Yesterday I brought up the idea of out of bounds planets on the subreddit during the “Guess the Asshole” game. The following is posted to the subreddit, but I figured I would also post it here on the blog for those of you that don’t do the reddit thing (and there is probably some overlap from my previous OOB posts from about a year and a half ago).

The definition for Out of Bounds (OOB) planets is “A planet that exceeds a declination of 23-degrees 27 minutes either North or South of the equator.”

Also, just for definitions sake, Declinations are the movements of the planets North and South of the celestial equator. They can create major aspects called **parallels** and **contra-parallels.** Parallels operate like conjunctions and contra-parallels operate like oppositions.  This is another discussion for another post entirely, lol, but I did figure it should be mentioned.)

Once a planet is out of bounds it is kind of free do to as it pleases. It’s no longer under the dominion of the Sun meaning that it can behave however it sees fit to behave. The planets that have the ability to go OOB are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (which does so rarely), Uranus, and Pluto. The Sun, Saturn and Neptune don’t go OOB, and this is because they have the a very similar declination to the Sun. The Moon is the planet that goes OOB the most often, and the years that the North Node is closest to 0-degrees Aries are the years that you will see the Moon go OOB A LOT. In these years you will also see an upswing in OOB action across all the planets that can go OOB. 

So….what happens when a planet goes OOB? That planet usually has a way of testing the limits. What limits exactly? It usually has to do with limits that we collectively place on one another in society (what’s “acceptable” and what’s “not acceptable” kind of shit). These are planets that push boundaries and want to push through any “barrier” that seems to exist. These planets don’t give a fuck about shit like that, giving rules and the status quo a giant middle finger. This can be a really great thing; we do need planets like this and the people that have them to move society forward…..they are usually the change makers in some capacity either in their own sphere of influence (in a micro way) or in collective ways on a larger scale (in a macro way). What happens TO a planet when it goes OOB? Below you will find a list of both the positive and negative sides to the planets being OOB. People that have OOB planets may find that they don’t exhibit ONLY the positive or the negative sides to the planet, but they may instead find they encompass a little of both.

**Moon OOB:**This usually adds an amplification of intuition to the way the Moon functions and the native usually knows this (and would be smart to use this intuition). The emotions are pretty strong and intense regardless of sign and regardless if the native shows them openly or not. It causes the native to dance to beat of their own drum (to the music running through their head that other people aren’t hearing). These people generally need a lot of emotional freedom and have a high degree of emotional intelligence. It helps the native to have a natural understanding of other people and they are usually like a spark of inspiration (both to themselves and to other people). On the negative side of things, you could find the Moon OOB causes the native to have extreme mood swings, a complete disregard for rules and social conventions (to the point of being to their detriment), and a complete lack of sympathy/empathy (though I don’t see it manifest this particular way often, it is possible). These people might also have habits that are self-destructive in nature (and this is the particular negative trait that I have noticed people that exemplify the positive traits of an OOB Moon overall might still have to battle with).

**Mercury OOB:** This can cause the native to be willing to communicate the things that other people wouldn’t dare communicate (to say the unspeakable). They are usually pretty intelligent and their mind operates in a different way than the rest of us. There is usually a talent for connecting people via communication and even media, and they usually make pretty great teachers and speakers. Perception is very important for these natives, and how they perceive the information that they are taking into their mind; if they function from the positive side of an OOB Mercury their perception is usually on point. On the negative end of the spectrum, the perception that these people have can be wildly off (they might misunderstand what is going on around them entirely). It can also cause obsessive and/or compulsive thoughts, and can cause the way that they think differently to be SO different that they end up not feeling socially connected to anyone and/or to disconnect entirely. 

