Originally I was going to do up a post on Jeffrey Epstein’s death chart, but then I had an epiphany (hahaha) that perhaps it would be more interesting to do one on Isaac Kappy. A death chart is looked at in the same manner as a “last seen” chart, only with these charts you’re not creating them to try to locate the person, but rather to look into the cause of death.
*I will probably still do a post at some point about Epstein’s death, in honor of that piece of shit just passing his happy death day anniversary!*
Anywho….who was Isaac Kappy? In case you aren’t familiar, Isaac Kappy was a character actor that had been in a few movies and seemed to have some more “well known” friends. Regardless of how he came about the information in the video below, it seems that he was “ahead of his time” in terms of the information that he had about so-called “powerful” people. Here is a video of his that he posted on Periscope on May 1, 2019.


He committed suicide on May 13, 2019. Just shy of two weeks after posting this. Let that fucking shit sink in for a minute. Let it also sink in that when reports of his suicide hit the media, it was first reported that he “forced himself off a bridge.” Ummm….wuuuut? That’s the weirdest fucking way to describe a suicide, but I digress.
*I also want to mention here that I don’t agree with or endorse everything that he talks about. I do, however, think he definitely did have some important things to share with the public.

Isaac Kappy’s Death Chart, May 13, 2019 @ 7:26 am in Flagstaff, AZ

To start out, we’ll look at the Ascendant (which represents Kappy) and the Descendant (which deals with any perpetrators). That makes Mercury in Taurus in the 11th representative of Kappy by way of first dispositions (since Gemini is ruled by Mercury). This makes sense here to represent him, because he was very into getting information (Mercury) to large groups of people (11th house), and this was clearly something that mattered to him and that felt was of value to share (Taurus energy). Next, by way of dispositions, you’re looking at Venus in Aries (since Venus is the ruler of Taurus). What he was exposing? Perhaps the selfish (Aries at a lower vibration *can* be selfish) hedonistic values (Venus) that appeared to impact a lot of the collective (11th house) of those in power, along with their subconscious insecurities (which also correlates to Aries energy). Something along those lines anyway. The next place we go with the dispositions from the Ascendant chain is Mars in Gemini in the 1st (since Aries is ruled by Mars). Mars in the 1st house in a chart like this tends to show some kind of aggression (or even violence) directed at the victim (self inflicted or caused by someone else). I feel like this is actually indicative of him jumping off the bridge. The whole thing feels very anxious (Gemini) and impulsive (Mars), but I don’t believe that he was actually suicidal. I do feel like he felt forced, though he was the only one to actually physically make himself jump off the bridge (more on that in just a second). The next place you go, by way of dispositions, is back to Mercury in Taurus in the 11th, so you know that this is where the disposition chain from the Ascendant (representing him) ends.

Onto to the Descendant side of things. So we have the Descendant in Sagittarius, and by way of 1st dispositions that makes the perpetrator (or catalyst for death) to be Jupiter retrograde in the 6th house in Sagittarius. This dispositor chain stops here, since Jupiter is in it’s home placement. This makes me think a couple of things. The first is that the catalyst for death was a “belief” that was somehow able to make it’s way into his mind. Though, because Jupiter is retrograde, I’m thinking that the belief in question was backwards, something that was “fed” to him that was wrong. In a regular natal chart, retrogrades aren’t bad or backwards (some might disagree, but I’ve never thought of them this way), but in this kind of chart the retrograde motion can definitely show something has gone amiss. It’s also very possible that Jupiter represents someone in “power,” someone with so much power that you don’t feel like you can fight them anymore. Because Jupiter falls in the 6th house in Sagittarius, it makes me think the catalyst in this equation had expansive amounts of influence in daily life (which is probably why he didn’t think that he could fight this catalyst any longer). I almost feel like it’s as if everywhere he looked he saw this catalyst and the values that they represented and thought “what the fuck?” I also think it’s very possible that this catalyst had creeped it’s way into HIS daily life, opposing his Mars (and maybe causing all of the anxiety that caused him to actually jump from that bridge).

