Roxanne Paltauf around the time she went missing

This particular missing person’s case has always really bothered me….it strikes a chord, if you will. I’m not sure if it’s because she is my age, or because she’s a native Austinite, or maybe because it’s just really fucking tragic to have a loved one be missing for SUCH a long time (or maybe….it’s a little of all of that). Roxanne Paltauf went missing in Austin, Texas on July 7, 2006. The last time she was supposedly  seen was at 830 pm that evening when she left the Budget Inn Motel off of Rundberg and IH-35 that she and her boyfriend were staying at. Anyone who is familiar with Austin is familiar with that area of town, and while it might be different NOW, back then it wasn’t the safest place with the world’s greatest cast of characters circling about. (I’m not sure what the area is like now, truth be told). The story goes that she left the hotel WITHOUT any of her stuff and was never seen again. The boyfriend claims to have no idea where she went or what happened to her. The astrology below tells me that while he may not have actually been the one to hurt her, her certainly KNOWS more than he’s saying (such as where she went and who she went off with). The boyfriend happened to be much of the focus of the police investigation (can’t really blame them, because on the face of it, he seems the most likely candidate). However, there is another player involved in this case, who days after she went missing was found incarcerated and WITH HER ID in his possession. We will call this guy “other guy,” who the astrology tells me is actually responsible for her demise. 
**For the purpose of this blog post, I’m going to refer to her boyfriend as “the boyfriend” and the perpetrator as “other guy.” All of the names and possible players in Roxanne’s case are open and known to the public, but I’m not going to actually mention them here. I also won’t go into ALL the details of this case as they are already known to the public. I will put a link below if you want to read more about the case, though. Here I will only be focusing on what the astrology tells me from the last time that she was supposedly seen.
Here is a link to info on her case to get you started if you’re unfamiliar:

So, this event chart reads like a story. Errr, let me rephrase that….it reads like a series of events that begin unfolding from the moment that she went missing (and even in the 30 minutes or so prior to it). The EXACT details of what happened between each of these events unfolding are things I’m still playing around with astrologically. And I know you’re not really “supposed” to use intuition when looking at last seen charts and stick strictly to the chart at hand (people that have written about this sort of stuff mention not letting your intuition “get in the way”), but my own Jupiter Retrograde can’t help itself in this regard. I only use intuition here to try and fill in the blanks between the actual things I SEE transpire in the chart (and I try to use it as sparingly as possible). Here is how I think all of this went down, step by step:

