Fucking badass – Lightning striking 3 buildings in Chicago

Definition of a Lightning Rod (or Lightning Attractor) – “A metal rod or wire fixed to an exposed part of a building or other tall structure to divert lightning harmlessly into the ground.

I wanna talk about lightning rods for just a second (and I promise this will go somewhere in just a second, lol, bear with me). A lightning rod is a protective thing keeps buildings and other structures from being decimated by lightning strikes. Another definition of a lightning rod is “a person or thing that attracts a lot of criticism, especially in order to divert attention from more serious issues or to allow a more important public figure to appear blameless.” In terms of a natal chart, I might tailor this definition just a little bit: |

“a place in the natal chart that takes the impact from a surge (or even overflow) of energy from another place in the chart.”

Where the fuck am I going with this? The Galactic Center/Galactic Anti-Center Axis, with the Galactic Anti-Center playing the role of the lightning rod.
**As an aside – I told myself on the day that I actually started drafting this blog post (July 4, 2021) that if the sky started with it’s lightning and thunder and shit that I was *probably* on some kind of semblance of the right track. And what the fuck do ya know? LIGHTNING! Fire in the sky ^_^**

In the last blog post about Out of Bounds Planets and their possible connection to the Galactic Center (since OOB planets feel like they have a similar energy to the GC), I mentioned a quote from Julian Assange that I am going to re-mention here because it REALLY got me thinking A LOT about the GC, and specifically the Galactic Anti-Center aka GaC (these next two “paragraphs” (the quote and the paragraph of text after it) are taken from my last blog post verbatim. This quote comes from a 2010 interview for Anorak News that he gave talking about WikiLeaks and his role in it):

“We always expect tremendous criticism. It is my role to be the lightning rod….to attract the attacks against the organization for our work, and that is a difficult role. On the other hand, I get undue credit.”

The notion of him being a “lightning rod” is interesting here – or rather the notion of the area opposite the GC (the area that composes the GaC) being a hypothetical “lightning rod” of sorts. The area opposite the GC being one that is struck and charged by the GC, but by way of taking the hit from the GC (perhaps, so everything around the GC, planets there or not, isn’t completely decimated). It kind of gives another flavor to how I’ve talked about the GaC being an area where we are “blinded” due to the bright ass star that is close to the GaC in space. Maybe it’s not just the blinding from that star – maybe the area across from the GC is also the area where the “lightning” from the GC strikes – and lightning is bright as fuck, too. Without a planet conjunct the GC, though, and just a planet opposite the GC (planet conjunct the GaC), there is nothing conjunct the GC to kind of “absorb” some of the charge – meaning the fucking lightning striking a planet conjunct the GaC (without a planet conjunct the GC, too) feels like it would be massive.

When I read that quote above (and this sounds fucking stupid lol) but it was almost like lightning stuck me and I fucking UNDERSTOOD HOW the Galactic Anti-Center functions (or…errrr….how I THINK it MIGHT function). I realize that Assange wasn’t talking AT ALL about the GaC when he made that comment (he was talking about himself being like a lightning rod for WikiLeaks), but looking at his chart and his own connections to the GC (he has Venus conjunct the GaC), I started making this lightning rod connection with the GaC …. and goddamn – feels like it fits. Here is a picture of his chart again so you can have a visual of what I’m talking about:

As you can see, he has nothing conjunct the GC, but he does have Venus opposite the GC/Venus conjunct the GaC. Here, the GaC and Venus function as the “lightning rod” for all of the energy of the GC. Regardless if someone has a planet conjunct the GC or not, the GC is STILL a player in the person’s chart (there is just such a massive amount of energy and charge around the GC, it feels like it matters in the chart regardless of if there is a planet conjunct the GC or not), which also makes the GaC a player in the chart, too. In his particular case, with nothing conjunct the GC to kind of transmute or absorb some of the energy from the GC, the energy absolutely has to “strike” somewhere else. This, I think, is where the GaC comes into play. This part of the actual sky is much more calm than the GC, which already makes it a perfect sort of place to get struck by this hypothetical lightning. Yes, it’s surrounded by space dust and it’s near a very bright and blinding star in space, but things are “calm” there …. which makes it seem that it would be even more “vulnerable” to the notion of it being a lightning rod in the first place. He also doesn’t have a planet or tangible body in the sky sextile the GaC or trine the GC. You know how I’ve mentioned before that the area sextile the GaC and trine the GC (from roughly 16-degrees Leo to 6-degrees Virgo and 16-degrees Aries to 6-degrees Taurus) is where the GC stuff can be brought “down to Earth.” Yeah, that makes even more sense in this context, especially since lightning rods have to be GROUNDED to the Earth. The grounding for the lightning rod in this case is the sextile to the GaC and the trine to the GC. Astrologically, it feels like Assange was left “wide open.” Yes, he has his Midheaven sextile the GaC, but this isn’t a tangible body in the sky (and the Sun, the planetary ruler of his Midheaven, does fuck all regarding the GC/GaC Axis).

