Astrological Ramblings

United States Uranus Return disclaimer – This isn’t a piece to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy). Just to start this off (as a continuation from the last post on Uranus in Gemini) here are the 4 most recent periods of time in history that transit Uranus was in Gemini (over the past 300 or so years) before the 2020’s:-July 10, 1690 through Nov. 4, 1690; April 28, 1691 through July 31, 1697; Dec. 16, 1697 through May 18, 1698-June 19, 1774 through Dec. 1, 1774; April 8, 1775 through July 12, 1781; Jan. 12, 1782 through April 28, 1782-June 2, 1858 through Jan. 1, 1859; March 14, 1859 through June 27, 1865; Feb. 17, 1866 through March 27, 1866-August 7, 1941 through Oct. 5, 1941; May 15, 1942 through August 30, 1948; Nov. 12, 1948 through June 10, 1949 Fast forward to the future: Transit Uranus will move into Gemini on July 7, 2025 for the first time.-It will slip back into Taurus on November 8, 2025 through April 26, 2026-Enters Gemini on April 26, […]
Transit Uranus in Gemini Disclaimer – This isn’t a piece intended to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy). We need to talk about something that has been on my radar for several years at this point (lol here is a video I did about this subject in the fall of 2021), and that something is Uranus moving into Gemini (here is a link to the recent video on YT I did about this same thing). This has been on my radar not only because the US is about to have its Uranus Return (which, lol, historically signals some kind of shit), but also because the world in general feels like it’s gone off the rails and devolved into chaos just a little bit (which makes me wonder what stuff will look like once Uranus actually moves into Gemini). Here in the US everyone has been so focused on Pluto’s Return that Uranus’ Return seemed to be completely overlooked by most until recently. In my opinion Uranus’ Return is the bigger deal […]
Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023 at 3:23 pm central time(Transit Sun at 5-degrees Scorpio/Transit Moon at 5-degrees Taurus with the Lunar Nodes at 24-degrees Libra and Aries) **Why am I doing a blog post on this? Because I wrote WAAAAAY too much about this for an Instagram post 😂 and wanted to put it somewhere. So here we are. ** I have woken up in the morning with the song “Come Undone” by Duran Duran in my head multiple times over the past 6 months (since the eclipse in early May 2023). This song has come through even more often over the past week or so….and I know it ties in with this last eclipse along the Taurus/Scorpio Axis (the first eclipse along this axis took place on November 19, 2021). There is such a feeling of coming undone with this eclipse (and really, this whole eclipse series). This isn’t meant in a scary or ominous way. In fact, sometimes we must come undone in order to come (back) together. Sometimes things have to come undone so “better” things can take their place. -Purge and Release have been major themes under this whole eclipse series. Transformation has been another theme. The point of these things is to bring you greater stability, security, and comfort. Is it “comfortable” as you’re going through (and have been going through) the process? Probably not. Does it mean you’ve, maybe, been in the process of coming undone or undoing things in your […]
This post is also known as Pluto conjunct the Natal Ascendant via Transits and Solar Arcs (or: A Fucked Up Journey) **Trigger Warning – different kinds of abuse are mentioned in this article**Here is a youtube video that I did about the same kind of thing. When I see this old picture of myself from a middle school yearbook, I think to myself “have you seen this girl?” I haven’t seen her in fucking years. I think some of her is getting flipped back “on” now, because of solar arc Pluto (just through the lens of a 34 year old rather than a 13 year old). I have wanted to do a blog post about this for a while, and each time I start it, I stop myself. Do I really want to expose ALL of what I’m about to expose? Probably not (and I might take this down as fast as I post it, lol). However, since I’m in the throes of Solar Arc Pluto conjunct my Ascendant currently, it feels like the “right” time to further work through a bunch of shit that happened to me 20 years ago when Transit Pluto was conjunct my Ascendant, and how there are echoes of this part of my life in the present day. This isn’t strictly an exercise for my own benefit, though – I’m hoping that other people will benefit from this post in some way, and in seeing the trends and themes that can come back around through […]
**Here is the video that I did that goes along with this blog post** This is Part II in the continuation of the series on the US’s Pluto’s Return, which started in earnest in early 2020 and will go on through December 27, 2025 (once Transit Pluto clears 2 Aquarius 33 in the sky which is within the 5-degree separating orb I use for transit to natal planets). This year when the US has it’s “birthday” on July 4, 2021 feels really important from a Solar Return perspective since 2022 is when transit Pluto comes home “exactly” to it’s natal position – this happens on February 20, 2022, on July 12, 2022, and on December 27, 2022. You might be asking yourself “can countries have Solar Returns?” Lol I don’t really know. I mean, if people have them, I don’t see any reason why a country couldn’t have them, too. Natalie and myself were talking about this a couple of months ago – if it is possible to look at a Solar Return for a country. We both kind of came to the conclusion that there really wasn’t any reason you couldn’t do a Solar Return chart for a country (in theory). If nothing else, it might give some ideas about what the country (any country’s Solar Return you might look at) will be going through during any given year. In saying all of that, it would make the Solar Return’s for the US for 2021 through 2022, and also […]
I have been doing quite a few Solar Return Charts recently for people (which gave me the idea for this blog posting), and when people want their Solar Return Chart done I always have to include a section about the yearly Time Lord. This is done in a Part I (Solar Return Chart) and Part II (Yearly Time Lord) fashion, since the time lord is taken from the Natal Chart (but can still be used with the Solar Return). Personally, I feel that when looking at the year ahead from birthday to birthday, the Time Lord is far too important to leave out. First off, the notion behind the Time Lord comes from an old ass technique used by Hellenistic Astrologers to predict future events (and when I say “old ass technique,” I’m talking about this shit being used back in 200 BC or so). Now a days, the people that actually use this technique use what is known as Annual Profections. Essentially, starting from the Ascendant in the Natal Chart, each House of the chart represents a specific year of life (and depending on how old you are turning on your next birthday will show you what “House Year” you’re about to enter into). Here is a chart to quickly show you what Time Lord year you’re currently in or are about to enter into: 1st House- Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc..2nd House-Ages 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, etc…3rd House-Ages 2, 14, 26, […]


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