Astrological Ramblings

**Just for reference, here is the original post I did on retrograde planets****Lol just for good measure, here is the first YouTube Video about this stuff, and here is the second You Tube Video.** This is a post I have been wanting to write for a while, but outside of work for my clients and taking care of my son, my focus has been very preoccupied with the Galactic Center, lol. I’m still doing the GC stuff (obviously), but in my GC research I have been looking at retrograde planets closely. Specifically Jupiter Rx, but ALL retrograde planets seem to have an affinity for the GC energy…..or rather, retrograde motion in general just seems to have an affinity for the GC. Both the GC and Rx Motion CHANGE the planet involved. It’s this change that I want to talk about for a second….or more than a second hahahaha (I know my ass can get wordy as fuck), especially this change in terms of a planet being retrograde and the notions of exaltation, domicile, detriment, and fall (the 1st two of the five essential dignities of the planets – the notions of domicile/detriment and exaltation/fall). If I’m totally honest, I certainly take the ideas of domicile/detriment and exaltation/fall into consideration when I read charts for people, but I’m not ride or die with them. I think they are something to consider, but just because someone has a planet exalted doesn’t mean that planet won’t have issues, and just because someone has […]


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