Astrological Ramblings

Here is the first video that goes along with the blog post. Here is the second video. ***Since there are so many ways that the GC seems like it can function, and so many moving pieces that seem like they can correlate with the GC energy (and even the GaC energy), I’m going to try to streamline this blog post to the best of my ability without it going all over the fucking place. This still might happen in certain parts of this post – but hopefully not too much (crosses fingers). I also want to mention that this post will primarily deal with what to DO with all the energy from the GC and how to best utilize it to the person’s advantage.** At this point you might be wondering HOW any of these theories can actually be put INTO practice (there have been some questions that I’ve gotten recently about HOW the Galactic Center could be used in chart weaving/chart delineation). I have some IDEAS about that, but I wouldn’t take ANY of these as absolute truth. These are some ideas that you should try playing around with on your own (with your own natal chart and those of other people) and see if they “fit.” I AM JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE, and fucking with things is one of the ways that we learn new things. DO NOT HOLD ME TO ANY OF THIS. -Also keep in mind while reading this that the tighter the orb is […]
Here is the video I made about the GC in the 1st through 6th Houses, for all of you that are interested (and watchers rather than readers). Here is the video for the GC in the 7th through 12th Houses. I wanted to type something up about some thoughts on the GC in the different houses – taking the conjunctions to the GC and everything else that has been the focus of the research off of the table for just a second. Regardless if someone has conjunctions to the GC, Jupiter RX, conjunctions to the Galactic Anti-Center, and/or trines to the GC (or some other things that I’ve mentioned), the GC still feels like it would be important in the chart. Since the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Sun orbits the GC, it seems fundamental to the chart, regardless of if the planets in your chart make any of the GC contacts I’ve gone on about in other blog posts and videos or not. . How might the GC/GaC axis function in your own chart just taking the houses into account? Let’s take a look at some possibilities, keeping the below in mind as you read: **Keep in mind that these are more general ideas and you would want to take the whole chart into account. These will probably need to be tailored some for the particular chart that you are looking at. Just use these to get your own creativity going for ideas and for synthesis. **Keep the […]
I have always wanted to get into teaching astrology (and writing books!), and have recently started doing this teaching thang for clients that ask if I teach “courses” or things like that. These have translated into sessions that are more like “private lessons.” I like the one on one aspect of teaching this way, and it feeds into my tutoring roots (of which I have years of experience teaching kids and teenagers math & science). Anywho, it’s a lot of fun. So I figured I’d make a post about the bare bones basics on HOW to read a chart….because when you first start looking at them, they can look like some kind of fucking foreign alien language. First things first: create your birth chart if you haven’t already. I know there are lots of popular apps and websites out there, but as far as I’m considered a lot of them produce charts that are a pain in the ass to read off of (I’m looking at you Co-Star and AstroCharts). While maybe not as “pretty” as some of the others, creates charts that are much easier to read (to put all the pieces of the chart together). Also, when you pull your chart, whether on or elsewhere, you’re given both the natal chart wheel, and what I call the natal chart table. I see lots of people trying to read off of that fucking table alone (this is a bitching of mine lol), and if you’re only trying […]
I have been doing quite a few Solar Return Charts recently for people (which gave me the idea for this blog posting), and when people want their Solar Return Chart done I always have to include a section about the yearly Time Lord. This is done in a Part I (Solar Return Chart) and Part II (Yearly Time Lord) fashion, since the time lord is taken from the Natal Chart (but can still be used with the Solar Return). Personally, I feel that when looking at the year ahead from birthday to birthday, the Time Lord is far too important to leave out. First off, the notion behind the Time Lord comes from an old ass technique used by Hellenistic Astrologers to predict future events (and when I say “old ass technique,” I’m talking about this shit being used back in 200 BC or so). Now a days, the people that actually use this technique use what is known as Annual Profections. Essentially, starting from the Ascendant in the Natal Chart, each House of the chart represents a specific year of life (and depending on how old you are turning on your next birthday will show you what “House Year” you’re about to enter into). Here is a chart to quickly show you what Time Lord year you’re currently in or are about to enter into: 1st House- Ages 0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, etc..2nd House-Ages 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, etc…3rd House-Ages 2, 14, 26, […]
