Astrological Ramblings

Hey Everyone! So I haven’t been as active on here lately, but that is because I have been very busy! On top of all the client work I’ve had the past few months (which, by the way, I am so grateful to all of y’all that have hired me), myself and probably one of the dearest friends I’ve ever had, Natalie Mithqal, decided to create something. And without further ado, here are the Star Cards. These little beauties can be used to help you learn how to read your own (or anyone’s chart)! They are 45 cards and an over 100 page notebook for study (and you can actually take notes in the damn thing!). Here is a layout of all of the cards (in the proof version) if you want to get a better idea of what is included in full. There are 12 Sign cards, 10 Planet cards, 12 House cards, 6 Aspect cards, and 5 “Miscellaneous” cards (the North Node, the South Node, Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, and the Sun/Moon Midpoint). The backs have the glyphs for each thing talked about on the front. I am pretty visual person, so having the sign, planet, and house cards all next to one another laid out helps to create the synthesis visually between the different parts of the chart. Start easy first (with just a planet in a house, or just a planet in a sign), and then moving on to more complicated synthesis – such as a planet/house/sign […]
I have always wanted to get into teaching astrology (and writing books!), and have recently started doing this teaching thang for clients that ask if I teach “courses” or things like that. These have translated into sessions that are more like “private lessons.” I like the one on one aspect of teaching this way, and it feeds into my tutoring roots (of which I have years of experience teaching kids and teenagers math & science). Anywho, it’s a lot of fun. So I figured I’d make a post about the bare bones basics on HOW to read a chart….because when you first start looking at them, they can look like some kind of fucking foreign alien language. First things first: create your birth chart if you haven’t already. I know there are lots of popular apps and websites out there, but as far as I’m considered a lot of them produce charts that are a pain in the ass to read off of (I’m looking at you Co-Star and AstroCharts). While maybe not as “pretty” as some of the others, creates charts that are much easier to read (to put all the pieces of the chart together). Also, when you pull your chart, whether on or elsewhere, you’re given both the natal chart wheel, and what I call the natal chart table. I see lots of people trying to read off of that fucking table alone (this is a bitching of mine lol), and if you’re only trying […]
Yod, Yod, Yod…..what the fuck is a Yod? I see this question (though maybe not asked this exact same way, hahaha) posted quite frequently on different forums and even by my own clients. People are always wondering (and with good reason!) what the fuck the Yod in their chart means for them. They’ve been popping up in my own client’s charts more recently, and I figured this was the time to actually do a post on them. The Yod (also known as The Finger of God) is an aspect, like the one mentioned in the chart above, where you have two planets sextile one another with the two sextile planets quincunx/inconjunct (150 degrees) from the same planet (or the apex of the Yod). The sextile planets are in harmony, operating on the same wavelength, while both of those planets are putting stress on the apex of the Yod through the quincunx aspects. While the sextile is harmonious, usually until the Yod is worked through the sextile may operate at the lower end vibrationally (i.e.: exhibiting the least desirable traits of the sextile in question) due to the quincunx stress. To understand what a Yod is, I suppose you need to first understand what a quincunx aspect is. The 150 degree aspect means that you’re (more than likely) dealing with two different sign energies that don’t understand one another. One sign is usually better expressed and understood, while the other one is completely left out. In the case of the Yod, […]
I always get asked questions about Lilith from clients. Not only that though, but I’m constantly seeing questions about Lilith on the different forums that I creep on & answer questions. “How does she effect my life?” “What does it mean to have Lilith in Libra in the 6th House?” “What does it mean that she’s in conjunction with my Midheaven?” “Does having Lilith in the 8th make me a fucked up bitch?” These are just a few examples of questions that I’ve either received myself or just seen posted different places. I think before you can really understand HOW Lilith effects your life by placement in the natal chart, it is important to not only understand who Lilith was, but also to make sure that you know which Lilith you’re talking about; the asteroid Lilith, Black Moon Lilith, TRUE Black Moon Lilith or Dark Moon Lilith. For the purposes of this blog post, I will be focusing primarily on Black Moon Lilith (circled in Red below). From my own chart, here is an example of what these look like in one’s chart. Black Moon Lilith is what will usually come up for the “Lilith” option on a website like (If you happen to want to see where the other Lilith’s fall in your chart, Asteroid Lilith is h13, and Dark Moon Lilith/Waldemath’s Moon is h58.) So, if you use at all to create charts, Black Moon Lilith is probably the version of Lilith that you are most […]
**I know this post deviates quite a bit from the out of bounds stuff I was talking about last week. I’m not through there at all, but the topic of orbs has come up many times on the forums that I creep on (and answer questions), and it struck me that this would make a good post.