Astrological Ramblings

This particular missing person’s case has always really bothered me….it strikes a chord, if you will. I’m not sure if it’s because she is my age, or because she’s a native Austinite, or maybe because it’s just really fucking tragic to have a loved one be missing for SUCH a long time (or maybe it’s a little of all of the above). Roxanne Paltauf went missing in Austin, Texas on July 7, 2006. The last time she was supposedly seen was around 830 pm that evening when she left the Budget Inn Motel off of Rundberg and IH-35 after a fight with her boyfriend. Anyone who is familiar with Austin is familiar with that area of town, and while it might be different NOW, back in 2006 it wasn’t the safest place (I’m not sure what the area is like now, truth be told; even though I still live in Austin, it’s been years since I’ve been around that area other than driving past on I-35). The story goes that she left the hotel WITHOUT any of her stuff and was never seen again. The boyfriend claims to have no idea where she went or what happened to her. The astrology below tells me that while he may not have actually been the one to hurt her, her certainly KNOWS more than he’s saying (such as where she went and who she went off with). The boyfriend happened to be much of the focus of the police investigation (can’t really blame […]
On December 6, 1991 in Austin, Texas, shortly before midnight a police officer on patrol noticed the “I Can’t Believe it’s Yogurt!” shop off of W. Anderson Lane going up in flames and called it in to the fire department, to which AFD arrived and put the fire out. Once the fire was out, AFD noticed that there was much more to all of this than just a run of the mill fire – they found the bodies of four females inside the shop. The victims were Amy Ayers (13 years old), Eliza Thomas (17 years old), and sisters Sarah Harbison (15 years old) & Jennifer Harbison (17 years old). All four had been shot execution style and piled on top of each other, though Amy’s body was found away from the other three – the bullet missed her brain (they found a second bullet wound in her head which the other girls were lacking) which seems to suggest that she moved herself from the pile. Eliza Thomas & Jennifer Harbison were employees of the yogurt shop, while Sarah Harbison and Amy Ayers were said to be visiting Sarah’s sister at work (and they were going to get a ride home with her). These murders have haunted the city of Austin for over 3 decades and have come to be known as the Yogurt Shop Murders. **If you are more of a watcher than a reader, here is a YouTube video about this case that I did with Brandy of […]
Annual Profections are an astrology technique that I implement when doing my Solar Return and Annual Transits reading that I offer. My course on transits started last week and since this technique gets a class all to itself in the course, this felt like an appropriate time to do this post. Also, I’ve been going through my website over the past few months (fixing SEO stuff and other things), and I noticed there were some SEO problems with the original blog post I wrote on this topic in January 2020. So I’m fixing those issues now and adding in new things not mentioned before. **Also, the algorithm is fucking annoying (I could go off about that bullshit hahahaha but I’ll spare you), and likes “new posts.” Annual Transits, Annual Profections & Solar Return readings are a service that I offer (and THANK YOU so much to all the clients I have that come back to me year after year to have me do their Solar Return and annual transits chart work for them!). If you are interested in having me do this kind of reading for you (or any kind of astrology reading), you can have me do that here. If you are someone who prefers watching stuff to reading you can find stuff on this topic on my YouTube channel. What even are annual profections and the time lord? Essentially, starting from the Ascendant in the natal chart, each house of the chart represents a specific year of life […]
This post was originally published on September 2, 2021. As time has gone on (and my understanding of deep space astrology has deepened) I have learned more about how to possibly incorporate this deep space anomaly into reading an astrology chart. Rather than doing a whole new post on the Great Attractor, I figured I would bring together the old post with the new stuff that I’ve learned. Also, as of September 2024 there IS a questionnaire on the Great Attractor, the Shapley Attractor, and the Dipole Repeller. If you want to be a part of the research (volunteer as tribute 🤣) shoot an email to [email protected] and I’ll get you the questionnaire! Where is the Great Attractor located? Currently it’s at 14° 17′ Sagittarius. **Here is a video that I did about the Great Attractor in September 2021 if you’re more of a watcher than a reader. These videos from July 2023 are about the Shapley Attractor and the Dipole Repeller (which is what opposes Shapley in space). There is also a recent post written about the Shapley Attractor that can be found here. **If you would like for me to read your astrology chart, click this to set something up** **************************** Blog Post from 2021 Starts Below ******************************Lately I’ve been getting some messages on reddit (and even emails from previous clients) asking me about the Great Attractor – wanting to know if I will ever be discussing/diving into this, or if I was even aware of this anomaly […]
A little over a year ago I did a video on the Shapley Attractor but never made an “astrological ramblings” post about it (I have tried to make more time for writing recently and it feels SO GOOD to be doing this again). Why do this post now? Well, there has been an influx of people reaching out over the summer about different Galactic conjunctions they have in their charts, and conjunctions to Shapley (and the Great Attractor) have been brought up a whole bunch. Since Shapley and the Great Attractor aren’t actually ON the Galactic Grand Cross questionnaire, I think some people have wondered if I have done any research on them at all. In answer to that question…yes, yes I have (eventually the Great Attractor, Shapley, and even the Dipole Repeller need to be added to the current questionnaire or a new one needs to be created). **Side note: If anyone wants to be a part of the Galactic Center/Galactic Grand Cross research, shoot me an email or leave a comment on this post and I’ll get you the questionnaire ^_^ What is the Shapley Attractor? It’s a deep space anomaly (an even bigger anomaly than the Great Attractor!) that functions kind of like a black hole but isn’t a black hole. As far as I know (in 2024 as I’m writing this) scientists aren’t really sure what the hell Shapley actually is. What science does seem to know is that Shapley appears to be pulling things towards it (like […]