  1. Roxanne is represented by the Ascendant @ 15 Capricorn 17, which makes her Saturn in the Chart by way of 1st disposition (Saturn @ 11 Leo 01 in the 7th House). So the 7th house is where she “starts” off here. I believe that she and her boyfriend were in some kind of argument at this point in time. I could take some guesses as to WHY they were fighting (feeling limited in the relationship seems highly likely, and I’m thinking something about feeling limited in her own power with this him), but the exact reason she felt this way is up for grabs. I think it’s very possible that she ended up getting in over her head with this guy. I also think, with the harsh Venus/Pluto opposition and harsh Neptune/Mars opposition (and the places they fall in the chart), that there very easily could’ve been some kind of sex work stuff involved. I know this isn’t something that her family and friends want to read, but I do think it’s possible (and shouldn’t be discounted because it’s an unpleasant thing to think about). And I think if something like this *was* going on, it wasn’t ALL the time (that is just intuition speaking), but more when money was needed for whatever reason money was needed. I also think it’s very possible there was a “work” or “service” element going on here because the ruler of the 6th house, Mercury rx, falls in the 7th. The fight very easily, in my opinion, may have had to do with just that; maybe he wanted her to do some “work” for money and she didn’t want to do this particular night? Or maybe their relationship was just feeling very limiting to her and her own power? Or maybe, just maybe, it was a little bit of both.
  2. Next, by way of dispositions, we have the Sun @ 15 Cancer 47 (since Leo, where Saturn falls, is ruled by the Sun), which is DAMN NEAR EXACTLY CONJUNCT the Descendant/7th House Cusp. Sun on the angles in this sort of chart usually indicates that the Ascendant person is in some kind of real danger. I actually feel that this placement is indicative of both the boyfriend AND the perpetrator/other guy. I’m not sure if the boyfriend and the perp were friends (I feel like they were at least acquaintances), but I do feel like this is very possible, and that he may have even been present IN SOME WAY while the argument between Roxanne and her boyfriend was going on (either in person, or maybe they were just texting at the time and setting up the meeting?) I think her boyfriend probably got pretty nasty with her, told her that she WAS going to meet up with the other guy (for whatever reason), and that she would get her stuff back when she was done (keeping her personal belongings as a sort of collateral). Whatever the circumstances actually were, she was in danger at this time. She gets angry at her boyfriend and leaves the hotel room to go off with the other guy. 
  3. Next, by way of dispositions, we have the Moon (since Cancer, where the Sun falls, is ruled by the Moon) @ 6 Sagittarius 11 in the 11th house. Now we have her actually WITH the other guy, and I feel like she KNEW this other guy (either because her boyfriend KNEW him or she actually knew him herself). Another reason why I feel like this is where they “come together” is because the Moon is ALWAYS the co-ruler of the missing person, and the other guy is represented by the Moon as well (because the Descendant/7th house rules over the perpetrator in question and by way of first dispositions, he is represented by the Moon since the Descendant here is in Cancer). I don’t think that she thought she was in any danger with this guy, and actually seemed like she was probably enjoying herself in his company. I think she was probably able to vent or let go of  somewhat any frustrations that she had with her boyfriend with this other guy. Or she FELT LIKE she could do this, anyway. 
    4. Next, by way of dispositions, we have Jupiter (since Sagittarius, where the Moon falls, is ruled by Jupiter) @ 8 Scorpio 59 in the 10th house. Now, the 10th house is representative of a lot of things in these sorts of charts. It can show Law Enforcement and the public’s response to the case, and it can also show the place where the perp lives. In this particular case, right now, I think it shows that he took her back to his apartment. This is the last place that she goes alive, because I think it’s here that he kills her (around 5-6 in the morning on the 8th…I’ll get to that in just a little bit). 
    **I’d also like to point out that the 10th house cusp and Jupiter fall along “Via Combusta Way” which is from 15 Libra to 15 Scorpio and is notorious for a bunch of violent fucking fixed stars. This is just another reason why I get the feeling that his apartment was her last stop among the living.**
    5. Next, by way of dispositions, we have Pluto retrograde (since Scorpio, where Jupiter falls, is ruled by Pluto) @ 24 Sagittarius 53 in the 12th house. This is when he disposes of her body. Pluto falling in the 12th house in a chart like this can definitely indicate death. The 12th house tells me that the piece of shit did a good job of hiding her (which is really fucking annoying and disheartening). 
    **Honestly, the retrograde motion of Pluto makes me think that he initially put her one place, and then went back and “re-did” it down the line (hid her away somewhere else). I actually think it’s very possible that he ended up burning her remains when he he went back and redid what he did the first time (I think he probably ended up feeling Law Enforcement breathing down his neck and needed to move her somewhere else once he became a person of interest).
    6. Next, by way of dispositions, we go BACK to Jupiter in the 10th in Scorpio. This tells me that after disposing of her body, he went back to his apartment. 
    **Something about Jupiter in the 10th makes me think that THIS is why he’s gotten so lucky evading law enforcement. And while I think he body can be found, I’m not sure he’ll ever “hang” for it.

