Astrological Ramblings

Here is the first video that goes along with the blog post. Here is the second video. ***Since there are so many ways that the GC seems like it can function, and so many moving pieces that seem like they can correlate with the GC energy (and even the GaC energy), I’m going to try to streamline this blog post to the best of my ability without it going all over the fucking place. This still might happen in certain parts of this post – but hopefully not too much (crosses fingers). I also want to mention that this post will primarily deal with what to DO with all the energy from the GC and how to best utilize it to the person’s advantage.** At this point you might be wondering HOW any of these theories can actually be put INTO practice (there have been some questions that I’ve gotten recently about HOW the Galactic Center could be used in chart weaving/chart delineation). I have some IDEAS about that, but I wouldn’t take ANY of these as absolute truth. These are some ideas that you should try playing around with on your own (with your own natal chart and those of other people) and see if they “fit.” I AM JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE, and fucking with things is one of the ways that we learn new things. DO NOT HOLD ME TO ANY OF THIS. -Also keep in mind while reading this that the tighter the orb is […]


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