Astrological Ramblings

I want to start Part II of this series off by making it very clear that you are so much more than your Sun Sign or your “Big Three” (The Sun/Moon/Rising). If you went off of the basic or trendy instagram/facebook/etc post about astrology, you might be inclined to to think that you’re Sun Sign is literally the only thing that matters, or that your “Big Three” compose the sum of your astrological parts. Personally I take real issue with this sort of astrology that is passed around the internet like some incurable clusterfuck of infectious diseases. Infection is a good word for it, really. I get the some of the memes and posts are funny (though some are downright stupid and only used as a source for starting some shit), but the infection happens when people take silly memes and posts to heart, using them as learning tools, because they don’t yet know anything else. So they believe that they’re toxic because they’re a Pisces Sun. They believe that they’re “boring” because they are a Virgo Sun, or that they are equal to “The Devil” because they’re a Gemini Sun. Obviously, universally, people don’t believe this popsicle bullshit, but for people who are just dipping their feet into astrology and starting out, and then seeing some nonsense like they are the devil because they are a certain Sun Sign, it can be be discouraging. And it’s just fucking incorrect. I don’t hold the learners accountable here, but those who […]
I have always wanted to get into teaching astrology (and writing books!), and have recently started doing this teaching thang for clients that ask if I teach “courses” or things like that. These have translated into sessions that are more like “private lessons.” I like the one on one aspect of teaching this way, and it feeds into my tutoring roots (of which I have years of experience teaching kids and teenagers math & science). Anywho, it’s a lot of fun. So I figured I’d make a post about the bare bones basics on HOW to read a chart….because when you first start looking at them, they can look like some kind of fucking foreign alien language. First things first: create your birth chart if you haven’t already. I know there are lots of popular apps and websites out there, but as far as I’m considered a lot of them produce charts that are a pain in the ass to read off of (I’m looking at you Co-Star and AstroCharts). While maybe not as “pretty” as some of the others, creates charts that are much easier to read (to put all the pieces of the chart together). Also, when you pull your chart, whether on or elsewhere, you’re given both the natal chart wheel, and what I call the natal chart table. I see lots of people trying to read off of that fucking table alone (this is a bitching of mine lol), and if you’re only trying […]


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