Other things that stand out in this chart are as follows: 
*The 7th House shows the perpetrator, as I mentioned above. This can be the way the perp looks, acts, etc, and the 7th house in this chart is stacked with shit to look at. 
-We have the Sun right along the Descendant, which gives the perpetrator a fuck load of power in the situation. 
-Mercury is an interesting one in this chart, because on the surface it doesn’t appear to be a major player, but I believe that it is (especially in terms of identification of the perp). MERCURY IS RETROGRADE. Why is this important? Because the douche that I think actually killed her IS FUCKING DEAF/LEGALLY HEARING IMPAIRED! Mercury retrograde is known to fuck up communication on a mundane level, but in a chart like this IN the 7th House (which helps to describe the perp)? I would have to assume that the perp AT LEAST has some difficulty IN communicating in SOME way. 
Saturn falling in this house tells me that the perp is OLDER than she was (and he was older than her by a good 10 years). Saturn, as I mentioned before, is representative of Roxanne, meaning she is IN HIS DOMAIN. 
**Saturn is also representative of the body, which makes me think think he felt that he had POWER over her body, both dead and alive. 
Mars is also in this house, which, because it falls so close to the cusp of the 8th House, makes me think this shows her death AND his anger. Mars in Leo is very prideful here in this chart, aggressively so, and I feel like she may have done something that set him off. I actually don’t think that this was on purpose on her part, but she did something that killed an illusion OF her for him (Mars opposite Neptune in the 1st). I’m actually getting the impression that she did something that hurt his pride (maybe it was a language barrier of some kind that got screwed up?). Whatever it was, it set him off in what feels like a blind rage. Maybe he was delusional enough to think that she actually liked him and it wasn’t just transactional? Maybe he was just violent in general and looked for any excuse to unleash his rage? Whatever actually caused this, I do think it shows some anger problems on his end. 
-This chart has a few applying or “sinister” aspects that need to be mentioned. An applying aspect is when a faster moving planet is forming an EXACT aspect with a slower moving planet, and thus gaining power. 
**The Moon @ 6 Sagittarius 11 in the 11th house is APPLYING to an exact trine with Saturn @ 11 Leo 01. The Moon moves quicker than Saturn, which is why it is applying. This aspect is important because we  are talking about both the rulers of the Ascendant and Descendant here. This aspect becomes exact when you push the chart forward to about 5:40 am on the morning of July 8th, 2006 (which is when I think she actually died). This is really just a feeling that I get, but it feel “right” to me. 
**Mars @ 20 Leo 53 is APPLYING to an exact trine with Pluto @ 24 Sagittarius 53 rx. Mars moves more slowly than Pluto, which is why it is applying. Contacts between Mars and Pluto can be part of a “death” pattern (even the “nicer” aspects). It would have been more “exact” around July 14, 2006, which makes me think that THIS may have been when he re-hid her somewhere else (if he did happen to do this). 

Where do I think she is? I think there are a couple of possibilities. I did a map of the chart using the Ascendant as the radius. I have seen this technique using a couple of different things in the chart to create the radius (and I so wish that SOMEONE would get back to me on WHAT exactly SHOULD be used to create the radius…..I digress), but the Ascendant seems to be used a lot of the time. So that’s where I started, with the actual marker used being her last known location, the Budget Inn Motel. 

Now, after you set the marker and the radius, you can see that you’re looking at a pretty big area. You then want to look at different angle and planet degrees that stand out (turning those degrees into the 360 degree zodiac). The ones that should always be looked at, per my understanding, are the 4th house cusp (since it tends to represent the “womb to the tomb”, and the Saturn degree (since Saturn represents the body, and in this case is representative of HER). There are a couple of what are called “wedges” that stand out to me, and those are planets that are VERY close to another house cusp that are prominent in the chart.  In this case I’m looking at the Mars/8th House wedge (circled in the chart above) AND the Pluto/12th house wedge (also circled). This would change the degrees too:
-4th House Cusp @ 2 Taurus 50 Translates to 32 Taurus 52 (the bearing you use)
-Saturn @ 11 Leo 01 Translates to 131 Leo 01 (the bearing you use)
-Wedge from Mars to 8th House Cusp is 20 Leo 53 to 22 Leo 43 which translates to 140 Leo 53 and 142 Leo 43 (these are the bearings that you use to create your wedge)
-Wedge from 12th house to Pluto is 21 Sagittarius 42 to 24 Sagittarius 52 which translates to 261 Sagittarius 42 and 264 Sagittarius 52 (these are the bearings that you use to create your wedge)
-Wedge from the 7th house to the Sun is 15 Cancer 17 to Sun @ 15 Cancer 47 which translates to 105 Cancer 17 to 105 Cancer 47 (these are the bearings that you use to create your wedge, and this one is small)
-My understanding is that when setting the radius, you DON’T change the degrees of whatever you point you use to the 360 degree zodiac, so in this case we’re looking at a radius of 15 degrees (since the Ascendant is 15 Capricorn 17. 

On the map, you will see the Radius as the circle in red. The Budget Inn Motel is marked with the blue marker. The Blues Lines are the “Descendant/Sun” Wedge (there are two lines there). The Green Lines are the “Pluto/12th House” Wedge.  The Purple line is the “Saturn” line. The Pink Line is the “Mars/8th House” Wedge. The Red Line is the 4thHouse Cusp Line.  The Yellow Lines stem from an area that appears to have been important to the perpetrator (won’t say where exactly for legal reasons). 

