Astrological Ramblings

**Here is the video that I made about this blog post, for anyone that is more of a watcher than a reader** I have mentioned several times throughout all of the videos and blog posts that Jupiter Rx feels like it ties heavily into the Galactic Center. Obviously, the planet Jupiter will have an affinity for the GC since the GC is IN Sagittarius (and as long as the GC is in Sagittarius, this affinity will remain). The retrograde motion of Jupiter, which I have talked about several times, seems to tie to the GC even further – the notion of KNOWING something before knowing WHY one knows something just FEELS very GC-like to me (and getting the “downloads” et. al from the GC). Another planet that I have mentioned before that feels like it also has an affinity for the GC is Uranus. I don’t just pull this out of my ass, lol, I definitely have my reasons for feeling like this is true.-Uranus is a catalyst for change. The GC most definitely changes any planets that conjunct it (or that even oppose it).-Since the GC seems to have a tie to retrograde energy (there does seem to be an affinity between the two), an affinity to Uranus makes sense (all retrograde planets point to Uranus in one way or another) This has been on my mind for a while, but I have wanted to take a look at all the people who have participated thus far in the […]


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