Astrological Ramblings

Asteroid Astrology! While asteroids aren’t necessary to read a chart (the meat and potatoes will always be with the planets, the nodal axis, etc.), they can add another layer to chart weaving (and asteroids are also just A LOT of fun!). A friend of mine made the comment a while back that the incorporation of asteroids is like the fine tuning of an instrument, and I couldn’t agree more with this sentiment. As I’ve been going through my website (on the back-end cleaning things up), I noticed that while I have certainly written about certain asteroids (and have done even more videos for the YouTube channel on asteroids) I have never written about HOW to read asteroids in a natal chart….so that’s what this post is about. Obviously, this is an opinion piece, MY opinion on how to read asteroids in a chart. But! The way that I do this does resonate with clients, so I feel like I’m doing something right with the way that I approach reading the asteroids. First of all, there are SO MANY asteroids to choose from in the asteroid databank, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to begin. If you are wanting to start fucking with asteroids but aren’t sure where to start, Chiron should be at the top of your list with which to look. Starting with some of the major ones to see where they land in your chart like the Asteroid Goddesses (Vesta, Pallas, Juno, and Ceres) might be […]
Asteroid Chariklo – Asteroid Number 10199 – Discovered on February 15, 1997 How to Read Asteroid Chariklo in a Natal Chart (things she might want to express):-States of transition or being in a state of flux-Where one may not get the “credit” they deserve (or may not give themselves the credit they deserve)-Devotion, duty, and love (and being devoted, dutiful, and loving in relationships)-Healing with feminine/receptive energy (and transmutation of pain)-“Wise Woman” archetype (or just “wise female/receptive energy”)**Even a place where the feminine and masculine sides of energy are blended-Boundaries-Doing things (all of the above and more!) with grace and tact**The name Chariklo means “Graceful Spinner” As I have started going through the motions of cleaning stuff up across the board (on the site, on the YouTube channel, etc.), it was noticed that THIS blog post was started two years ago and never finished. Absolutely unacceptable on my end because I love Chariklo so much (I really, really do!). Also, I recently had a client with Chariklo prominently placed in her chart which we spent a good part of the reading talking about. To say she’s been on my mind lately is an understatement, lol. It’s also been a long time since I’ve done a blog post….and it’s about damn time I did one. Chariklo seemed like the perfect subject with which to jump back in. Side note: What is a prominent Chariklo (or any asteroid) in a natal chart? In my opinion, you would want to see Chariklo conjunct […]
**Here is the video that I made about this blog post, for anyone that is more of a watcher than a reader** I have mentioned several times throughout all of the videos and blog posts that Jupiter Rx feels like it ties heavily into the Galactic Center. Obviously, the planet Jupiter will have an affinity for the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius (and as long as the GC is in Sagittarius, this affinity will remain). The retrograde motion of Jupiter, which I have talked about several times, seems to tie to the GC even further – the notion of KNOWING something before knowing WHY one knows something just FEELS very GC-like to me (and getting the “downloads” et. al from the GC). Another planet that I have mentioned before that feels like it also has an affinity for the GC is Uranus. I don’t just pull this out of my ass, lol, I definitely have my reasons for feeling like this is true.-Uranus is a catalyst for change. The GC most definitely changes any planets that conjunct it (or that even oppose it).-Since the GC seems to have a tie to retrograde energy (there does seem to be an affinity between the two), an affinity to Uranus makes sense (all retrograde planets point to Uranus in one way or another) This has been on my mind for a while, but I have wanted to take a look at all the people who have participated thus far in the […]
Here is the first video that goes along with the blog post. Here is the second video. ***Since there are so many ways that the GC seems like it can function, and so many moving pieces that seem like they can correlate with the GC energy (and even the GaC energy), I’m going to try to streamline this blog post to the best of my ability without it going all over the fucking place. This still might happen in certain parts of this post – but hopefully not too much (crosses fingers). I also want to mention that this post will primarily deal with what to DO with all the energy from the GC and how to best utilize it to the person’s advantage.** At this point you might be wondering HOW any of these theories can actually be put INTO practice (there have been some questions that I’ve gotten recently about HOW the Galactic Center could be used in chart weaving/chart delineation). I have some IDEAS about that, but I wouldn’t take ANY of these as absolute truth. These are some ideas that you should try playing around with on your own (with your own natal chart and those of other people) and see if they “fit.” I AM JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE, and fucking with things is one of the ways that we learn new things. DO NOT HOLD ME TO ANY OF THIS. -Also keep in mind while reading this that the tighter the orb is […]
