Astrological Ramblings

Interview with an Astrologer-Philip Sedgwick also known as the mack fucking daddy of the Galactic Center (and Galactic Astrology) This conversation took place on August 11, 2022, over zoom. Philip’s parts of the conversation are in bold, and mine are not bolded. The parts that are in parenthesis are things that might be necessary for one to know for some context of the question and/or answers (and also for other side notes). This entire conversation was such a professional highlight ^_^ “Hey Philip!”“Hey Ellie. So, how the hell are you?”“I’m pretty good – I’m excited! How about you?”“I’m good. Do you want to ask me your questions, and that way I can have a little more of spontaneous response to them?” “Okay, sounds good! All of the questions were okay though, right?”(I always like to shoot over the questions that I want to ask in an interview before the interview happens). “Yeah, there’s a couple of answers that will be a little different than the track of the question, but nonetheless, it will work.” “Okay – that is fine. (I start getting my iPad out with the questions).“So, what got you interested in astrology in the first place? What was the spark?” “Well, I was in the Navy, and I was up for a security clearance, and one day I was in a coffee shop at the base where our ship was stationed, and this guy came up to me and asked me for my birthday. I told him, and […]
If you are more of a watcher than a reader, here is a link to a YouTube video I did on this I decided to finally make the journey into exploring the Gates of the Avatar more. Initially, I knew that I would probably have to dive into the Bible a little bit to do this (and back in January this wasn’t something I was ready to touch with a 100 ft. pole). The past couple of weeks I have been exploring religious-y themes in an astrological context (and thinking about it this way bothered me). It wasn’t until I started thinking about it the other way around – that it’s the Bible that has some astrological ties – that I felt more comfortable exploring everything. And here we are now, lol. Just as a side note: I am not a religious person so there is no preaching or any bullshit going on from this end of the screen. I feel like to explain how I’ve started working with the Avatar Gates, I have to kind of explain where I came up with the idea in the first place. Originally, when I first started looking into the Avatar Gates, I did so because I noticed that the Avatar Gates (at 15-degrees Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius) were the midpoints of the different squares within the Galactic Grand Cross (which seems like they could be important within the greater function of the Galactic Grand Cross – this part I am still […]
This past week I have been researching some more into the Galactic Center, and more specifically the Grand Cross that is formed between the Galactic Center, the Super Galactic Center, the Galactic Anti-Center, and whatever the fuck opposes the Super Galactic Center (I don’t know what this is yet, but I know there is SOMETHING there). Since a Grand Cross is a series of squares connecting different things in the chart, it got me thinking about square aspects in general. Now, obviously, with the Grand Cross aspect pattern in a chart (any kind of Grand Cross, GC related or not), actually balancing the oppositions is key. However, when looking at square aspects in general I have always felt that the midpoint between the square aspects can be used as a way to funnel the tension of the square aspect (thus becoming a place to release the tension). So, back to the GC and the “Galactic Grand Cross” (that’s what I’m calling it for now, lol) – I decided to do the midpoints between each of the different squares in the Galactic Grand Cross. When you do this, you get:**Midpoint between the GC and the SGC = 15-degrees Scorpio**Midpoint between the SGC and the GaC = 15-degrees Leo**Midpoint between the GaC and whatever opposes the SGC = 15 -degrees Taurus**Midpoint between the GC and whatever opposes the SGC = 15-degrees Aquarius***The above COULD vary slightly depending on the degrees of the GC/GaC/SGC/whatever opposes the SGC when you were born/for the chart […]
Here is a video I did about this same thing if you’re more of a watcher than a reader 🙂 I have been hesitant to approach this topic…..the topic of Starseeds and how this notion might tie in with the Galactic Center. Why have I been hesitant to “go there”? I think it’s for a couple of different reasons. Some of it might have to do with the fact that there really isn’t a whole lot that is “tangible” about the notion of “starseeds” or about BEING a starseed (it’s COMPLETELY based off of a feeling of knowing – nothing that can really be proven or disproven as of now). The feeling of knowing is important though (I’m not brushing this off). I mean, I’m someone who DOES deal in and do past life work for clients and there is no way to prove a past life exists or not, either (this also deals heavily on the feeling of knowing, too). The difference, I think, between what I do for clients in terms of past life work and the notion of being a starseed in my mind (and how one feels more tangible than the other, to me anyway) has to do with the fact that I’m looking at a natal chart and coming up with your past life story based on things IN your natal chart (and not just pulling ideas out of my ass). I try to make these notions tangible to the client, as well, by explaining […]
**Here is a video that I made about the same thing, for all of you that would rather watch than read** I haven’t done any percentages lately about different things I’ve been looking at in regards to the Galactic Center (things that feel like they tie in with the GC but seem to function as a “amplifier” to the GC for people who are already inclined to the way that the GC functions). So, lol, I figured I would do a post about THIS very thing and show what I’ve come up with THUS far. I have talked about Jupiter Retrograde throughout this whole study and how I feel like it has a natural affinity with the way that the GC functions. Jupiter (retrograde or direct) has a tie with the GC energy since the GC falls in Sagittarius, but Jupiter Retrograde does feel like it has a special place here. I decided to take Mercury Rx out of this (in the original percentages I was lumping Jupiter Rx and Mercury Rx shit together which I shouldn’t have done). I haven’t fucked with Mercury Rx this go around (though I’m sure I will in future percentage calculations). Instead, this time around I was looking for the percentage of people who have Jupiter Rx (or were born during the shadow period) and/or Jupiter involved with the GC in some way (via conjunction, opposition, trine, or even the square….though I’m still not quite sure WHAT to do with the squares