufficient), and not actually needing anyone else in that arena to do that for you. With Cancer as your South Node, in past life (or lives) you may have spent a great deal of time being the support and nurturing force for other people (especially in the domain of the home). You may not have cared very much for career and the ambitions that come with it, for climbing the social ladder, for if you had a “public persona” or not. Your life was very focused on the more private side of life. There may have also been issues with your own emotions, sensitivity, and vulnerability, and they may have manifested in a way that you couldn’t easily reel them in (or they were mis-used possibly somehow). And authority…..there probably wasn’t a whole lot of that which you actively crafted and used. There could have also been issues with you not being self-sufficient in previous lives, either by choice (such as your spouse worked so you didn’t), or because there was some actual physical/mental issue that kept you unable to fully fly on your own, meaning you needed constant support from other people. You may be naturally more drawn towards the South Node (things are usually more comfortable there), and may feel like the North Node soul mission doesn’t speak to you at all. A catalyst usually must occur first before it does “speak” to you, and I could see a catalyst here as being someone who has spent a great deal of their time in this current incarnation caring for other people (such as being a stay at home mom/dad). Something happens that forces you into getting a job/getting into a career, and this awakens the Capricorn North Node and would allow you to grow into it.

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2 Responses

  1. The description for Capricorn in NN really resonates with me. I can’t remember when I became ambitious but as far as I remember I’ve wanted to find the perfect career and excel in it. The only thing is, I’m not sure how to overcome/incorporate my Chiron conjunct MC. Plus my north node is in the third house. How would a Capricorn Node be expressed there?

    • Ooooh Chiron conjunct your MC is an interesting dynamic in play with your Capricorn NN. With the NN in the 3rd House there is probably something about communicating (thinking, learning, perceiving, etc.) in masterful, ambitious, responsible, etc. ways. I’d also take where Saturn is in the chart into consideration (it’s a big piece of the puzzle).

      For me to really know how this plays out for you, I’d have to see your chart. If you ever want me to read for you, shoot me an email at [email protected] and we can set something up 🙂

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