I really do think that the area around the GaC is the lightning rod (or something LIKE a lightning rod) for all the energy that the GC can’t “take” (for whatever reason). This also kind of goes along with the idea that I’ve mentioned in some videos and some of my other blog posts that the GC is “protected” (along with any planets conjunct the GC being “protected” as well). The GC DEFINITELY transforms/mutates/changes/charges the planets that are conjunct it, but it doesn’t destroy them (energy can’t be “destroyed” anyway). Because there is SO MUCH energy going on at the GC, it seems like there would be an overflow OF energy, regardless if you had planets conjunct the GC or not (though, I’m thinking right now, the overflow of energy would probably be greater for people who have no conjunctions to the GC but have a planet or something major conjunct the GaC, since in this case the area around the GaC AND the planet would function as the lightning rod). Just to be clear, though, I think the GaC will function like a lightning rod regardless if there is a planet conjunct it or not (this notion of a lightning rod just seems amplified if there is a planet conjunct the GaC).

Let’s talk for a second about people that have NO planets conjunct the GC or the GaC – how might this axis function? Regardless if you have planets conjunct these places in the chart or not, you still have the GC in your chart which emits a shit ton of energy in the house which it falls. This might mean that there is a lot of “energy” in the house that the GC falls (and this energy might be kind of “weird”), or the way that you relate to the areas of life that this house deals with might be kind of “charged,” or “weird”. The overflow from this “charge” then strikes the area conjunct the GaC and completely rocks it’s quiet little part of space. Not only is one *maybe* kind of blinded or unclear about the areas of life where the GaC falls, but it is also left vulnerable to this energy surge from the GC (and is completely NOT expecting this). Where the GaC falls by house, you might find that the houses “areas of life” are susceptible to shocks and “upsets” that seem to take it by surprise. The GaC still feels like it would function as this hypothetical lightning rod even if there isn’t anything conjunct the GC or the GaC. This may or may not be as noticeable for people who have no planets conjunct either the GC or the GaC – I’m on the fence about how much it would be felt if you didn’t have any planets or anything major along the GC/GaC axis. I’m thinking, though, that something would still have to be felt SOMETIMES (even if not all the time). I would also venture to bet that people who have no planets conjunct the GC or GaC, but have the “grounding” needed (a planet trine the GC/sextile the GaC), might feel the energy from the GC/GaC axis more and might even have an easier time grounding the energy/doing something with it.

Lets say you have someone who has planets conjunct the GC, but no planet conjunct the GaC…how would this function? So in this case, hypothetically, you would have the planet conjunct the GC “absorbing” a lot of the GC energy (lighting it the fuck up). It still probably wouldn’t absorb ALL the energy, though, and in comes the lightning strikes to the GaC. Even without a planet conjunct the GaC, the GaC is still an attractor for these lightning strikes, meaning the house where the GaC falls will take the impact. It does seem like without an actual planet as the attractor, the entire house where the GaC falls would take the impact. How exactly does this translate? I could see there being issues in a lot of the areas of life in the house where the GaC falls. With no planet or other major planetary body to take the hit of the lightning strike, I could see this leaving the person not really knowing WHAT to do about the shock (or hell, they might not even be aware as much about how MUCH these areas of their life actually take “hits” to begin with). What probably helps the translation of this is having the “grounding” sextile to the GaC/trine to the GC (and planet conjunct the GC), though these people might not be as clear that there is anything they need to “ground” in the first place (which seems like it *could* cause a whole host of issues). While that planet (and area) conjunct the GC might be protected, they are left wide open where the GaC is found in the chart.

Then there are people who have BOTH conjunctions to the GC and conjunctions to the GaC. In this case, you have the planet conjunct the GC “absorbing” the GC energy (and “protected”), but again, there is so much energy with the GC that the lightning will strike somewhere else. In comes the planet conjunct the GaC to function as a clear attractor for the energy surge. While the planet conjunct the GC might be protected, that planet conjunct the GaC feels like it would take a massive fucking hit (meaning, for people who have something like this going on in their charts, the planet conjunct the GaC may function as sort of Achilles Heel of the chart). This is kind of where the feeling of polarity comes into play, too – the planet and area of life where the GC falls may be more understood by the person (even if it isn’t “easy,” it is understood), whereas the planet opposite the GC gets constantly fucked up the ass (and that planet and area of life may leave the person constantly feeling dumbfounded or “stupid” about what’s going on there). This feels like it would be made incredibly difficult if the person is lacking the trine to the GC/sextile to the GaC to ground the lightning strikes down to Earth. Not that it’s that much easier for the person with the trine to the GC/sextile to the GaC, but at least when the person has these, they have a way to ground the shocks to the GaC.

Will be looking into this even more…..stay tuned.

Here is the link to the video about this stuff, if you wanna check it out 🙃

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