Another planet that always needs to be looked at in a chart like this is the Moon, which always operates as co-ruler of the victim/missing person/etc. The Moon here is in the 4th is applying to a trine aspect with BOTH Saturn and Pluto in the 8th (the applying aspect is also known as a “sinister” aspect). If Kappy were a missing person, with the Moon in the 4th sinister to Pluto and Saturn in the 8th, you could probably assume that he was at least in danger of dying. We know that he is actually dead here though, so the aspect makes sense. I don’t really want to focus on the Saturn and Pluto conjunction in the 8th here (since we already know that he is dead), but instead want to focus on the Moon. The ruler of the 2nd house (Cancer) disposes itself to the 4th house (since that’s where the Moon falls in Virgo, and Cancer is ruled by the Moon). This tells me that he was in possession of something that someone didn’t want him to possess. Could this be an actual tangible item? Sure. Does anyone know if anything of his was “searched” by police after his death or if his house was ransacked? If not, I would bet more than being in possession of something tangible, he was in possession of some piece of information (especially since the Moon is also trine Mercury here, damn near exact at that). You’re probably thinking, “no shit he was in possession of information.” This piece of information is very, very specific though (detailed, and maybe even a little mundane on the surface….more Virgo in nature). This piece of information that I’m thinking about isn’t as salacious and flashy like name dropping a bunch of politicians, celebrities, and other shit like that, but appears a little more subdued. However, this piece of information is something that these “powers that be” didn’t want getting out. Jupiter (the catalyst) makes an applying/sinister square to the Moon, which kind of backs all of this up (a tension between the two planets). This makes me also wonder if this particular piece of information was something that he had a chance to mention in his videos before he died. He very well may not have, especially because both the aspects from the Moon to Mercury and the Moon to Jupiter are applying and not separating….meaning they hadn’t had a chance to become “exact” aspects yet. Here’s the thing about that though; that damn Moon/Mercury trine IS SO FUCKING CLOSE to becoming exact that I feel like he did probably drop something about this detailed piece of information in one of his videos. It might not have gotten a very long mention, probably didn’t get much attention compared to the other stuff called out in the videos, but I do have a feeling this piece of information WAS mentioned. I think this particular piece of information made these “powerful people”/this “powerful person”/this powerful belief very fucking nervous. Kappy makes mention that “Epstein was the keystone of the whole motherfucking matrix.” While that might be true, I personally believe there were/are people above Epstein’s creepy joker smiling ass (have you ever seen how that motherfucker smile with teeth…..lol, it’s scary). I actually feel that THIS particular piece of information would be the thing to really bring the house of cards down.

Along with the Moon, Neptune in Pisces in the 10th stands out here because it opposes the Moon. The 10th house can show things like how the public responds to the case, how law enforcement handles the case, and can also represent the perpetrator’s home. I think here it represents Law Enforcement and the Public’s reaction. With Neptune here, you might be looking at something like LE being paid off by important people (if this is the case, it probably worked because of the separating square aspect between Jupiter and Neptune). If they were paid off, they probably didn’t like this (per the square aspect), but went along with it anyway. In terms of the public, people feel like this case is just a little unclear in general (which is totally Neptune behavior), some believing that Kappy was delusional or mentally unwell and some believing that there is more to his death than meets the eye. Personally, I feel that Neptune here opposing the Moon has more to do with WHAT the public is focused on. The public, on average, appears to be more focused on all the name dropping and flashier shit he said. Things like what dirty shit the Clinton’s are into or “little red pills” (which I’m assuming is adrenochrome). All of this is clouding what is ACTUALLY important and what could actually take these motherfuckers down (the important Virgo Moon detail that I mentioned before).
**As an aside, I’m not saying that the other, flashier stuff he mentions isn’t important. It should be looked into. I just don’t believe that the flashy stuff is what actually will do this matrix in. And the adrenochrome thing…..that to me has always felt like a bunch of disinformation. Something to make anyone who believes any sort of conspiracy connected to all of this sound fucking nuts. Do I think these assholes are doing terrible things to children? Yes. Do I think they’re bleeding children from other countries for their blood. No. People really need to get the fuck off this kick and focus on the actual stuff right in front of them. If some sort of tangible, reliable truth about this comes out at some point, I will eat my words. Until then, that whole thing seems like something was fed to the conspiracy community (those in the conspiracy community that don’t have discernment skills) and has trickled down through the ranks.

You might be wondering, what the hell IS this piece of information? That, honestly, I’m not totally sure about. I did do some rewatching of that Epstein Island video, and there were a couple of things that stood out:

1. Kappy mentions at 1:58 “that guy in Portland, the scientist that just got arrest for CP (Child Porn)…that guy is one degree of separation from Epstein.” This call out stands out to me because the people in question were never mentioned by name.
-I did a little research. The fucker he’s talking about is a creep named Niles Lehman. He was a chemistry professor at Portland State University that ended up sentenced to 2 1/2 years in prison in 2019 for possessing child porn. How does this asshole connect to Epstein? Martin Nowak is how. In 2016, Lehman and Nowak collaborated on on research paper together. Why does that matter? Because Nowak was awarded a 30 million dollar research grant from Epstein in 2003. Not only that, but also Nowak appears to have been very instrumental in Epstein being allowed to keep his office at Harvard even after the 2006 charges he faced (they were definitely friends). Does just being friends with someone make you guilty? No. Should he be someone that is looked into heavily. Absolutely. Harvard placed Nowak on administrative leave in May 2020. He was a professor of Biology and Mathematics, who seemed to have an interest in evolutionary biology and infectious diseases. His Program for Evolutionary Dynamics is what was given the 30 million grant by Epstein.
**It has been rumored (not sure if anything has been actually substantiated) that Epstein was very interested in evolution and even topics veering into eugenics.**