** What is an orb exactly you may be asking? An orb is how close together planets are in aspect in a natal chart (or any kind of chart, really). Why are they important? The tighter the orb between two planets, the more that particular energy may manifest in the person’s life. Which ones to look at first? I generally like to look at the orbs between the aspects made by the luminaries and the chart ruler (ruler of the Ascendant) first. An example of an aspect’s orb from my own chart can be found in the pictures below. In the first picture, circled in purple, you can see the conjunction between Pluto and Mercury in Scorpio in the 11th at about a 5 degree or so orb. The second picture is of the different aspects in the chart. You will notice next to the little symbols in the boxes there is also a number. That number is the orb between the aspects. Different astrologers have different ways of reading charts and reading the orbs made between planetary aspects. Some use a 10 degree orb across the board, and some use a slightly larger […]
A question that I get asked often has to do with mental illnesses/mental differences, and if I’m able to see things like that in the natal chart. The answer to this particular question is yes and no. The natal chart is like a blueprint of possibilities for the person (and the soul) in this lifetime. Just because something “difficult” shows up in one’s natal chart regarding mental illness (or anything, really) doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will ever manifest that particular difficult energy into reality. Though, if the propensity *is* there for mental illness to occur, whether or not it actually occurs depends on a number of factors (such as biology, environment, and nurturing), as well as heavier transits hitting the aspect in question, thus activating it. Since I am specifically talking about mental illnesses & mental differences, certain aspects made between The Moon and Mercury (specifically the square, opposition and conjunction) seem to cause people some issues in the areas of mental health. The specific types of mental health issues that these hard aspects between Mercury and Uranus tend to produce are anxiety (either full blown or just some general nervousness), and moodiness (all the way to the extreme end of the spectrum with intense mood swings). This is a trend that I have noticed time and time again, and I suppose the part of me that finds mental health and psychology fascinating wanted to discuss it  **Just for a bit of reference……Mercury is essentially the mind of […]
Questions that I get asked often have to do with mental illnesses/mental differences/learning differences, and if I’m able to see things like that in the natal chart. The answer to this particular question is yes and no. The natal chart is like a blueprint of possibilities for the person (and the soul) in this lifetime. Just because something “difficult” shows up in one’s natal chart regarding mental illness, learning differences, or anything really, doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will ever manifest that particular difficult or different energy into reality. Though, if the propensity *is* there for mental illness or learning differences to occur, whether or not it actually occurs depends on a number of factors (such as biology, environment, and nurturing), as well as heavier transits hitting the aspect in question, thus activating it. Since I am specifically talking about mental illnesses/mental differences, square aspects made between The Sun and Uranus and The Sun and Neptune can cause specific types of issues having to do with anxiety and addictions/paranoia. (Pluto Square the Sun is another big one, but I will cover that one in another post). This is a trend that I have noticed time and time again, and I suppose the part of me that finds mental health and psychology fascinating wanted to discuss it ***As a disclaimer, I am in no way, shape, or form saying that people automatically have mental issues by default when they have these harder aspects in their natal charts. I’m only saying that […]
Questions that I get asked often have to do with mental illnesses/mental differences/learning differences, and if I’m able to see things like that in the natal chart. The answer to this particular question is yes and no. The natal chart is like a blueprint of possibilities for the person (and the soul) in this lifetime. Just because something “difficult” shows up in one’s natal chart regarding mental illness, learning differences, or anything really, doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will ever manifest that particular difficult or different energy into reality. Though, if the propensity *is* there for mental illness or learning differences to occur, whether or not it actually occurs depends on a number of factors (such as biology, environment, and nurturing), as well as heavier transits hitting the aspect in question, thus activating it. Since I am specifically talking about mental illnesses/mental differences/learning differences, certain aspects made between Mercury and Saturn (specifically the square, opposition and conjunction) seem to cause people some issues in the areas of mental health and information processing/learning. The specific types of issues that these hard aspects between Mercury and Saturn tend to produce are being overly critical of oneself, overly restricting the things that one says, possible learning differences dealing with information processing (though these people are usually very smart regardless), and depression/depressive ways of thinking. This is a trend that I have noticed time and time again, and I suppose the part of me that finds mental health and psychology fascinating wanted to […]
A question that I get asked often has to do with mental illnesses/mental differences, and if I’m able to see things like that in the natal chart. The answer to this particular question is yes and no. The natal chart is like a blueprint of possibilities for the person (and the soul) in this lifetime. Just because something “difficult” shows up in one’s natal chart regarding mental illness (or anything, really) doesn’t necessarily mean that the person will ever manifest that particular difficult energy into reality. Though, if the propensity *is* there for mental illness to occur, whether or not it actually occurs depends on a number of factors (such as biology, environment, and nurturing), as well as heavier transits hitting the aspect in question, thus activating it. Since I am specifically talking about mental illnesses & mental differences, certain aspects made between Mercury and Uranus (specifically the square, opposition and conjunction) seem to cause people some issues in the areas of mental health. The specific types of mental health issues that these hard aspects between Mercury and Uranus tend to produce are anxiety (either full blown or just some general nervousness), ADHD, all the way over to schizophrenia (among other things). This is a trend that I have noticed time and time again, and I suppose the part of me that finds mental health and psychology fascinating wanted to discuss it 🙂**Just for a bit of reference……Mercury is essentially the mind of the natal chart, where we think and […]


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