Astrological Ramblings

This blog post is probably going to be kind of all over the fucking place (much like the last couple of videos that I’ve made about the Galactic Center – here are videos one and two from this week). Just like the videos, though, I wanted to go a head and get this out there (and at some other point in time I will streamline my thoughts together better…..once I have a better handle where exactly my thoughts are going). I may not be 100% sure where the fuck they’re going – but I do feel like they fit in somehow, someway. This past week I started to go down a rabbit hole about planets and x-ray emissions. This kind of started because I got to thinking about the x-rays and radio waves (and other shit) that the GC has coming from it. I started to wonder about planets and their own x-ray emissions, especially since I do think that certain planets are MORE tied to the GC than others. For those new to the game here, those planets are: *Jupiter – Obviously this planet would be involved with the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius. I do think Jupiter Retrograde specifically takes the top spot. *Any retrograde planet*Any out of bounds planet **Retrograde planets and OOB planets don’t automatically give one an “affinity” for the GC, but if the person has planetary contacts to the GC, the Galactic Anti-Center (GaC) or something like that, I think the retrograde […]


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