**Here is the video for the first chart in this blog post, for all of you that would rather watch than read. Here is the video for the second chart.**

There were a couple of people who volunteered as tribute for me to take a look at their charts from the lens of the GC. Both of these charts are very interesting for different reasons (for the different GC contacts that they make and what else is going on in the charts). If you have watched the videos, I know when I was talking about these charts I was so excited to be doing them in the first place I KNOW that I left some shit out lol (so keep reading – I didn’t leave a bunch of shit out of the videos, but I know I forgot to mention a couple of things).

As you will see from these examples in this post, along with those in my last blog post, there are lots of ways that all of this can go and this depends heavily on what is actually going on at the GC and elsewhere in the chart.

I also want to include the disclaimer that I am JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE. While I do feel like, at this point I do have a decent handle on the GC from an astrological point of view (and even from a scientific point of view), it’s the blending of the two that I’m still fleshing out. I know astrology and science don’t always blend nicely (lol), but I do like to apply science to stuff like this (and incorporating intuition) when figuring things out and fucking with shit. This is how we learn (or, lol, how I learn). I also reserve the right for any and all of this to be wrong down the line and I am in no way, shape, or form saying that any of this is universal truth.

This chart belongs to someone who has participated in the research. As you can see, Neptune (retrograde) is conjunct the GC the most closely at 28-degrees Sagittarius, with Jupiter (retrograde) ALSO conjunct the GC (though by a wider orb since Jupiter is at 3-degrees Capricorn). This means that all the energy at the GC is going to touch Neptune the most, and then touch Jupiter (Jupiter is definitely impacted here, but I would bet that Neptune takes on more of the energy at the GC). Since Neptune is involved (and Neptune isn’t totally conscious or living in the real world as it is) I do wonder if having Neptune in such a physical/real world house (being in the 6th House) might actually cause this person to be able to BRING things that are more “surreal” or “unreal” INTO the real world (or the energy from the GC might cause Neptune to function this way). I don’t KNOW if this is actually the case, but I could see it going that way (either way, Neptune is going to be fucking charged). The 9th House with Pisces on the cusp and the 6th House with Sagittarius on the cusp will both BEND to the Neptune/Jupiter/GC thing, meaning that what this person believes, higher learning (and other 9th House things) will bend to the GC (or be amplified/charged/distorted/etc. by the GC). Same thing for the 6th House disposing of itself to the GC and the 6th House (this person really needs to believe in the way that they live their daily life, and the work that they do, among other 6th House things and with Sagittarius on the 6th House cusp).
**In this chart, the GC is technically in the 5th House which means that areas of life dealing with creative self expression, risk taking, things they do for enjoyment, and even the notions of any children they might have will ALSO be impacted by the GC, too. These areas of life are probably charged/amplified/distorted/etc. as well. You could also play with other areas of life that the 5th House represents, too.
-Jupiter is Retrograde in this chart which, I think, causes this person to be pretty in-tune with the GC naturally. This is probably amplified with Jupiter conjunct the GC.
-Jupiter and Mars are out of bounds in this chart, which also probably acts to get this person even more in-tune with the GC energy.
-They have nothing conjunct the Galactic Anti-Center. The GaC is actually in the 11th House (just barely) but this area would extend beyond the 11th House and into the 12th. This means that these two houses in the chart might be a little more blinded or clouded over (areas of life dealing with long-term goals and hopes, groups of people, etc. per the 11th House and shit in the unconscious per the 12th House, among other things). Now, with Gemini on the 12th House cusp, this makes me think that unconscious communication (the kind that would happen in the 12th House), or even just the unconscious thought patterns and processes in general might be more blinded or clouded over. The overflow of energy (or something like “overflow”) is going to strike that area of the chart. When this happens, it might end up lighting up this part of the chart so that it can be seen (even if there is some damage that happens here in the process).
-This person has the Sun and Mercury trine the GC in the 2nd House in Virgo. Mercury is closer to being exactly trine the GC/sextile the GaC, so this would be the planet that I would look at first for being able to translate stuff from the GC down to Earth. It will also function as a grounding force for the lightning rod that is the GaC. This is interesting because Mercury is Retrograde, and I have mentioned before that I think Mercury Rx has an affinity for the GaC – so I actually think this person having Mercury Rx as the grounding force is pretty advantageous. What matters here is that this person functions from both of the Retrograde motions of Mercury and Jupiter in tandem (and something tells me since Jupiter is Rx and conjunct the GC they may function from the Rx motion of Jupiter while not functioning from the Rx motion of Mercury as easily). These planets are trine one another, Mercury and Jupiter, which definitely tells me that they CAN function from BOTH planets from the Rx motion in tandem – BOTH just need to be utilized.
-Mercury Rx will be thrown a whole bunch of mental noise. There can be issues with knowing exactly what they should be taking into their mental headspace AND difficulty knowing what to communicate back out in the most proficient and “perfect” ways. I have to wonder if this person actually values what they have to communicate in the first place, and if they don’t, that ought to change. Tuning out all the bullshit that doesn’t actually matter to this person and not being a waste basket for other people’s noise seems like it should be said here (they need to value themselves for more than this, and they also need to be valued for more than this). This is very important. It is also important that while they can see the big picture, they still need to break things down from backwards motion (per Jupiter being Rx) to understand what they know and why they know it. As they are doing this, they need to, at the same time, be taking in information that is actually relevant to them and put this information together piece by piece, and step by step (per Mercury Rx), filtering out the shit that doesn’t actually need to be taken in. Mercury Rx and Jupiter Rx in a chart together need to find a way to “meet in the middle” in general, but here it feels even more important.
-Operating from the Mercury Rx motion helps to translate things “downloaded,” intuited, or “inspired” by the GC ….. but operating from the Rx motion of Mercury is critical to this.

