Astrological Ramblings

**Here is the video that I did that goes along with this blog post** This is Part II in the continuation of the series on the US’s Pluto’s Return, which started in earnest in early 2020 and will go on through December 27, 2025 (once Transit Pluto clears 2 Aquarius 33 in the sky which is within the 5-degree separating orb I use for transit to natal planets). This year when the US has it’s “birthday” on July 4, 2021 feels really important from a Solar Return perspective since 2022 is when transit Pluto comes home “exactly” to it’s natal position – this happens on February 20, 2022, on July 12, 2022, and on December 27, 2022. You might be asking yourself “can countries have Solar Returns?” Lol I don’t really know. I mean, if people have them, I don’t see any reason why a country couldn’t have them, too. Natalie and myself were talking about this a couple of months ago – if it is possible to look at a Solar Return for a country. We both kind of came to the conclusion that there really wasn’t any reason you couldn’t do a Solar Return chart for a country (in theory). If nothing else, it might give some ideas about what the country (any country’s Solar Return you might look at) will be going through during any given year. In saying all of that, it would make the Solar Return’s for the US for 2021 through 2022, and also […]


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