Astrological Ramblings

I want to start this post off by saying that this will probably be the first of a few different posts (and hopefully a podcast with Natalie to talk about this shit) – so in other words, this single post is NOT a complete synopsis. Also, this post was not created to do the fear mongering thing (and if these posts scare anyone, I truly am sorry). I believe that knowledge is power (typical Sagittarius energy lol), and ultimately the more we know, the less we have to fear. It’s much easier when and if the other fucking shoe drops to be prepared for this possibility than to be left there in the chaos holding your proverbial dick in your hand. Right now, the United States is going through what is known as a Pluto Return. This occurs when transit Pluto comes home to the same place that it falls in the natal chart. I look at an orb of 5-degrees applying and separating between transit Pluto and natal Pluto. Pluto’s Return actually started in early 2020 and will end for good on December 27, 2025 after transit Pluto goes beyond 2 degrees 33 minutes Aquarius in the sky. There are three dates during the Pluto Return that stand out the most – these are February 20, 2022, July 12, 2022, and December 27, 2022. These dates stand out because these are the dates that BOTH transit Pluto and natal Pluto are at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn (meaning these […]


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