Astrological Ramblings

I want to start this off with a disclaimer: I mention different governments, and different things tying to different parts of the entertainment industry in this blog post. I want to make it VERY CLEAR off the bat that I AM IN NO WAY SAYING that everyone involved in the entertainment industry, and everyone involved in the governments (or the people that subscribe to the belief systems of these governments) that I mention are awful and morally corrupt people. I don’t want my words twisted that way. I do think that there are several players, from many different arenas, that were involved in Epstein’s death though, and I’m not going to be shy about mentioning them here. But I also don’t want my shit twisted. Everyone and their mother knows who Jeffrey Epstein is, so I’ll save you the introduction. This is a chart that I’ve wanted to dive into full force and do a post on for a while now. The weird circumstances surrounding his death definitely give credence to numerous conspiracy theories as to what really happened in his cell on August 10, 2019. Did he hang himself (either because he felt forced or on his own volition)? Did someone else come into his cell and kill him? Did he actually even die that day (or was this just a story sold to us and he’s off living somewhere else in hiding/under protection)? While his death chart certainly does lack a certain amount of clarity in SOME areas, […]
Originally I was going to do up a post on Jeffrey Epstein’s death chart, but then I had an epiphany (hahaha) that perhaps it would be more interesting to do one on Isaac Kappy. A death chart is looked at in the same manner as a “last seen” chart, only with these charts you’re not creating them to try to locate the person, but rather to look into the cause of death. *I will probably still do a post at some point about Epstein’s death, in honor of that piece of shit just passing his happy death day anniversary!* Anywho….who was Isaac Kappy? In case you aren’t familiar, Isaac Kappy was a character actor that had been in a few movies and seemed to have some more “well known” friends. Regardless of how he came about the information in the video below, it seems that he was “ahead of his time” in terms of the information that he had about so-called “powerful” people. Here is a video of his that he posted on Periscope on May 1, 2019. He committed suicide on May 13, 2019. Just shy of two weeks after posting this. Let that fucking shit sink in for a minute. Let it also sink in that when reports of his suicide hit the media, it was first reported that he “forced himself off a bridge.” Ummm….wuuuut? That’s the weirdest fucking way to describe a suicide, but I digress. *I also want to mention here that I don’t agree […]
I’ve gotten really into making memes, apparently 😂😂. I figured this time I would merge my love of politics, history AND astrology together! **I also want to make clear that I know most of these people pictured aren’t actually the sign that I have attached to them. I attached these particular signs to these particular people because these people seem to personify that sign’s energy (in my opinion, anyway). Why did I take the time to do this?? Who the fuck knows 🤣🤣


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