Astrological Ramblings

Lunar Eclipse in Taurus on October 28, 2023 at 3:23 pm central time(Transit Sun at 5-degrees Scorpio/Transit Moon at 5-degrees Taurus with the Lunar Nodes at 24-degrees Libra and Aries) **Why am I doing a blog post on this? Because I wrote WAAAAAY too much about this for an Instagram post 😂 and wanted to put it somewhere. So here we are. ** I have woken up in the morning with the song “Come Undone” by Duran Duran in my head multiple times over the past 6 months (since the eclipse in early May 2023). This song has come through even more often over the past week or so….and I know it ties in with this last eclipse along the Taurus/Scorpio Axis (the first eclipse along this axis took place on November 19, 2021). There is such a feeling of coming undone with this eclipse (and really, this whole eclipse series). This isn’t meant in a scary or ominous way. In fact, sometimes we must come undone in order to come (back) together. Sometimes things have to come undone so “better” things can take their place. -Purge and Release have been major themes under this whole eclipse series. Transformation has been another theme. The point of these things is to bring you greater stability, security, and comfort. Is it “comfortable” as you’re going through (and have been going through) the process? Probably not. Does it mean you’ve, maybe, been in the process of coming undone or undoing things in your […]
I want to start Part II of this series off by making it very clear that you are so much more than your Sun Sign or your “Big Three” (The Sun/Moon/Rising). If you went off of the basic or trendy instagram/facebook/etc post about astrology, you might be inclined to to think that you’re Sun Sign is literally the only thing that matters, or that your “Big Three” compose the sum of your astrological parts. Personally I take real issue with this sort of astrology that is passed around the internet like some incurable clusterfuck of infectious diseases. Infection is a good word for it, really. I get the some of the memes and posts are funny (though some are downright stupid and only used as a source for starting some shit), but the infection happens when people take silly memes and posts to heart, using them as learning tools, because they don’t yet know anything else. So they believe that they’re toxic because they’re a Pisces Sun. They believe that they’re “boring” because they are a Virgo Sun, or that they are equal to “The Devil” because they’re a Gemini Sun. Obviously, universally, people don’t believe this popsicle bullshit, but for people who are just dipping their feet into astrology and starting out, and then seeing some nonsense like they are the devil because they are a certain Sun Sign, it can be be discouraging. And it’s just fucking incorrect. I don’t hold the learners accountable here, but those who […]
In the previous post about Out of Bounds planets, it was mentioned which planets go out of bounds, and which ones do not (so I won’t recap all of that here again). We’ll jump right in with the planet that gets out from under the Sun’s grasp the most often, which is of course the Moon. The time that this happens with the most frequency is every 18.6 years or so (when the North Node is at 0 degrees Aries), and the Moon gives a giant middle finger to the Sun’s gravitational pull, and does what it wants, how it wants, when it wants. Now, what does it look like when the Moon goes Out of Bounds you ask? And how does this manifest in a person’s life? Let’s take a look at what can happen.**Keep in mind that the closer to the maximum declination of 28.5 degrees that the Moon finds itself, the more extreme the OOB Moon will be felt by the person and will come out to play in real life.** When the Moon goes out of bounds, the person will absolutely feel it even if the OOB Moon isn’t as easily “seen” outwardly (though it usually is to some degree). Being out of bounds frees the Moon from any restriction and being “fenced in” that it might feel or face (from the sign that it falls under, the house that it resides in, and the aspects it makes), as well as from any outward restriction that […]


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