Chiron (the wounded healer) in the natal chart shows where our source of deepest wounding is in our lives. This wounding usually occurs during one’s childhood (what are supposed to be the happiest days of our lives have a tendency to fuck us up the worst), and it is a deep wound that never quite heals itself completely or correctly. Ironically enough, we are usually quite skilled at healing and helping OTHER people in the very way that we ourselves are wounded……we just have a hard time helping and healing ourselves. This all goes back to Chiron in mythology. The quick and dirty version of events goes as follows: Chiron is wounded by Hercules on accident with arrows coated in Hydra blood, and the wounds made by these arrows caused wounds that would never totally heal (and were quite painful). Chiron being immortal (a product of rape (his first wounding) and the offspring of Kronos and Philyra) meant that he could never die, but those wounds from the arrows would also never heal. Chiron wasn’t able to be released from his wounds until he took the place of Prometheus. Prometheus was chained to a rock by Zeus for his crime and had his liver eaten by an eagle daily, his liver then healed, and the bird would come back the next day to start the process over. By taking Prometheus’ place, Chiron was then made mortal and was finally able to die and be released from his wounds. ……yeah, a depressing […]
Chiron (the wounded healer) in the natal chart shows where our source of deepest wounding is in our lives. This wounding usually occurs during one’s childhood (what are supposed to be the happiest days of our lives have a tendency to fuck us up the worst), and it is a deep wound that never quite heals itself completely or correctly. Ironically enough, we are usually quite skilled at healing and helping OTHER people in the very way that we ourselves are wounded……we just have a hard time helping and healing ourselves. This all goes back to Chiron in mythology. The quick and dirty version of events goes as follows: Chiron is wounded by Hercules on accident with arrows coated in Hydra blood, and the wounds made by these arrows caused wounds that would never totally heal (and were quite painful). Chiron being immortal (a product of rape (his first wounding) and the offspring of Kronos and Philyra) meant that he could never die, but those wounds from the arrows would also never heal. Chiron wasn’t able to be released from his wounds until he took the place of Prometheus. Prometheus was chained to a rock by Zeus for his crime and had his liver eaten by an eagle daily, his liver then healed, and the bird would come back the next day to start the process over. By taking Prometheus’ place, Chiron was then made mortal and was finally able to die and be released from his wounds. ……yeah, a […]
Ahhhh, the 4th House! Another of my favorite house’s of the chart to dive into. You can learn a lot about the psyche of a person by dissecting the 4th House in their Natal Chart, and not superficial stuff, either. This house is typically assigned the keywords and phrases such as “The Home” (both early home life and now) ,” “The Mother” (or the Father, depending on the astrologer), “One’s Roots,” “The Family,” and “Private Life” (especially private since the Imum Coeli/I.C., typically the 4th House Cusp, is the most private place in the entire chart). I find this house to be all of those things, but especially what exactly home is to the native; the concept of home in general and how it can be different things for different people. (Things such as the 4th House ruler, planets in the 4th House, aspects made to the House, etc gives a better idea of how to answer that question). We are so conditioned to believe in home the same exact way; what to want, what to “need,” but these conditioned wants and needs aren’t necessarily what the individual truly needs, wants, or feels comfortable living in. Most of these concepts that we as people have of the idea of what home actually is stem from our early home life. Depending on what sign rules as guardian of your 4th House will color how exactly you express the energy of the house. Someone who has the 4th House in Aquarius possibly […]
When I get asked about this particular house in the natal chart (such as what it means when such and such planet finds itself paying rent there), there is usually a sort of fear behind the question. Behind the question usually lurk a sense of “oh my gahhh, I have Venus in the 12th House, I just know it’s bad.” Many of the different Keywords assigned to this house can seem nasty at first glance, so people tend to naturally think having ___ Planet in the 12th is automatically to their detriment. Though planets found in the 12th of one’s natal chart aren’t easy, they certainly aren’t unilaterally negative and their placement in the 12th has a purpose (usually to grow and evolve one in a spiritual way/on a soul level). Of the houses in the natal chart, the 12th is one of my favorites to explore (along with the 4th, but I’ll get around to that one later). This house is typically given keywords like “karma,””empathy and compassion,” “escape,” “the womb/mother’s labor experience,” “the unconscious,” “spirituality”, “prisons/imprisonment,” “hidden enemies,” “serve or suffer,” and the ever fear inducing “the house of self-undoing.” Unfortunately, in my experience people tend to focus far too much on the negative keywords and not enough on the positive ones. This house has a magical sort of quality to it, especially in terms of all the spirituality and compassion that can be found dwelling here (and even more so once the native has begun evolving beyond the more difficult traits of this […]


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