yet). The […]
This blog post is probably going to be kind of all over the fucking place (much like the last couple of videos that I’ve made about the Galactic Center – here are videos one and two from this week). Just like the videos, though, I wanted to go a head and get this out there (and at some other point in time I will streamline my thoughts together better…..once I have a better handle where exactly my thoughts are going). I may not be 100% sure where the fuck they’re going – but I do feel like they fit in somehow, someway. This past week I started to go down a rabbit hole about planets and x-ray emissions. This kind of started because I got to thinking about the x-rays and radio waves (and other shit) that the GC has coming from it. I started to wonder about planets and their own x-ray emissions, especially since I do think that certain planets are MORE tied to the GC than others. For those new to the game here, those planets are: *Jupiter – Obviously this planet would be involved with the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius. I do think Jupiter Retrograde specifically takes the top spot. *Any retrograde planet*Any out of bounds planet **Retrograde planets and OOB planets don’t automatically give one an “affinity” for the GC, but if the person has planetary contacts to the GC, the Galactic Anti-Center (GaC) or something like that, I think the retrograde […]
**Here is a video that I made about the same thing, if you’re more of a watcher than a reader** There are a few different planets that I’ve brought up as far as feeling very intertwined with the GC. Obviously Jupiter (and Jupiter Rx specifically). Uranus is another one that I have brought up, and Chiron has been discussed (even though Chiron isn’t a planet, it still feels very in-tune with the GC energy. Now, there is one planet that is amongst all of these in the line up, and that’s Saturn. I feel like since all of these other planets feel like they correlate with the GC energy, Saturn can’t be left out of the game, either (especially since it doesn’t go Jupiter, Chiron (the bridge between the inner and outer planets), and Uranus……..before you can even get to Chiron and cross that fucking bridge to the outers, you would techinically have to deal with Saturn first. Okay okay okay I’ll admit it, I’m biased and I fucking love Saturn (I mean, lol, you’re on a website called Saturn Season). Most people probably already know this about me, lol, but just incase your new here, you’re not going to get the same doom and fucking gloom reading on Saturn. Can Saturn be limitations and restrictions? Sure. BUT ONLY IF YOU LET SATURN FUCKING BE LIMITATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS. Lookit, you can sit there and fucking whine about what Saturn is doing in your life via transits, or you can bitch […]
**Here is the video that goes along with this post** I have been thinking about several different things recently in connection to the Galactic Center – this blog post might feel like it’s kind of all over the fucking place, but I will try to streamline it the best way I can. **Just as a general disclaimer, I am in no way, shape or form claiming to be an expert on the GC. While at this point I do feel like I have a somewhat decent handle on how it functions in a natal chart, I am in no way saying that I am absolutely correct about any of this. I am literally just fucking with astrology here and tossing out some ideas.** The first thought that came to my mind recently has to do with retrograde planets and how retrograde motion and the GC change the way that a planet functions. Retrograde motion DOES seem to have an affinity for the Galactic Center due to this changing of the way planets function. However, I got to thinking about this a little bit more, specifically retrograde planets being conjunct the GC – what the hell happens here? I mean, since the GC changes things, it almost seems like a planet that happened to be conjunct the GC that was Rx might actually find itself functioning from direct motion (almost like the GC changes that planet from retrograde to direct). None of the planets that I have conjunct the GC are […]
**Here is the video that I made about this blog post, for anyone that is more of a watcher than a reader** I have mentioned several times throughout all of the videos and blog posts that Jupiter Rx feels like it ties heavily into the Galactic Center. Obviously, the planet Jupiter will have an affinity for the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius (and as long as the GC is in Sagittarius, this affinity will remain). The retrograde motion of Jupiter, which I have talked about several times, seems to tie to the GC even further – the notion of KNOWING something before knowing WHY one knows something just FEELS very GC-like to me (and getting the “downloads” et. al from the GC). Another planet that I have mentioned before that feels like it also has an affinity for the GC is Uranus. I don’t just pull this out of my ass, lol, I definitely have my reasons for feeling like this is true.-Uranus is a catalyst for change. The GC most definitely changes any planets that conjunct it (or that even oppose it).-Since the GC seems to have a tie to retrograde energy (there does seem to be an affinity between the two), an affinity to Uranus makes sense (all retrograde planets point to Uranus in one way or another) This has been on my mind for a while, but I have wanted to take a look at all the people who have participated thus far in the […]
**Here is the video for the first chart in this blog post, for all of you that would rather watch than read. Here is the video for the second chart.** There were a couple of people who volunteered as tribute for me to take a look at their charts from the lens of the GC. Both of these charts are very interesting for different reasons (for the different GC contacts that they make and what else is going on in the charts). If you have watched the videos, I know when I was talking about these charts I was so excited to be doing them in the first place I KNOW that I left some shit out lol (so keep reading – I didn’t leave a bunch of shit out of the videos, but I know I forgot to mention a couple of things). As you will see from these examples in this post, along with those in my last blog post, there are lots of ways that all of this can go and this depends heavily on what is actually going on at the GC and elsewhere in the chart. I also want to include the disclaimer that I am JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE. While I do feel like, at this point I do have a decent handle on the GC from an astrological point of view (and even from a scientific point of view), it’s the blending of the two that I’m still fleshing out. I know […]


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