This chart belongs to someone else who was nice enough to allow me to look at their chart from this lens who has participated in the research. The first thing I notice is that the North Node is conjunct the GC. This puts this person’s soul mission per the North Node merging with all the energy of the GC. This makes me think that this person probably does feel like they definitely HAVE a purpose in this lifetime, and I feel like this purpose probably does feel charged (or amplified/distorted/etc. but definitely charged). Even if they aren’t 100% sure what their purpose actually is, I would also think that in a lot of ways they might feel pulled towards it anyway (toward this purpose).
-This person has Mercury, Mars, and the South Node conjunct the Galactic Anti-Center in the 5th House. That’s quite a few things conjunct the GaC, which makes me think that these planets (and the South Node) probably do sustain some damage, though since there are multiple things conjunct the GaC it feels like the damage might be dispersed among the three things. The South Node is what is closest to the GaC via conjunction, so the South Node does seem like it probably takes the most damage. The 3rd House with Aries on the cusp, the 5th House with Gemini on the cusp, and the 10th House with Scorpio on the cusp (if you use traditional rulership or use traditional rulership with modern rulership) will all bend to Mercury, Mars, the 5th House and the GC (meaning the GC will amplify/distort/charge/etc. the way that these house bend to their planetary rulership.
–Now THIS begs some other questions from a past life perspective because of the South Node being involved. Does the South Node conjunct the GaC indicate some kind of previous life damage (I guess it could)? Or could it be pointing to not being able to clearly see or feel how the South Node functions (and thus maybe having a harder time seeing where they “come from” from a previous lifetime lens)? This also seems possible. Mars and Mercury are also here, and it makes me think that while they are very in-tune with the GC energy (they are both out of bounds – I forgot to mention this in the video), I do wonder if they are felt in the way that they should be felt from a previous lifetime perspective (and what we carry with us from our previous lifetime into this lifetime does help us to figure out where to “go” in this lifetime – it all needs to be understood). So I could see something happening here that while this person is very geared to the GC and probably feels a strong calling to something per soul mission stuff, fleshing out how Mercury and Mars play into the equation might be harder (or being able to see them from a previous lifetime lens to work through what needs to be worked through to move them towards the North Node entirely). I don’t want to get too personal, lol, but that’s what this feels like here (or what could be going on here….or going on at some previous point in their lifetime).
-This person has 3 things trine the GC/sextile the GaC and those are the Descendant, the Moon, and Pluto. While any of those could function as a translator for the GC and a grounding force for the GaC, my first choice for them to work with in this way would be the Moon since it is a personal/inner planet. With the Moon being so close to the Descendant, any parts of their shadow side (per the Descendant) that involve emotions will need to be understood for the Moon to function as a translator and a grounding force the way I think it can (those things will need to be explored for sure, though). Once those Moon/Descendant issues are understood, this person’s emotions are probably an incredibly powerful translator. They could most definitely work with Pluto, too – and having Pluto here is interesting.
–Pluto functions similarly to the South Node (among also doing other Pluto shit, lol). So, while the part of their past per the South Node in the 5th House may not be as well understood (or how these themes might play out in their life this time around), Pluto probably is better understood, and really, it’s probably THROUGH Pluto that this person is able to get in touch with what they need to learn about their most recent previous lifetime in order to move forward in this lifetime (it kind of grounds any shocking that the South Node takes on in this lifetime, or even has taken on, from a previous lifetime and maybe clarifies things). It also seems like regeneration is probably a big deal with how this person translates their mission down to Earth best of all – almost like regenerating the understanding of the South Node through Pluto (and I do think that it might be kind of like they needed to pick up in this lifetime where they left off in the last one – this is what I mean by regenerative). They just need to remember where they left off to get to where they wanted to be.

To the both of you who let me do this, thank you so much for the pleasure ^_^ There is much more shit I could’ve said, but didn’t want to due to the public nature of where I’m posting this stuff. Hopefully you both get the idea, though. And for everyone else reading this stuff, hopefully you get the idea, too, just in a less personal way.

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One response

  1. Well, that was fun! I tried working backwards from your charts to see if I could zero in on your contributors’ birth details: Unknown One was born @ about 4 am on Aug 29, 1984, somewhere in the southern USA; Unknown Two gave me quite a challenge until I realized that they were born in Australia @ about 10:50 pm on May 27, 1955. I wondered if they were related (one being the parent of the other), but it’s inconclusive. Could Unknown One be a UFO contactee, maybe?

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