Astrological Ramblings

Asteroid Astrology! While asteroids aren’t necessary to read a chart (the meat and potatoes will always be with the planets, the nodal axis, etc.), they can add another layer to chart weaving (and asteroids are also just A LOT of fun!). A friend of mine made the comment a while back that the incorporation of asteroids is like the fine tuning of an instrument, and I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment. As I’ve been going through my website (on the back-end cleaning things up), I noticed that while I have certainly written about certain asteroids (and have done even more videos for the YouTube channel on asteroids) I have never written about HOW to read asteroids in a natal chart….so that’s what this post is about. Obviously, this is an opinion piece, MY opinion on how to read asteroids in a chart. But! The way that I do this does resonate with clients, so I feel like I’m doing something right with the way that I approach reading the asteroids. First of all, there are SO MANY asteroids to choose from in the asteroid databank, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. If you are wanting to start fucking with asteroids but aren’t sure where to start, Chiron should be at the top of your list with which to look. Starting with some of the major ones to see where they land in your chart like the Asteroid Goddesses (Vesta, Pallas, Juno, and Ceres) might be […]
Pluto conjunct the Natal Ascendant via Transit and Solar Arc (or: A Fucked Up Journey) **Trigger Warning – different kinds of abuse are mentioned in this article**Here is a youtube video that I did about the same kind of thing When I see this old picture of myself from a middle school yearbook, I think to myself “have you seen this girl?” I haven’t seen her in fucking years. I think some of her is getting flipped back “on” now, though (just through the lens of a 34 year old rather than a 13 year old). I have wanted to do a blog post about this for a while, and each time I start it, I stop myself. Do I really want to expose ALL of what I’m about to expose? Probably not (and I might take this down as fast as I post it, lol). However, since I’m in the throes of Solar Arc Pluto conjunct my Ascendant currently, it feels like the “right” time to further work through a bunch of shit that happened to me 20 years ago when Transit Pluto was conjunct my Ascendant, and how there are echoes of this part of my life in the present day. This isn’t strictly an exercise for my own benefit, though – I’m hoping that other people will benefit from this post in some way, and in seeing the trends and themes that can come back around through an astrological lens. I really hope that this blog post […]
Hey Everyone! I’m opening up the next three classes (over the next 3 weeks) to the general public for anyone who might be interested in learning more about these subjects. The classes I’m opening up are: Fucking with Planetary Dispositors – Sunday, July 10, 2022-This class will deal heavily with planetary dispositors by house cusp (which I think is really important to take into consideration when reading a chart). We will also be looking at this by sign, too. -An example of planetary dispositors by house cusp: Cancer on the cusp of the 8th House and the Moon in Capricorn in the 1st House will cause the 8th House to “bend” or “serve” the Moon in the 1st House. Fucking with Midpoints (and degrees) – Sunday, July 17th, 2022-This class will deal with midpoints between planets in a chart -It will also go into how I use midpoints to ease the tension in a square aspect, how planets can better “see one another” in the quincunx aspect, etc. -I will also be going into the degrees a bit to make the most of these midpoints Fucking with the Galactic Grand Cross and Other Weird Shit – Sunday, July 24, 2022-If you’re interested in the Galactic Center (and the rest of the Galactic Grand Cross), this is the fucking class for you ^_^ These classes will take place on Zoom at 1 pm central time. If you purchase the classes (or a class), I will shoot you a zoom link via […]
Definition of a Lightning Rod (or Lightning Attractor) – “A metal rod or wire fixed to an exposed part of a building or other tall structure to divert lightning harmlessly into the ground.“ I wanna talk about lightning rods for just a second (and I promise this will go somewhere in just a second, lol, bear with me). A lightning rod is a protective thing keeps buildings and other structures from being decimated by lightning strikes. Another definition of a lightning rod is “a person or thing that attracts a lot of criticism, especially in order to divert attention from more serious issues or to allow a more important public figure to appear blameless.” In terms of a natal chart, I might tailor this definition just a little bit: | “a place in the natal chart that takes the impact from a surge (or even overflow) of energy from another place in the chart.” Where the fuck am I going with this? The Galactic Center/Galactic Anti-Center Axis, with the Galactic Anti-Center playing the role of the lightning rod. **As an aside – I told myself on the day that I actually started drafting this blog post (July 4, 2021) that if the sky started with it’s lightning and thunder and shit that I was *probably* on some kind of semblance of the right track. And what the fuck do ya know? LIGHTNING! Fire in the sky ^_^** In the last blog post about Out of Bounds Planets and their possible […]
