Astrological Ramblings

Interview with an Astrologer-Philip Sedgwick also known as the mack fucking daddy of the Galactic Center (and Galactic Astrology) This conversation took place on August 11, 2022, over zoom. Philip’s parts of the conversation are in bold, and mine are not bolded. The parts that are in parenthesis are things that might be necessary for one to know for some context of the question and/or answers (and also for other side notes). This entire conversation was such a professional highlight ^_^ “Hey Philip!”“Hey Ellie. So, how the hell are you?”“I’m pretty good – I’m excited! How about you?”“I’m good. Do you want to ask me your questions, and that way I can have a little more of spontaneous response to them?” “Okay, sounds good! All of the questions were okay though, right?”(I always like to shoot over the questions that I want to ask in an interview before the interview happens). “Yeah, there’s a couple of answers that will be a little different than the track of the question, but nonetheless, it will work.” “Okay – that is fine. (I start getting my iPad out with the questions).“So, what got you interested in astrology in the first place? What was the spark?” “Well, I was in the Navy, and I was up for a security clearance, and one day I was in a coffee shop at the base where our ship was stationed, and this guy came up to me and asked me for my birthday. I told him, and […]
**Here is a video that I did about this same thing, if you’re more of a watcher than a reader** Lately I’ve been getting some messages on reddit (and even emails from previous clients) asking me about the Great Attractor – wanting to know if I will ever be discussing/diving into this, or if I was even aware of this anomaly in space in the first place. Since it has come up enough, I figured I would do a post about this since I am aware of this and it IS on my radar (I have just been too preoccupied with clients and the GC to really dive in). I am absolutely delighted that so many of you all are aware of the Great Attractor, too ^_^ So…..what is the Great Attractor? It is supposedly the gravitational pull point in the Laniakea Supercluster (a “meta-galaxy”/collection of superclusters of galaxies in which our own galaxy is a part of). It is considered an anomaly because the Great Attractor functions like a black hole (it warps time, space, and light), but unlike a black hole it has no event horizon (so it doesn’t fit the standard definition OF a black hole). The Great Attractor appears to be pulling different super clusters of galaxies towards it, and scientists believe that our own galaxy supercluster is also being pulled towards it. The GA is also thought to be made up of “dark energy.” The definition of dark energy is “anything that is, in effect, […]
**Here is a video that I made about the same thing, for all of you that would rather watch than read** I haven’t done any percentages lately about different things I’ve been looking at in regards to the Galactic Center (things that feel like they tie in with the GC but seem to function as a “amplifier” to the GC for people who are already inclined to the way that the GC functions). So, lol, I figured I would do a post about THIS very thing and show what I’ve come up with THUS far. I have talked about Jupiter Retrograde throughout this whole study and how I feel like it has a natural affinity with the way that the GC functions. Jupiter (retrograde or direct) has a tie with the GC energy since the GC falls in Sagittarius, but Jupiter Retrograde does feel like it has a special place here. I decided to take Mercury Rx out of this (in the original percentages I was lumping Jupiter Rx and Mercury Rx shit together which I shouldn’t have done). I haven’t fucked with Mercury Rx this go around (though I’m sure I will in future percentage calculations). Instead, this time around I was looking for the percentage of people who have Jupiter Rx (or were born during the shadow period) and/or Jupiter involved with the GC in some way (via conjunction, opposition, trine, or even the square….though I’m still not quite sure WHAT to do with the squares yet). The […]
Here is the video that goes along with this post (if you are more of watcher than a reader) I wanted to type up something quickly about the Super Galactic Center, to at least acknowledge its presence. I wasn’t really going to even get into the Super GC yet, but I felt like it was time for it to be mentioned, especially with more people asking when squares to the GC will be explored. The Super GC ties into the squares with the GC because of where it is located in the chart – right now it is at 2-degrees Libra. This is within the window of orb that I would be looking at for squares to the GC. The Super GC does appear to move more quickly than the GC does – for instance, when I was born in November 1987, the Super GC was at 29-Virgo (so that it does seem to move more quickly than the GC does, which was between 26 & 27-degrees Sagittarius for most of the 20th Century). To pull the super GC in your chart, go to and create your natal chart. Then go to “extended chart selection.” Once there, go down to where it says “additional objects” and find the “list of fixed stars” (and click on it). Go down the list until you get to the G’s and find the option listed as “Gal.Pole, GPol” and pick it. Then pull your chart again and you will see where the Super […]


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