Jupiter and its auroral emissions

This blog post is probably going to be kind of all over the fucking place (much like the last couple of videos that I’ve made about the Galactic Center – here are videos one and two from this week). Just like the videos, though, I wanted to go a head and get this out there (and at some other point in time I will streamline my thoughts together better…..once I have a better handle where exactly my thoughts are going). I may not be 100% sure where the fuck they’re going – but I do feel like they fit in somehow, someway.

This past week I started to go down a rabbit hole about planets and x-ray emissions. This kind of started because I got to thinking about the x-rays and radio waves (and other shit) that the GC has coming from it. I started to wonder about planets and their own x-ray emissions, especially since I do think that certain planets are MORE tied to the GC than others. For those new to the game here, those planets are:

*Jupiter – Obviously this planet would be involved with the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius. I do think Jupiter Retrograde specifically takes the top spot.
*Any retrograde planet
*Any out of bounds planet
**Retrograde planets and OOB planets don’t automatically give one an “affinity” for the GC, but if the person has planetary contacts to the GC, the Galactic Anti-Center (GaC) or something like that, I think the retrograde and/or OOB planet strengthens this connection.
*Uranus feels like the planet that is the most tied to the GC after Jupiter. This has been a strong ass feeling I’ve had for a while now, especially since Retrograde planets tend to point towards Uranus as it is AND OOB planets have a wild-card Uranian kind of feeling, too. Also, Uranus is all about change (among other things) and the GC fundamentally changes anything that happens to enter its grasp.
*Neptune and Pluto definitely have a tie with the GC as well. To me, Pluto’s connection is much more clear since Pluto is all about transformation (among other things) – transformation is something else that the GC does to anything that happens to “fall” into it. Neptune, lol being Neptune, is a little less clear to me but I know that fucker ties in, too (especially since the GC is thought to be a telephone line to the creator or to other dimensions). It would make sense for a planet like Neptune to correlate here, since it is such a spiritual planet.
*Chiron does have ties as well. Chiron is like a bridge between the inner and the outer planets, and I definitely think of the GC as a bridge from what is “here” in our galaxy to what exists beyond us. Not only that though – Chiron’s whole mythology definitely seems to have ties to the GC, too.
*Saturn is one that I have recently brought into the game. In esoteric astrology, Saturn is thought of as the “gatekeeper” (which, lol, is incredibly apt when I think about it). In order to even GET to Chiron or the the outer planets, you have to push through Saturn’s ass first.

All planets have some kind of x-ray emissions. The only planet, so far, that they haven’t found any come from is Neptune (though I’d bet a little money in time they will find them coming from Neptune as well). There are three types of x-ray emissions that a planet can do:
-Auroral Emissions
-Scattering of solar x-rays from the Sun

The two planets that have auroral emissions (or that I can find that FOR SURE have auroral emissions) are Jupiter and Earth, though Jupiter being Jupiter, it does these auroral emissions bigger than the Earth does. Why is this interesting to me? Because if the GC is really like a “lifeline” or “telephone line” to the creator, to other dimensions, or even to the parts of ourselves that we leave “charging” when we incarnate here on Earth (essentially our “higher selves”), then I find it interesting that the only two planets that do these kinds of emissions are Jupiter (which is obviously tied to the GC via Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter) and Earth (which is the planet we are all planted on). Do you see where I’m going with this – like we are somehow more tied to Jupiter and the GC just by way of happening to be ON this planet.
-Another thing I will bring up is esoteric rulership in astrology. Side note: I don’t use esoteric astrology THAT MUCH in practice (though I do tend to read Saturn in a more esoteric way normally), so I had to dust off some books lol. Anywho, in esoteric astrology, Sagittarius’ exoteric ruler is Jupiter, but it’s esoteric ruler is the Earth. THIS is another interesting tie in (and also something that makes me think I’ll be needing to bring esoteric astrology into this GC thang way more than I originally thought).
-Jupiter also does the scattering of solar x-rays from the Sun, too.

Saturn is another planet that I wanted to look at. It, like Jupiter, does the scattering of solar x-rays from the Sun. Saturn’s rings also Fluoresce. I have also seen different articles that mention’s that Saturn might also do the auroral emissions as well, but the sources that I’ve found haven’t seemed as concrete as the one’s that deal with Jupiter (and obviously the Earth) being able to do this. It absolutely wouldn’t surprise me if Saturn does this, too, especially since Saturn is so tied to the physical, like Earth (though it wants us to break beyond that bondage). In esoteric astrology, Saturn is ruled by Saturn regardless of exoteric or esoteric rulership (which, lol, figures).

Uranus is another one that does emit x-rays (that was recently found out a few years back), though it seems like they haven’t quite figured out HOW this happens. I’m gunna bet a little money that they will find that it does all three of the above types. By way of esoteric astrology, Aquarius has it’s exoteric ruler as Uranus, but it’s esoteric ruler is Jupiter. In my mind, in a more concrete way, this ties together Jupiter and Uranus more directly than I have before (throughout much of this research I have felt that Jupiter and Uranus are strongly linked with the GC, and even with one another….I was just leaving the esoteric perspective out).

I haven’t yet found out if Chiron emits any kind of x-rays or not (though it probably does something). Pluto also does something, but because of it’s distance from the Sun they aren’t really sure HOW it would be scattering solar-rays from the Sun. I think the pictures aren’t good enough (or something, I’m honestly not really sure), so they can’t really tell HOW Pluto is able to emit x-rays as of now.

HOW does all of this ACTUALLY tie in with the GC? Not totally sure yet. But I know it probably fucking does.

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