**Here is the link to the YouTube video that goes over the same stuff for the people who would rather watch than read stuff** I wanna talk for a second about the trine aspect to the Galactic Center (GC), because I really do think that THIS planet/Chiron/Major Angle/North or South Node is important in the translation of shit from the GC (bringing this stuff down to Earth), along with being a grounding force for the lightning rod that is the Galactic Anti-Center (GaC). How exactly can the trine (or trines if you have multiple planets & etc. trine the GC) actually translate things from the GC and ground stuff from the GaC? I think a lot of this translation probably has to do with WHAT is trine the GC (and I do think an actual planet or Chiron trine the GC/sextile the GaC gives a “clearer” vehicle for the energy to filter through overall). I say that because the planets and Chiron are tangible bodies in the sky versus the Major Angles and North/South Nodes which are not actual tangible bodies in the sky (still important, though, and can still be utilized). Since getting more people wanting to be a part of the research this week, the number of people with trines to the GC/sextiles to the GaC has dropped from 89% to 86% (these numbers will bounce around a little bit the more people who decide to participate). From there I decided to break these up into “camps” like […]
This week past week has been incredibly difficult. I’m not someone who is really ever “triggered” by shit (my Capricorn Moon & Saturn conjunct my rising don’t really allow me to pay that much attention to anything that actually might trigger me). “Push through it, bitch!” is what my inner monologue will typically say to me. This week, my inner monologue fell very silent (I’m thinking to myself in my head after everything this week “oh yeah? Inner Ellie voice, you ain’t got shit to say, motherfucker!?”) She didn’t. I was looking at my transits for the past week, and while I already knew I have some dumb-ass shit going on (that I would typically prefer to ignore), I noticed that the transit Sun was also conjunct my natal Chiron. This happens once a year, but this year it hit me incredibly hard with all the other dumb ass shit going on transit wise to my chart. This got me thinking a whole hell of a lot about Chiron…and possible tie-in’s between Chiron and the GC. I also think it’s really interesting that when I wasn’t working on work for my clients or spending time with my Son, the one thing that actually helped me not to smash things this past week was writing, talking, and thinking about the GC. This post is going to primarily deal with connections (or what feels like connections) between Chiron and the Galactic Center – and it does feel like there is a tie-in […]
Chiron (the wounded healer) in the natal chart shows where our source of deepest wounding is in our lives. This wounding usually occurs during one’s childhood (what are supposed to be the happiest days of our lives have a tendency to fuck us up the worst), and it is a deep wound that never quite heals itself completely or correctly. Ironically enough, we are usually quite skilled at healing and helping OTHER people in the very way that we ourselves are wounded……we just have a hard time helping and healing ourselves. This all goes back to Chiron in mythology. The quick and dirty version of events goes as follows: Chiron is wounded by Hercules on accident with arrows coated in Hydra blood, and the wounds made by these arrows caused wounds that would never totally heal (and were quite painful). Chiron being immortal (a product of rape (his first wounding) and the offspring of Kronos and Philyra) meant that he could never die, but those wounds from the arrows would also never heal. Chiron wasn’t able to be released from his wounds until he took the place of Prometheus. Prometheus was chained to a rock by Zeus for his crime and had his liver eaten by an eagle daily, his liver then healed, and the bird would come back the next day to start the process over. By taking Prometheus’ place, Chiron was then made mortal and was finally able to die and be released from his wounds. ……yeah, a depressing […]
Chiron (the wounded healer) in the natal chart shows where our source of deepest wounding is in our lives. This wounding usually occurs during one’s childhood (what are supposed to be the happiest days of our lives have a tendency to fuck us up the worst), and it is a deep wound that never quite heals itself completely or correctly. Ironically enough, we are usually quite skilled at healing and helping OTHER people in the very way that we ourselves are wounded……we just have a hard time helping and healing ourselves. This all goes back to Chiron in mythology. The quick and dirty version of events goes as follows: Chiron is wounded by Hercules on accident with arrows coated in Hydra blood, and the wounds made by these arrows caused wounds that would never totally heal (and were quite painful). Chiron being immortal (a product of rape (his first wounding) and the offspring of Kronos and Philyra) meant that he could never die, but those wounds from the arrows would also never heal. Chiron wasn’t able to be released from his wounds until he took the place of Prometheus. Prometheus was chained to a rock by Zeus for his crime and had his liver eaten by an eagle daily, his liver then healed, and the bird would come back the next day to start the process over. By taking Prometheus’ place, Chiron was then made mortal and was finally able to die and be released from his wounds. ……yeah, a […]


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