**Venus OOB:** This planet being OOB can make the native highly desirable in their own sphere of influence on a micro level and publicly on a macro level. They generally have really great taste and know “beauty” (even if it’s different than what the collective at large finds “beautiful”). Because of this these natives are generally ahead of trends and challenge (and change) the collective’s notion of what “beauty” is. They usually have a knack for making other people feel very at ease in their presence, and for being able to give other people what they need in any given situation. Venus OOB usually adds oodles of magnetism and charisma; these people have “IT” (or “zsa-zsa-zou”) and they are usually pretty entertaining with a fair amount of artistic ability. Values are another thing that stand out here; these people might value things in a different way than most, or their values in general might be different. On the negative side, Venus OOB can cause someone to be too hedonistic, materialistic, and envious of what other people have (not focusing on what THEY have). There can be something “unusual” about their notion of relationships and they somehow need to break boundaries on what is accepted in relationships and what isn’t (this one can be a positive or negative, it really depends on WHAT that is and how they use it). 

**Mars OOB:** This can cause the native to be super fucking driven; these are the people that really have an ability to get shit done. Their stamina is usually unparalleled and they have a tremendous amount of leadership ability. They usually feel an urge to act on their instincts and impulses (and THIS can be positive or negative, depending on what those instincts and impulses  are telling them to do). They might seem more “masculine” in nature and they usually have a good amount of confidence that they want to act on and exhibit. On the negative end of things, this can cause the person to come off as incredibly selfish, forceful, and/or dominating. Their temper can be an issue; Mars OOB can cause the person to get really fucking pissed off really fucking quick (sometimes this seems nonsensical in nature) with possibly violent results. 

**Jupiter OOB:** When Jupiter is OOB it usually adds an amplification of luck for the native in their life. Now, this doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the ones that win the lottery or anything like that, but these people might seem luckier in general (they might even FEEL luckier than a lot of people). Their beliefs are usually very strong, and it might even cause them to have a belief in the impossible (not easily giving up on this). There might be a deep need to travel and see the world in a way that goes WAY beyond Jupiters need to travel (like they need travel like the air they breathe). These people have a need to expand themselves beyond any limits that currently exist and this is usually done in a BIG way. Expansion is one of those things that can really be a positive or a negative thing – it really depends HOW they are expanding and in what area they are trying to expand. Dogmatism is another negative trait of Jupiter OOB (but this is to an extreme level). 

**Uranus OOB:**These people, like the Moon OOB, need a whole bunch of freedom. They don’t allow anyone or anything to fence them in. These are the people who are more than willing to try things that have never been tried before for the sake of innovation and experimentation. The rebels, the revolutionaries, the humanitarians, and the weirdos (and this may be seen publicly on a larger scale or within family and friend groups on a smaller scale – these people naturally stand out). There is usually a deep feeling of being different from other people that goes beyond the usual notion of Uranian difference, which they can either use to their advantage or their detriment. These people can completely detach themselves from everything if they want (which can be both a good thing or a bad thing depending on the circumstance). Their behavior can be downright shocking or radical just for the pure sake of these which can put others that are more conventional “off” and cause them not to be taken as seriously in their quest for liberation (both personally and collectively). 

**Pluto OOB:** This planet being OOB can cause the native to have a shit load of intensity and/or magnetism (and this kind of intensity goes beyond Pluto’s normal intensity and magnetism levels). They are are passionate, usually pretty sexual (maybe even hyper-sexual), and usually have very strong convictions about things. Secrets usually mean a lot to these people, and they are more inclined than most to hang on to their secrets (and those of other people). These people usually go through several distinct periods in their lifetimes and these periods show their many marked soul transformations (and they could even go through a few different transformations during one period). This planet OOB can also cause a host of darker things to come out in the personality; these people might have a shit load of rage and can probably be incredibly violent and vengeful (though this might not be out in the open but more something these natives keep secret). I feel like there is a need for people with Pluto OOB to embrace the darkness and heaviness of Pluto…..not necessarily in the sense of acting on any “dark” desires but admitting they exist and handling them in a way that doesn’t hurt themselves or anyone else (should this exist in the native). 

And just to be clear, even some of the positive traits mentioned above could be utilized in a negative capacity in some way. Same thing goes for the more negative traits, which if applied positively could be a positive thing. My point is not everything is black and white.

