Astrological Ramblings

Here is the video that goes along with this post (if you are more of watcher than a reader) I wanted to type up something quickly about the Super Galactic Center, to at least acknowledge its presence. I wasn’t really going to even get into the Super GC yet, but I felt like it was time for it to be mentioned, especially with more people asking when squares to the GC will be explored. The Super GC ties into the squares with the GC because of where it is located in the chart – right now it is at 2-degrees Libra. This is within the window of orb that I would be looking at for squares to the GC. The Super GC does appear to move more quickly than the GC does – for instance, when I was born in November 1987, the Super GC was at 29-Virgo (so that it does seem to move more quickly than the GC does, which was between 26 & 27-degrees Sagittarius for most of the 20th Century). To pull the super GC in your chart, go to and create your natal chart. Then go to “extended chart selection.” Once there, go down to where it says “additional objects” and find the “list of fixed stars” (and click on it). Go down the list until you get to the G’s and find the option listed as “Gal.Pole, GPol” and pick it. Then pull your chart again and you will see where the Super […]
Here is the video that goes along with this blog post for anyone who would rather watch than read. I mentioned recently in a video that I wanted to start talking about some weird shit, and lol, I meant it. This won’t be the bulk of where the Galactic Center research will veer, but damnit, if I have an opportunity to talk about aliens or other weird phenomena, you better damn well believe I’m going to do it (I just can’t help myself). I also wanna mention that this is LITERALLY just FUCKING with astrology – in no way am I claiming that any of this is truth or even correct – this is just some shit I noticed that I think is interesting. There is an idea that the GC is like a linkage between our realm/dimension and other dimensions, and when I see stuff like that my mind automatically veers to aliens and “making contact” (among a whole bunch of other shit). Not necessarily “Little Green Men” or “The Greys” type of aliens, but just “beings” that aren’t part of our dimension/realm. Who knows – there could be “beings” that ARE terrestrial to Earth, but they are in another dimension so we can’t see them (that part is a whole other conversation for another time – I’ll probably get into this later anyway lol). There is also the idea that the GC could be like a portal to the “other side” (or other realms) and this is an […]


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