Astrological Ramblings

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023 at 3:23 pm central time(Transit Sun at 5-degrees Scorpio/Transit Moon at 5-degrees Taurus with the Lunar Nodes at 24-degrees Libra and Aries) **Why am I doing a blog post on this? Because I wrote WAAAAAY too much about this for an Instagram post 😂 and wanted to put it somewhere. So here we are. ** I have woken up in the morning with the song “Come Undone” by Duran Duran in my head multiple times over the past 6 months (since the eclipse in early May 2023). This song has come through even more often over the past week or so….and I know it ties in with this last eclipse along the Taurus/Scorpio Axis (the first eclipse along this axis took place on November 19, 2021). There is such a feeling of coming undone with this eclipse (and really, this whole eclipse series). This isn’t meant in a scary or ominous way. In fact, sometimes we must come undone in order to come (back) together. Sometimes things have to come undone so “better” things can take their place. -Purge and Release have been major themes under this whole eclipse series. Transformation has been another theme. The point of these things is to bring you greater stability, security, and comfort. Is it “comfortable” as you’re going through (and have been going through) the process? Probably not. Does it mean you’ve, maybe, been in the process of coming undone or undoing things in your […]
**Here is the video for the first chart in this blog post, for all of you that would rather watch than read. Here is the video for the second chart.** There were a couple of people who volunteered as tribute for me to take a look at their charts from the lens of the GC. Both of these charts are very interesting for different reasons (for the different GC contacts that they make and what else is going on in the charts). If you have watched the videos, I know when I was talking about these charts I was so excited to be doing them in the first place I KNOW that I left some shit out lol (so keep reading – I didn’t leave a bunch of shit out of the videos, but I know I forgot to mention a couple of things). As you will see from these examples in this post, along with those in my last blog post, there are lots of ways that all of this can go and this depends heavily on what is actually going on at the GC and elsewhere in the chart. I also want to include the disclaimer that I am JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE. While I do feel like, at this point I do have a decent handle on the GC from an astrological point of view (and even from a scientific point of view), it’s the blending of the two that I’m still fleshing out. I know […]
There are so many postings out there about relationships, and how to find the best possible mate by way of one’s birthchart. “What sort of person would I best with?” is a question commonly asked. There are a few different things that I always look at first and foremost when being asked these sorts of questions by clients (and answering questions as I creep on forums, hahah)….and this sort of question gets asked A LOT. Everyone wants to find their person (well, most people do anyway), so these are useful things to pay particular attention to for anyone who wants to learn more about astrological pairing from the natal chart. I have a visual below, with the different things that I’m talking about in this post circled so you can follow along with a visual. I know us into astrology (for fun, vocation, or both!) are VERY visual people. **Just to make it clear, I’m only talking about good pairings based on the natal chart. Obviously, actually seeing how these aspects would play out would depend on the actual synastry and composite charts between two people. I’m also NOT strictly talking about SUN signs, but talking about that Sign’s ENERGY in general. **Obviously, you would have to take the whole chart into account. Just because someones Descendant is in a certain sign does necessarily mean that the particular sign’s energy in question would be a good pairing for the person. This post should really be used as more of a […]
In the previous post about Out of Bounds planets, it was mentioned which planets go out of bounds, and which ones do not (so I won’t recap all of that here again). We’ll jump right in with the planet that gets out from under the Sun’s grasp the most often, which is of course the Moon. The time that this happens with the most frequency is every 18.6 years or so (when the North Node is at 0 degrees Aries), and the Moon gives a giant middle finger to the Sun’s gravitational pull, and does what it wants, how it wants, when it wants. Now, what does it look like when the Moon goes Out of Bounds you ask? And how does this manifest in a person’s life? Let’s take a look at what can happen.**Keep in mind that the closer to the maximum declination of 28.5 degrees that the Moon finds itself, the more extreme the OOB Moon will be felt by the person and will come out to play in real life.** When the Moon goes out of bounds, the person will absolutely feel it even if the OOB Moon isn’t as easily “seen” outwardly (though it usually is to some degree). Being out of bounds frees the Moon from any restriction and being “fenced in” that it might feel or face (from the sign that it falls under, the house that it resides in, and the aspects it makes), as well as from any outward restriction that […]
I have a personal fascination with Out of Bounds Planets (aka “OOB”). This fascination began for me when I realized that I had 3 planets considered OOB in my planetary makeup. This got me curious about what exactly this meant for me, and what this meant for other people with OOB planets, and how a planet being OOB would manifest in one’s life. Let’s start with some general housekeeping and understanding of what an OOB planet actually is. A planet is considered OOB when it’s declination is anywhere beyond 23 degrees 27 minutes north or south of the equator. When the planet goes out of bounds, it means it that is is no longer under the dominion of the Sun…..and out of sight and out of pull, the planet can behave how it wants. Certain planets tend to go OOB more often than others, while some planets never go OOB at all. ***To see if you have any planets OOB, go to and create your natal chart (create an account first if you don’t already have one). Once you have created your chart and have it pulled up, click on “additional tables” that you will find above the natal chart that you created. Once clicked on, the first page of the PDF should look like the image below. You will want to turn your attention to the “Declination” column, and see if any of the declinations in your chart exceed 23 degrees 27 minutes. If one does, the you […]
**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn: If your North Node falls in Cancer, this makes you North Node mission all about being of support to others and accepting that same support in return, learning how to be vulnerable, emotional and sensitive (and coming to terms with this side of yourself), and home/domestic life & family. With your South Node falling Capricorn, in a previous life/lives, you were probably in control of your emotions and […]
Questions about past lives and karma are always popular questions that I get regularly. Specifically, I tend to get asked about past life issues and karma that are needed to be dealt with in this lifetime, and how these issues might manifest in the current incarnation. There are different places to look in your Natal Chart to to find unresolved karmic and past life elements, and one of the first place I look (after looking at the North & South Nodes and Pluto and its Polarity Point) is at any planets that may be making a square aspect with the North & South Nodes. If you have any planetary/celestial bodies squaring the Nodes, this formation is known as a “Skipped Step.” A Skipped Step is a planet (or planets) that deal with unresolved, specific issues that you have carried over from previous lives into this lifetime. This may have been an issue (or issues) that you chose to willfully ignore in a past life, or something that you didn’t recognize as an issue, or even something you just didn’t have the time in other incarnations to completely work out. You can have multiple planets square the Nodes (such as in the case of a Stellium square the Nodes, or even just planets in conjunction), and you can also have planets in opposition to one another that both square the Nodes (in the case of the Grand Cross). Just to illustrate what Skipped Steps look like in a natal chart, here […]
**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius: If your North Node falls in Gemini, your North Node mission in this lifetime is all about the use of effective communication & language (both written and verbal). Also, you’re probably supposed to move into the realm of logic, reason, facts, details, curiousity, and using the more concrete side of you mind. With Sagittarius as your South Node, you probably had a past life (or past lives) where […]
I’m going a little out of order here, I know. The next part of this series should really be about the Gemini & Sagittarius North Node/South Node Axis, but I just recently saw a question on reddit about the North Node in Leo, which gave me the idea go out of order here. **In this post, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius: If your North Node is in Leo, in this lifetime, your soul wanted to evolve into the feeling […]
**In this post, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Taurus/South Node in Scorpio: If you have the North Node in Taurus, your North Node mission in this life is all about security and stability in the physical world, to learn to take care of yourself for yourself, to calm down/slow down and relax. In this lifetime, your soul wanted to evolve into something more earthy, grounded and stable in the physical reality. This is probably a far cry from your South Node in Scorpio, […]


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