Astrological Ramblings

**If you are more of a watcher than a reader, I have the first part of this blog post in video form here. Part II can be here. ** In this research, I feel like we can’t have a discussion about the Galactic Center and NOT bring into the equation the weird (and even dangerous) beliefs that some well-known people with GC contacts have fostered and spread far and wide (the people that I’m looking at here have had their beliefs infiltrate other areas of life outside of just their members in some form or fashion). Since the GC falls IN Sagittarius (and Sagittarius deals with notions of truth and belief, among other things), I figured I’d might find some wonky shit going on with some well known people who are well known for the “witnessing” of their beliefs. I have said several times that I don’t think the GC is universally “good” or “bad” – really, it just kind of “is.” These people, I’m thinking, used their GC connections in fucking warped ass ways (and it does seem that while the GC can be a way to expose “truth” and find “belief,” it might also have an ability to warp “truth” and “belief” as well. Could they have done something GOOD belief-wise if they had wanted too? Probably so. Did they – some seemed to do worse than others. I want to point out quickly the kinds of people that I was looking for:-Their beliefs had/have an influence on […]


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