How can YOU find out if you have any planets out of bounds? Go to and create your chart (first go to “free horoscopes” at the top of the page and then go to extended chart selection and enter in your information). Once you pull the actual chart you will see a button above the chart that says “PDF additional tables.” Click on that and something called “Natal Chart (Data Sheet)” will appear. Under the chart that says “Planet Positions” you will see a column for “Declination.” Check the declinations for the planets and if you have a planet that is at a declination of 23-degrees 27 minutes or beyond you have an out of bounds planet. If you find you have an OOB planet think about HOW that planet manifests in an OOB way in your life. Share below how you feel the OOB planet plays out in your life (if you feel like sharing). I know I’d personally love to hear your experiences with them. And if you would like for me to read for you, that can be done here 🙂

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7 Responses

  1. I recently discovered that I have four planets OOB; Mars, Mercury, Uranus and Pluto – as well as my Sun at 23 degrees 26 minutes and 50 seconds – which can happen on June 21st. The planets are all definitely OOB beyond the Sun, yet still in the 23 degree range – which I guess keeps me from being too way out there and I’ve come to appreciate my Saturn squaring that Gemini stellium. What could be seen as a severe detriment has become a stabilizing brake on my impulsivity.

    It all does much to explain how I’ve always felt ‘offsides’ in life and why people just didn’t know what to do with me when I was in school or career wise. It’s certainly been an interesting life, to me at least. Am I narcissistic or severely empathic? – I can be simultaneously obtuse and piercingly accurate in my social observations and actions…but I’m not actively cruel. In fact, I feel awful if I hurt someone. I’m often hesitant to interact, except when I’m not…

    I’ve had several diagnoses out there from schizo-something to autistic to intermittently depressed. Does asking the question sort of beg the question? Indeed, is it madness or genius lurking in the corners? Perhaps it is a mere psychic eccentricity. I do like people, and most seem to like me – I get lots of arms length compliments, but few close friendships. I think I scare some folks, or they somehow sense my ‘offends’ and just leave me alone.

    There are talents in abundance- but application is difficult. I do what I can to help others and myself. I seek joy and accept serenity as the outcome.

    • Ahhh! That’s quite a few planets OOB (and without seeing your chart, I can totally see how the OOB planets could play out the way your’re mentioning).

      Thank you so much for sharing your experience <3 ^_^

  2. Ive got Pluto outabounds in my first house conjunct Saturn in cancer to keep the lid on
    Is that why I like you?
    Q:What happens when
    Dark Fetish meets Radiance Sutra
    A: I do
    Not everyone can walk in the light of truth
    some people burn
    haahaahaa :)))))))

    • I don’t know, lol, IS that why you like me? Maybe it is.

      I would think some pretty interesting stuff would happen when “Dark Fetish” meets “Radiance Sutra”

      hahahahahahahah ^_^

  3. Having mercury, Venus and uranus in declination. I now understand why I’m so weird. Comunication is very unstable for me, I either come across very well with great insight or fire off miscommunication at every point. Sometimes its so bad I just won’t talk to anyone. I’m a Gemini Rising so maybe it’s more prominent for me. Venus in declination I am known to be incredibly flirty and charismatic. Having Venus 7th house conjunct sun thats already a big thing for me. Sometimes I attract unwanted attention and that has gotten me into very difficult situations. Uranus in declination, learning this today has been a little empowering. I usually feel weird or out of place like not belonging. When I was a kid I fell asleep in the corner of my living room between the two couches and I swore I was an alien that had inhabited my body. I didn’t tell anyone knowing they wouldn’t understand. I don’t feel this way now of course, I imagine I just forgot about it or moved on to some other weird interest but looking back it felt surreal. Shortly after that I entered foster care where I went through 17 different placements again never belonging or being accepted. Im an Aquarius Mc so having this declination makes me feel more deserving of that placement and confident in embracing my weirdness, a path I committed to this year.

  4. Well, that’s something I didn’t know before: it helps to explain a couple of things that went under the radar. My Uranus (which is also unaspected) is at 23 N 43 (in Cancer, 7th House), and my Pluto is at 23 N 40 (in Leo, 8th House). Now I feel more at pace with myself for being a rebel in sexual and relationship modes. Thank you, Ellie.

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