**Here is the video that I made about this blog post, for anyone that is more of a watcher than a reader**

I have mentioned several times throughout all of the videos and blog posts that Jupiter Rx feels like it ties heavily into the Galactic Center. Obviously, the planet Jupiter will have an affinity for the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius (and as long as the GC is in Sagittarius, this affinity will remain). The retrograde motion of Jupiter, which I have talked about several times, seems to tie to the GC even further – the notion of KNOWING something before knowing WHY one knows something just FEELS very GC-like to me (and getting the “downloads” et. al from the GC). Another planet that I have mentioned before that feels like it also has an affinity for the GC is Uranus. I don’t just pull this out of my ass, lol, I definitely have my reasons for feeling like this is true.
-Uranus is a catalyst for change. The GC most definitely changes any planets that conjunct it (or that even oppose it).
-Since the GC seems to have a tie to retrograde energy (there does seem to be an affinity between the two), an affinity to Uranus makes sense (all retrograde planets point to Uranus in one way or another)

This has been on my mind for a while, but I have wanted to take a look at all the people who have participated thus far in the research and see if Uranus figures prominently into the GC axis in some way, shape or form (not just looking at the conjunctions here). I realize that Uranus is generational and doesn’t move all that fast, so there are several people who were born in the mid ’80’s to early 90’s that DO have Uranus conjunct the GC (I am one of these people myself). I also wanted to take a look and see how many people in the research had Uranus Rx in their natal charts (regardless of if it tied to the GC axis or not). My mind is kind of thinking of Uranus in the same way that I think about Chiron connecting to the GC – having Chiron or Uranus involved with the GC Axis probably does amplify something about the GC energy. Having Chiron and/or Uranus Rx and connected to the GC probably amplifies the GC axis even more. For the people that have Uranus Rx elsewhere in their chart, like Chiron Rx people, they are probably able to tap into the energy of the GC more easily if they have GC conjunctions or oppositions.

So from there I decided to run some numbers from the charts collected thus far in the research:
-60% of people have Uranus either involved with the GC Axis in some way OR have Uranus Rx in their natal charts
-40% of people don’t have Uranus involved with the GC Axis in some way or don’t have Uranus Rx elsewhere in their charts.

Another reason that I am particularly hung up on Uranus as being an auxiliary or amplifier for the GC energy is that it is the first of the transpersonal planets – essentially what one would get to first if they were to cross over Chiron’s bridge to visit the outer planets. I also can’t help but make the connection between Chiron and Uranus since in Chiron’s myth, Chiron took the place of Prometheus who was chained to a rock (and Prometheus has an affinity FOR Uranus and Aquarian energy). Even beyond the GC stuff that has my mind fucking buzzing, these two celestial bodies have an linkage to one another via mythology. I definitely do think both are amplifiers to the GC’s energy. On their own they don’t necessarily tap someone into the GC, but if either/both happen to be retrograde and not involved with the GC Axis OR retrograde/direct and touching the GC axis, I think they probably DO amplify what actually happens for the person energy wise at the GC.

This got me curious about the actual discovery of the planet Uranus (I was wondering if there were any GC contacts at the time Uranus was discovered like the GC contacts that are in the chart for Chiron’s celestial discovery that put up in the blog post about Chiron and the GC). Sure the fuck enough, there is:

LOOK at FUCKING MARS conjunct the GC (with Saturn right there, too). Uranus is conjunct the Galactic Anti-Center at the time Uranus was discovered (Uranus is also Out of Bounds in this chart). This feels fitting since Uranus is “shocking” on it’s own, so being found in the area of the chart (the GaC) where “shocks” happen makes sense (and it’s like by this hypothetical “shock” happening, that area of the sky in the chart was illuminated and Uranus was able to be seen). Jupiter is fucking Retrograde in this chart (which feels like an amplifier for everything else). The Midheaven in Leo is trine the GC, but also fucking CHIRON happens to be in the 10-degree applying and separating window that is being looked at for trines to the GC (and being able to bring the GC shit down to Earth). It also strikes me that Chiron is conjunct the North Node, but I would have to sit with THAT longer to make sense of it. Maybe something like part of the mission from the discovery of Uranus (for the planet Uranus itself….if planets can HAVE missions) is to function alongside Chiron in some way.

The other outer planets DON’T have the GC contacts that Uranus does, and while I do think all the outer planet have an affinity for the GC energy, it doesn’t really surprise me that the discovery of Uranus is the only one of the outer planets to have GC contacts like this when it was discovered.

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3 Responses

  1. Your reasoning seems entirely (star)logical to me. I have a past-life connection to John Varley, the astrologer who connected this new planet (Uranus) with the sign Aquarius.

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