2. Kappy mentions something about an investor from West Palm Beach, Florida. “The Florida Boys, the Glow Boys, Scott Israel’s of the world.” Later he also mentions another investor by the name of “Gabe Hoffman from West Palm Beach, Florida.”
-Scott Israel appears to be a former Broward County Sheriff (from 2013 through early 2019) who was suspended by Florida Governor DeSantis after the Parkland school shooting in 2018 (he and his officers were criticized for the handling of this). Why is he mentioned in this video? Not really sure….I’ll have to dig deeper. My guess is that he turned a blind eye to something that these “Florida Boys” were up to in West Palm Beach.
-Not totally sure what/who the “Glow Boys” are. It could just be a term used to describe these people (these “elite” connected to all of this pedo shit in Florida). When you try to search google, I come up with a bunch of different children’s event places and boys & girls clubs (which is creepy). If anyone has any ideas, leave them in the comments.
-Gabe Hoffman appears to be a hedge fund guy (founder of Accipiter Capital Management). He is also the owner and producer of the the documentary “An Open Secret” (about child sexual abuse in the film industry). Honestly, not totally sure about the whole backstory here between him and Kappy, but it seems Kappy took issue with the documentary film.

3. Talks about stuff going on “under the temple of doom” around the 6:00 mark.
-Again, not totally sure what he is referring to here, but I might think it has something to do with the “temple” on Little St. James (Epstein’s Island).

4. At 7:10, he says “Hey democrats! I’ll tell you what. I bet if you pull this Jenga we could do a lot of good for America and ‘Make American Great Again.’”
-This is very clearly calling out Trump. Did Trump have ties to Epstein. He sure the fuck appeared to. How deep do his ties go with this pedophile matrix? Who knows. I have this feeling that Trump is involved in his own thing that’s as bad as Epstein’s, but not part of the ring that Epstein was a part of. Actually, I feel like Trump and Epstein were “rivals” of sorts in this way. It also makes me wonder if the “PeePee” tape that Russia supposedly has with Trump and another girl isn’t just someone pissing on someone else, but an UNDERAGE GIRL pissing on Trump (or vice versa). I have no proof of that, but I do think it “feels” right.

5. “The Bag Man that holds the bags for the ‘Bad Men.’”
-NOW this one stands out. The definition for a Bag Man is “an agent who collects or distributes the proceeds of illicit activities.” This is probably how this house of cards could come falling down, by figuring out who the Bag Man actually is. Who handled Epstein’s money? What ties does this person (or people) have to the rest of this matrix? It might not be “sexy” and “flashy” like taking down a bunch of politicians and shit, but follow the money. ALWAYS follow the money. That’s probably how this will all come tumbling down.

Do I think someone or something got to him and threatened him and/or fucked with his beliefs (even if just in subliminal ways). You’re Goddamn right. In his last video that he made, he talks about being “a bad guy” and “letting the darkness consume me.” What could all this be about? He mentions that he “took some bait.” I’m thinking this could reference a couple of things:
He mentions “the little stuff creeps up on you, and if you’re not in a state of love and care you can make bad decisions.” I’m wondering if this “little thing” may have to do with the Virgo Moon detail that I mentioned before. Virgo can also be relentlessly critical, even towards itself when not necessary, causing guilt (most of the time unnecessarily). I’m wondering if he could’ve figured out this detail, connected the dots, and made a bad call towards handling it. This quickly impulsive decision could also allude to Gemini in the 1st in Aries. There is also a part of me that wonders if he was controlled opposition. I don’t think he KNEW initially that he was controlled opposition, but maybe figured out that he was (really just a puppet on string). By that I mean that someone initially reached out to him with all of this information (a lot of which appears to be true) knowing that he was the sort of personality that would take it and run with it (or hoping he would). Perhaps he figured that out, fucking with all of his beliefs about what was actually true and what wasn’t (Jupiter Retrograde on the Descendant), and made some kind of petty decision based off of figuring this out. He also makes mention in this last video about some things “planted inside of his consciousness” (which could also be representative of Jupiter retrograde fucking with his beliefs). He also mentioned not being threatened during this video, not being suicidal, but claiming that he was in danger, and that it would probably be his last video (it was). Do I subscribe to all of his beliefs? No. For instance, I’ve never been able to get on the QAnon kick (to me that has always seemed like one giant psyop). Do I think that he had some important information that should be looked into further? Absolutely. Especially the details that don’t tend to get focused on as much.

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