Astrological Ramblings

This particular missing person’s case has always really bothered me….it strikes a chord, if you will. I’m not sure if it’s because she is my age, or because she’s a native Austinite, or maybe because it’s just really fucking tragic to have a loved one be missing for SUCH a long time (or maybe….it’s a little of all of that). Roxanne Paltauf went missing in Austin, Texas on July 7, 2006. The last time she was supposedly  seen was at 830 pm that evening when she left the Budget Inn Motel off of Rundberg and IH-35 that she and her boyfriend were staying at. Anyone who is familiar with Austin is familiar with that area of town, and while it might be different NOW, back then it wasn’t the safest place with the world’s greatest cast of characters circling about. (I’m not sure what the area is like now, truth be told). The story goes that she left the hotel WITHOUT any of her stuff and was never seen again. The boyfriend claims to have no idea where she went or what happened to her. The astrology below tells me that while he may not have actually been the one to hurt her, her certainly KNOWS more than he’s saying (such as where she went and who she went off with). The boyfriend happened to be much of the focus of the police investigation (can’t really blame them, because on the face of it, he seems the most likely candidate). However, […]
Last seen charts are both ominous and of much interest to me. I’d like to think that I can eventually help to use my astrological “powers” for good, and I can’t think of anything more “good” than helping to give families answers to their missing loved ones whereabouts and what happened to them in the first place. At this point, a lot of people are aware that Naya Rivera (of Glee fame, among other things) went missing in Lake Piru on July 8th, 2020. The circumstances of this case are, well, just kind of weird and ask more questions than they answer. She rented a boat and was last seen around 1 pm with her little boy going out into the water. Hours later, around 4:30 pm, someone called 911 to alert authorities that there was a toddler on a boat in the lake (her Son), unaccompanied. Exactly what has been ascertained from the boy is a little unclear (to me anyway), though that’s totally understandable. He’s, I’m sure, in shock, and he’s only 4. It sounds like they were swimming, or she was just swimming, and she never got back into the boat. My heart absolutely breaks for her son and her whole family (and I’m not that much of an emotional person, really….but this situation is just really, really sad). Because I had (and still obviously have) some questions about what happened to her, I decided to pull a “Last Seen” chart to try to shed some light […]
Midpoints! A very important astrological concept and one that is not talked about as frequently as they should be. So I am here to talk about them now, hahaha. A midpoint is essentially the equal distance between two planets (or celestial bodies). You can look at planets that are aspecting one another, or planets that don’t. Midpoints can be used either way. How to actually calculate the midpoints for any planet/celestial body aspect? You can either use a computer generated program, or you can do them by hand. You will need to turn the degrees to the 360 degree zodiac first. The 360 degree zodiac is as follows:Aries: 0 to 30 degrees Taurus: 30 to 60 degrees. Gemini: 60 to 90 degrees. Cancer: 90 to 120 degrees Leo: 120 to 150 degrees Virgo: 150 to 180 degreesLibra: 180 to 210 degreesScorpio: 210 to 240 degreesSagittarius: 240 to 270 degreesCapricorn: 270 to 300 degreesAquarius: 300 to 330 degreesPisces: 330 to 360 degrees So, this is my chart above. I have the Sun and Moon Circled in Purple, and the Sun/Moon midpoint as the purple dot between Saturn and that Venus/Uranus clusterfuck. To find this midpoint by hand, I did this!——–Turn 1 Sagittarius 45 to 241 Sagittarius 45——–Turn 16 Capricorn 03 to 286 Capricorn 03Then you add them together (adding the degrees and the minutes separately):——-Degrees: 241 + 286 = 527——-Minutes: 45 + 03 = 48Then you divide the degrees & minutes by two: ——527/2 = 263.5 which translates to 23 degrees […]


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