If I were in charge of her cold case, if it hasn’t already been done (I called APD to find out WHERE she had already been searched for but wasn’t given any information), I feel like the Saturn Line, the 8th House/Mars Wedge, and the yellow line that I’m not going to give a whole lot of info about needs to be an area HIT HARD when looking for her, if there ever happens to be another search. The other lines should be looked into as well, but the area zoomed in on below I feel like is particularly hot. I feel like they need to focus specifically around the area of Decker Tall Grass Prairie reserve if that hasn’t already been hit. And I have a feeling they will find her remains (what’s left of them) out in the open, but hidden. Maybe in some kind of big drain pipe that is out in the middle of this place (or near one). That’s what I mean by out in the open by hidden….something like that.

Especially this area zoomed in on here:

I would really love to see this family get some closure on her case and to find healing SOME kind of healing. I know I’ll help any way I can. If you have any information on Roxanne’s whereabouts, please contact Austin Police Department’s missing person’s unit at 512-974-5250.

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14 Responses

    • Yeah I can take a look and post something soon. Are there any good articles (one’s with a lot of info) about this case? It seems like there is very little information out there about this.

    • Do you know of the address she was last seen? Or, if you don’t want to disclose that for privacy reasons, the neighborhood/area of Turlock, CA she was last seen? I would need this to attempt to do any mapping.

      • OMG thank you so much. On Addison Drive in Turlock. With the time being 2 to 3 am on 4/21/2011 the last time she was seen. But I have a timestamp of her sending a fb message at 2:07 am on 4/22/2011. And her birthdate is December 11, 1994 in Turlock, ca I don’t have the birth time.

        • I will go with that time – 2:07 am. That was the last time anyone was known to have heard from her, right?

          I know the anniversary of her missing is coming up on Wednesday. I don’t know if I can have it done by then, but sometime this week/weekend.

  1. To keep from letting the facts get in the way, I finger dowsed the maps to see if I got any ‘pings’ (my version of ‘hits’):

    I’ve never used the chart on maps before, so this is new to me; the final map did trigger a ‘ping’ on the purple line just as it hit land again, after crossing the yellow line. Is the Decker Tallgrass Prairie Preserve exactly that, a preserve of tall grass? If so, that would be an excellent place to hide a body.

    Hope your post triggers someone to come forward, but human nature being what it is, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

    • You know, I’m actually not sure WHAT that decker tall grass prairie preserve is. I feel like it probably is open tall grass and marshlands maybe? I’ve actually thought about going over there one day and scoping it out. That’s interesting that you had a ping where you mentioned.😊

      And I don’t hold my breath about someone coming forward (lol I’m Saturn rising Hahahaha) but I would sure love it if something did happen with the case/someone coming forward.

      • And just to make it as interesting as possible, the ping happened at the edge of the water, so her body could be submerged. The Mars near the 8th House cusp tells me two things: 1) the perpetrator is a man; and 2) her death may have been accidental. But the Grand Trine of Sun/Jupiter/Uranus hints at the perp being a law enforcement individual with a quick temper. The Mars/Neptune opposition implies that he may be the one leading the investigation. (Just one spin of many that could be made with this astrological lineup.)

        • I could totally see the body being submerged (that was another angle that I have played around with).

          When you say accidental, you mean like he got angry and overly pissed and accidentally killed her? Yeah, I could see that. I totally love hearing alternative theories about this sort of stuff. If you were going to spin those things you mentioned a different way, how would you (because as far as I know, he’s not involved in law enforcement but has been apprehended by them a few times in the distant past).

          • As I mentioned above, I didn’t let the details get in the way, so I did not know what you’d already worked out (his name, etc.) The Neptune connection can also imply hidden things (in water). The missing aspects are Venus and Mars being both inconjunct to the Ascendant. As you know that’s a Yod. This may have been totally due to her actions. (Not that she’s the blame for being killed, but she walked into a trap, perhaps, as you suggested yourself.)

            • I definitely did notice the YOD, just hadn’t really included it here (I probably should have, lol). Just curious anything else you notice about it? I really do love hearing different/alternative views on this kind of stuff from my own. 😊

              • I like the fact that you’re enthusiastic about this stuff. I’m agreeing with your Pluto thoughts. This is one bad motherf***er. The 12th House placement means that there is ‘evil’ intention here. And the 11th House Moon makes it especially nasty. (But I’m speculating…) A ‘secret’ association of some kind. Have you tried erecting the charts of the three individual? (You don’t need their birth times to be accurate.)

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