**Here is a video of this same stuff if you are more of a watcher than a reader** In some of the videos that I’ve made about the Galactic Center, and even in some of the blog posts I’ve done about the GC, I have made comments about the GC having a similar feeling that Out of Bounds (OOB) planets have. OOB Planets have a Uranian flavor to them, probably due to the nature of the OOB planet not being under the domain of the Sun anymore (the orbit of the OOB planet is beyond that of Earth’s orbit with the Sun). This makes the planet function in a more wild, unusual, or unpredictable manner – and really, with OOB planets, you can end up with the genius, with the renegade, with the unorthodox, and even sheer madness. The way the OOB planet will “go” isn’t as “set” as planets that aren’t OOB – sometimes it kind of feels like a coin toss. The chart itself will probably give clues as to HOW this planet ends up functioning, but even then the OOB planet can be kind of a wild card. There is also a sense about the planets that fall OOB and not “knowing any bounds.” Planets that are OOB don’t tend to let things limit them- a planet in bounds knows what it’s limits are and typically sticks to those. OOB planets, on the other hand, don’t stick to any limits that are “imposed” on them. It’s this […]
Hey Everyone! So I haven’t been as active on here lately, but that is because I have been very busy! On top of all the client work I’ve had the past few months (which, by the way, I am so grateful to all of y’all that have hired me), myself and probably one of the dearest friends I’ve ever had, Natalie Mithqal, decided to create something. And without further ado, here are the Star Cards. These little beauties can be used to help you learn how to read your own (or anyone’s chart)! They are 45 cards and an over 100 page notebook for study (and you can actually take notes in the damn thing!). Here is a layout of all of the cards (in the proof version) if you want to get a better idea of what is included in full. There are 12 Sign cards, 10 Planet cards, 12 House cards, 6 Aspect cards, and 5 “Miscellaneous” cards (the North Node, the South Node, Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, and the Sun/Moon Midpoint). The backs have the glyphs for each thing talked about on the front. I am pretty visual person, so having the sign, planet, and house cards all next to one another laid out helps to create the synthesis visually between the different parts of the chart. Start easy first (with just a planet in a house, or just a planet in a sign), and then moving on to more complicated synthesis – such as a planet/house/sign […]
This particular missing person’s case has always really bothered me….it strikes a chord, if you will. I’m not sure if it’s because she is my age, or because she’s a native Austinite, or maybe because it’s just really fucking tragic to have a loved one be missing for SUCH a long time (or maybe….it’s a little of all of that). Roxanne Paltauf went missing in Austin, Texas on July 7, 2006. The last time she was supposedly  seen was at 830 pm that evening when she left the Budget Inn Motel off of Rundberg and IH-35 that she and her boyfriend were staying at. Anyone who is familiar with Austin is familiar with that area of town, and while it might be different NOW, back then it wasn’t the safest place with the world’s greatest cast of characters circling about. (I’m not sure what the area is like now, truth be told). The story goes that she left the hotel WITHOUT any of her stuff and was never seen again. The boyfriend claims to have no idea where she went or what happened to her. The astrology below tells me that while he may not have actually been the one to hurt her, her certainly KNOWS more than he’s saying (such as where she went and who she went off with). The boyfriend happened to be much of the focus of the police investigation (can’t really blame them, because on the face of it, he seems the most likely candidate). However, […]
I want to start Part II of this series off by making it very clear that you are so much more than your Sun Sign or your “Big Three” (The Sun/Moon/Rising). If you went off of the basic or trendy instagram/facebook/etc post about astrology, you might be inclined to to think that you’re Sun Sign is literally the only thing that matters, or that your “Big Three” compose the sum of your astrological parts. Personally I take real issue with this sort of astrology that is passed around the internet like some incurable clusterfuck of infectious diseases. Infection is a good word for it, really. I get the some of the memes and posts are funny (though some are downright stupid and only used as a source for starting some shit), but the infection happens when people take silly memes and posts to heart, using them as learning tools, because they don’t yet know anything else. So they believe that they’re toxic because they’re a Pisces Sun. They believe that they’re “boring” because they are a Virgo Sun, or that they are equal to “The Devil” because they’re a Gemini Sun. Obviously, universally, people don’t believe this popsicle bullshit, but for people who are just dipping their feet into astrology and starting out, and then seeing some nonsense like they are the devil because they are a certain Sun Sign, it can be be discouraging. And it’s just fucking incorrect. I don’t hold the learners accountable here, but those who […]
I have always wanted to get into teaching astrology (and writing books!), and have recently started doing this teaching thang for clients that ask if I teach “courses” or things like that. These have translated into sessions that are more like “private lessons.” I like the one on one aspect of teaching this way, and it feeds into my tutoring roots (of which I have years of experience teaching kids and teenagers math & science). Anywho, it’s a lot of fun. So I figured I’d make a post about the bare bones basics on HOW to read a chart….because when you first start looking at them, they can look like some kind of fucking foreign alien language. First things first: create your birth chart if you haven’t already. I know there are lots of popular apps and websites out there, but as far as I’m considered a lot of them produce charts that are a pain in the ass to read off of (I’m looking at you Co-Star and AstroCharts). While maybe not as “pretty” as some of the others, creates charts that are much easier to read (to put all the pieces of the chart together). Also, when you pull your chart, whether on or elsewhere, you’re given both the natal chart wheel, and what I call the natal chart table. I see lots of people trying to read off of that fucking table alone (this is a bitching of mine lol), and if you’re only trying […]


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