Over the past couple of years, Brandy Burrow of Brandy Burrow Astrology and I have been looking at forensic astrology and event charts for a series that we’ve been running called “The Astrology Surrounding.” This week we did an episode on “The Astrology Surrounding the Death of Jeffrey Epstein” in honor of that asshole’s death 5 years ago on August 10, 2019.  In the video on YouTube, Brandy and I look at two charts:-First chart we look at is for the last time that Epstein was seen arriving back into his cell on August 9, 2019 at 7:49 pm at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City. -Second Chart we look at is for 6:39 am in the same location on August 10, 2019 which is when his time of death was called.In the video we don’t go much into the different theories as to why he died or who may have been behind his death; this video is strictly looking at the question of “did he kill himself or not?”  What we found is that yes, he is dead. And no, he didn’t kill himself. Go watch the video because it’s a lot to recap in this blog post 🤣. Below you will find the charts that were looked at in the video (chart on the left is the last time the creep was seen and the chart on the right is when the creep’s death was called: With all of that said (and because it has been made painfully […]
United States Uranus Return disclaimer – This isn’t a piece to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy). Just to start this off (as a continuation from the last post on Uranus in Gemini) here are the 4 most recent periods of time in history that transit Uranus was in Gemini (over the past 300 or so years) before the 2020’s:-July 10, 1690 through Nov. 4, 1690; April 28, 1691 through July 31, 1697; Dec. 16, 1697 through May 18, 1698-June 19, 1774 through Dec. 1, 1774; April 8, 1775 through July 12, 1781; Jan. 12, 1782 through April 28, 1782-June 2, 1858 through Jan. 1, 1859; March 14, 1859 through June 27, 1865; Feb. 17, 1866 through March 27, 1866-August 7, 1941 through Oct. 5, 1941; May 15, 1942 through August 30, 1948; Nov. 12, 1948 through June 10, 1949 Fast forward to the future: Transit Uranus will move into Gemini on July 7, 2025 for the first time.-It will slip back into Taurus on November 8, 2025 through April 26, 2026-Enters Gemini on April 26, […]
Transit Uranus in Gemini Disclaimer – This isn’t a piece intended to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy). We need to talk about something that has been on my radar for several years at this point (lol here is a video I did about this subject in the fall of 2021), and that something is Uranus moving into Gemini (here is a link to the recent video on YT I did about this same thing). This has been on my radar not only because the US is about to have its Uranus Return (which, lol, historically signals some kind of shit), but also because the world in general feels like it’s gone off the rails and devolved into chaos just a little bit (which makes me wonder what stuff will look like once Uranus actually moves into Gemini). Here in the US everyone has been so focused on Pluto’s Return that Uranus’ Return seemed to be completely overlooked by most until recently. In my opinion Uranus’ Return is the bigger deal […]
Asteroid Astrology! While asteroids aren’t necessary to read a chart (the meat and potatoes will always be with the planets, the nodal axis, etc.), they can add another layer to chart weaving (and asteroids are also just A LOT of fun!). A friend of mine made the comment a while back that the incorporation of asteroids is like the fine tuning of an instrument, and I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment. As I’ve been going through my website (on the back-end cleaning things up), I noticed that while I have certainly written about certain asteroids (and have done even more videos for the YouTube channel on asteroids) I have never written about HOW to read asteroids in a natal chart….so that’s what this post is about. Obviously, this is an opinion piece, MY opinion on how to read asteroids in a chart. But! The way that I do this does resonate with clients, so I feel like I’m doing something right with the way that I approach reading the asteroids. First of all, there are SO MANY asteroids to choose from in the asteroid databank, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. If you are wanting to start fucking with asteroids but aren’t sure where to start, Chiron should be at the top of your list with which to look. Starting with some of the major ones to see where they land in your chart like the Asteroid Goddesses (Vesta, Pallas, Juno, and Ceres) might be […]
Asteroid Chariklo – Asteroid Number 10199 – Discovered on February 15, 1997 How to Read Asteroid Chariklo in a Natal Chart (things she might want to express):-States of transition or being in a state of flux-Where one may not get the “credit” they deserve (or may not give themselves the credit they deserve)-Devotion, duty, and love (and being devoted, dutiful, and loving in relationships)-Healing with feminine/receptive energy (and transmutation of pain)-“Wise Woman” archetype (or just “wise female/receptive energy”)**Even a place where the feminine and masculine sides of energy are blended-Boundaries-Doing things (all of the above and more!) with grace and tact**The name Chariklo means “Graceful Spinner” As I have started going through the motions of cleaning stuff up across the board (on the site, on the YouTube channel, etc.), it was noticed that THIS blog post was started two years ago and never finished. Absolutely unacceptable on my end because I love Chariklo so much (I really, really do!). Also, I recently had a client with Chariklo prominently placed in her chart which we spent a good part of the reading talking about. To say she’s been on my mind lately is an understatement, lol. It’s also been a long time since I’ve done a blog post….and it’s about damn time I did one. Chariklo seemed like the perfect subject with which to jump back in. Side note: What is a prominent Chariklo (or any asteroid) in a natal chart? In my opinion, you would want to see Chariklo conjunct […]


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