**Here is a video that I made about the same thing, for all of you that would rather watch than read**

I haven’t done any percentages lately about different things I’ve been looking at in regards to the Galactic Center (things that feel like they tie in with the GC but seem to function as a “amplifier” to the GC for people who are already inclined to the way that the GC functions). So, lol, I figured I would do a post about THIS very thing and show what I’ve come up with THUS far.

I have talked about Jupiter Retrograde throughout this whole study and how I feel like it has a natural affinity with the way that the GC functions. Jupiter (retrograde or direct) has a tie with the GC energy since the GC falls in Sagittarius, but Jupiter Retrograde does feel like it has a special place here. I decided to take Mercury Rx out of this (in the original percentages I was lumping Jupiter Rx and Mercury Rx shit together which I shouldn’t have done). I haven’t fucked with Mercury Rx this go around (though I’m sure I will in future percentage calculations). Instead, this time around I was looking for the percentage of people who have Jupiter Rx (or were born during the shadow period) and/or Jupiter involved with the GC in some way (via conjunction, opposition, trine, or even the square….though I’m still not quite sure WHAT to do with the squares yet). The percentage that I came back for this was 63% – meaning 63% of people have Jupiter Rx (or born in the shadow period) and/or have Jupiter (direct or Rx) making one of the aspects mentioned before to the GC (and the planet conjunct the GC). I found that 37% of participants do not have Jupiter Rx (or born under the shadow period) and don’t have Jupiter making an aspect to the planet conjunct the GC or to the GC itself.
To break this down even further:
-69% of these people have Jupiter Rx (or were born during the shadow period)
-31% of these people have Jupiter (either direct or Rx) making an aspect to the GC and planet conjunct the GC.

To keep going with the Jupiter thing for a minute, I wanted to look and see how many people had aspects between Jupiter and Chiron, Jupiter and Saturn, and Jupiter and Uranus in their charts. The bounds for this part of the study are simple – it didn’t matter if Jupiter is direct or Rx, or if any of these objects mentioned make contacts with the GC. Since everyone in the study will have SOMETHING conjunct the GC (so far, anyway), I was just curious what the different contacts looked like between these planets (and asteroid) across the different charts. The aspects that I was taking into consideration here are the conjunction, trine, sextile, opposition, square, and quincunx.
**Jupiter/Chiron Aspects**
-66% of people in the study thus far have Jupiter making an aspect with Chiron
-34% of people in the study thus far did not have Jupiter making an aspect with Chiron
**Jupiter/Saturn Aspects**
-57% of people in the study thus far have Jupiter making an aspect with Saturn
-43% of people in the study thus far don’t have Jupiter making aspect with Saturn
**Jupiter/Uranus Aspects**
-61% of the people in the study thus far have Jupiter making an aspect with Uranus
-39% of the people in this study thus far don’t have Jupiter making an aspect with Uranus

Bringing up the topic of aspects for just a second, I think in the next go-around of percentages to see where things stand, I will be looking at some minor aspects (like the septile, noville, vigintile, etc.). Specifically, I think I will probably focus on the planet (or planets) conjunct the GC and if that planet also happens to make one of these more minor aspects with another planet in the chart.

I also took a look at Chiron – both to see how many people have Chiron direct and Chiron Rx and to see how many people have Chiron making an aspect to the GC (conjunction, trine, opposition, and square are what I was looking at here). This is what I came back with:
-50% of people have Chiron Rx SOMEWHERE in the natal chart (doesn’t have to be involved with the GC). The other 50% of people have Chiron direct.
-54% of people have Chiron (either direct or Rx) making one of the aspects mentioned above to the GC.
-46% of people have Chiron (either direct or Rx) NOT making one of the aspects mentioned above to the GC.
–Chiron here should be thought of an an amplifier for the GC energy. While it’s energy certainly ties in with the GC, I think in order for Chiron (direct or Rx) to amplify the GC, something needs to be conjunct or opposite the GC in the first place. I would think that Chiron Rx would serve as a greater amplifier in these cases, since Rx energy ALSO seems to have an affinity for the GC.

Retrograde planets were the next thing that I wanted to revisit. I looked at these from a couple of different angles, the first of which being the charts of people I would consider to be “retrograde heavy.” When I think of a retrograde heavy chart, I think of someone who has their chart ruler retrograde, or someone who has 3 or more planets retrograde in their chart (things like this make me think “ah, this person has a retrograde heavy chart”). Since everyone in the study thus far has a planet conjunct the GC, I was curious how many of these people would be considered Rx heavy. This is what I came up with:
-60% of people have retrograde heavy charts
-40% of people don’t have retrograde heavy charts (even if they have one or two planets retrograde somewhere)
–I was curious to see how many retrograde heavy people may have been drawn to take part in this research, lol, since there does seem to be an affinity between retrograde planets and the GC.
From here I wanted to look at the percentage of people who have a retrograde planet conjunct the GC. I have mentioned before some thoughts about this; while the GC seems to have an affinity for retrograde energy, I do wonder WHAT happens to planets conjunct the GC that are retrograde. Does this amplify the retrograde feeling of the planet, or does it do something along the lines of “turning” the planet direct? I could see either of these being a possibility. These are the numbers I came back for this:
-68% of people had only direct planets (or a direct planet) conjunct the GC
-32% of people had at least one retrograde planet conjunct the GC

I also wanted to look at planets Out of Bounds, and how many people have Out of Bounds planets in their natal charts (since I do think that OOB planets might amplify the energy of the GC IF there is already a planet conjunct the GC, or opposing the GC). These are the numbers that I came up with:
-28% of people have NO Out of Bounds planets in their chart
-72% of people have at least 1 planet OOB in their chart
–From the percentage of people that have at least one planet OOB, I broke this down further:
-48% of people have 1 planet OOB
-42% of people have 2 planets OOB
-10% of people have 3 planets OOB
-No participants had more than 3 planets OOB
From there I wanted to look and see how many people had their OOB planet (or planets) conjunct the GC. For this, all the planets that someone has OOB didn’t have to be conjunct the GC (I was just looking to see if at least one OOB planet was conjunct the GC for the cases of people having multiple OOB planets). Here are the numbers I found:
-79% of people that have OOB planets have at least one OOB planet conjunct the GC
-21% of people have OOB planets that make no conjunction to the GC

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4 Responses

  1. oh yeah, I can see where you’re going with the Asc/MC points (though I do think it’s probably important for people that have any kind of planetary conjunction….especially an inner planet, obviously, since they aren’t generational lol). But yeah, the notion of being “chosen” is an interesting to play around with in this context

  2. The event angle may be more viable. Also, I think the proximity of the Ascendant/Midheaven points to the GC can help one to understand a person’s life purpose. Many are called, few are chosen.

  3. The results are a little different this time because I changed the criteria for organization for the groups (the way I have it now makes more sense).

    In practical terms (like in general practice) there may not be a whole lot of use for the GC. It might be something that really is most important in the charts of people who HAVE GC contacts of some nature. I’ve also thought that the GC/GaC axis could be used LIKE a personal sensitive point (but it would have to function a little differently since it’s not a personal thing and will be found in the same place in anyone’s chart). Still on the fence about this.

    I know it’s useful, still trying to figure out exactly how and in what contexts it is the most useful. I’m thinking it being activated in event charts would probably be important (it could definitely be used in those).

  4. I’m not sure if I’m just being thick today, but I was wondering what your sample size is. I studied statistics in High School, and the rule of thumb is that the more people in your study, the greater the percentages will even out.

    The Chiron Rx (or not) being 50% is interesting in itself. Really, though, I wonder what use the GC is in practical terms…

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