I want to start this post off by saying that this will probably be the first of a few different posts (and hopefully a podcast with Natalie to talk about this shit) – so in other words, this single post is NOT a complete synopsis. Also, this post was not created to do the fear mongering thing (and if these posts scare anyone, I truly am sorry). I believe that knowledge is power (typical Sagittarius energy lol), and ultimately the more we know, the less we have to fear. It’s much easier when and if the other fucking shoe drops to be prepared for this possibility than to be left there in the chaos holding your proverbial dick in your hand.

Right now, the United States is going through what is known as a Pluto Return. This occurs when transit Pluto comes home to the same place that it falls in the natal chart. I look at an orb of 5-degrees applying and separating between transit Pluto and natal Pluto. Pluto’s Return actually started in early 2020 and will end for good on December 27, 2025 after transit Pluto goes beyond 2 degrees 33 minutes Aquarius in the sky. There are three dates during the Pluto Return that stand out the most – these are February 20, 2022, July 12, 2022, and December 27, 2022. These dates stand out because these are the dates that BOTH transit Pluto and natal Pluto are at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn (meaning these are the dates that Transit Pluto actually comes “home” to it’s exact natal position). Below you will find a chart with a picture of the US’s natal chart with the transits for the date of February 20, 2022.

So what does a Pluto Return mean for a country? My guess: transformation. You want to pay attention to the house that natal Pluto falls in, the house that Scorpio rules in the chart (this house will also be activated since Scorpio is ruled by Pluto), and aspects made by transit Pluto to other parts of the chart (and the aspects that natal Pluto makes will also be double amplified as well). With natal to transit Pluto in the 2nd House in Capricorn, the US is definitely looking at some kind of transformation (re: breakdown) of the values of the country, of the country’s money and other resources. Those are the areas of life that will probably be most impacted with natal Pluto falling in the 2nd House. Notions of authority and mastery will also be challenged – the way this country exerts it’s authority and mastery over it’s values, over it’s money, and over it’s resources. That 12th House is also being pulled at since Scorpio rules the 12th House cusp, which makes me think that a lot of the unconscious and dark shit that we have going as a country is going to start busting at the seams. This has ALREADY started (duh), but I do think it gets worse. Holding on to power at all costs seems really likely, along with a stark polarization of the collective “mind” of the country. This country has always been kind of one side or the other mentally (picking a side and that bullshit), with natal Pluto opposite natal Mercury, but this will be massively amplified during Pluto’s return since transit Pluto will also be opposite natal Mercury. I do think this pulls at the relationships that we have as country with our fellow country-people since Gemini rules over the 7th House (and Mercury rules Gemini). Since Virgo is intercepted (which is also ruled by Mercury) it feels like we could really use some fucking organization as a country, and could also use some cold hard facts and details – but I think we as a country let pride get in the way too much. Pride over our beliefs without any actual data to back this pride up – this fucking bullshit exacerbates ALL of this. We as country are no stranger to this shit, but I think it gets even more out of control (or something along those lines). The issue seems to be people finding pride in their “side” of things, in their party or whatever, and doing the virtue signaling bullshit that both the right and the left do to prove how aligned they are with either side. I wish people would WAKE THE FUCK UP on both sides and realize that the people in power on their “side” don’t give a single fuck about them as people, their families, or their needs. I get rather, ahem, impassioned, about this, because I feel like THIS will be our “downfall” if we don’t ALL knock this bullshit off.

So….yeah. People need to wake the fuck up in the US. Unfortunately, with transit Pluto conjunct natal Pluto and opposite natal Mercury, I see the polarization getting worse. Almost like mental tunnel vision and not being able to see beyond what their side sees – it feels really obsessive here. This might actually be the reason that as I’ve been looking at these charts, I have had the thought run through my mind “we don’t want your kind here.” This probably does have to do with the different sides of alignment. It would be really great if people from other sides of the political spectrum could come together (both in actual politics and even just regular people) and actually talk about things – see things from other points of view. The same thing could be said about any kind of belief that we as a country can be prideful about and that can also be polarizing (religious, philosophical, etc.). THIS should be encouraged by outlets like the media on BOTH sides – they have a lot of power and they should start fucking using it like they aren’t a gaggle of assclowns. There is a reason that we got to how we are as a country right now, and I think a lot of it has to do with our lack of ability as a country to discern and think critically ….. which is also highlighted by Virgo intercepted in the US’s natal chart and this being lit up with natal Mercury double touched by Pluto (in natal and transit).

Honestly though, Pluto’s return isn’t the most concerning thing about all of this. I am most concerned for when Uranus enters Gemini for good in 2026. I say for “good” because Uranus will enter Gemini in 2025, but will then retrograde back into Taurus for a bit before settling in Gemini for good on April 27, 2026. I’m going to throw some dates up here …. you’ll see why it’s concerning.

**At the time the country was “born” we had Pluto at 27 Capricorn 23 and Uranus at 8 Gemini 55 – Revolutionary War took place at this time

**Transit Pluto square Natal Pluto in the 1850s (leading up to the Civil War) & then Uranus in Gemini from 1859 through 1866 – Civil War

Transit Pluto opposing Natal Pluto from 1933 through 1941 (leading up to the US involvement in WWII) & Uranus in Gemini from 1941, then for good in 1942 through 1949 – much of that during WWII (when the US was involved)

The only deviation from this was when Transit Pluto in Libra was square Natal Pluto from about 1980 to 1985. There wasn’t a war at this time (though there were probably some very close calls – closer than we probably realize), and Uranus’ Return (Transit Uranus in Gemini) didn’t follow it. I’m thinking the lack of Transit Uranus entering Gemini probably kept the US from an all out open war with the USSR.

So, that’s some disturbing shit to sit with. Uranus Returns happen roughly every 88 years, and I feel like Uranus holds a “special” place in the US’s chart since Uranus is conjunct the Descendant (meaning that Uranus in the US’s natal chart touches the “shadow side” of the country. Just to be clear, I don’t believe that this is universally the case for every country – you always have to take the WHOLE chart into account. In the case of the US it seems that the coming home of Uranus correlates with war – historically anyway. Transit Uranus won’t actually begin it’s conjunction with natal Uranus until early July 2026 when it hits 3 Gemini 55 in the sky (making that 5-degree applying conjunction I mentioned earlier). Here is a chart for one of the exact dates for when transit Uranus is exactly conjunct natal Uranus on July 27, 2027.

Transit Uranus will also be exactly conjunct natal Uranus on November 6, 2027, and again on May 11, 2028, just FYI.

Pluto’s Return will absolutely be the catalyst for whatever Uranus in Gemini brings. Things like the US Dollar tanking (I don’t know if it will fully collapse….unless the powers that be want that to happen that is – maybe they do). I definitely think there will be some changes with our money, though. This one feels fucking huge. How our money is tied to natural resources might also change – this one also feels possible. Values and the exertion of such also seem very up for grabs. I think, through Pluto’s Return, we as a country need to remember that our fellow country-people brothers and sisters are not the enemy (regardless of our individual differences). This is incredibly important – for Gemini, where Uranus will be after Pluto’s Return, represents “universal brotherhood” at it’s highest vibration. We just have to be able to see beyond all the noise to be able to embrace this. Otherwise, if we don’t, it just seems like complete fucking chaos.

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5 Responses

  1. Oh, I get it now: my natal Mercury is opposite USA’s natal Mercury, so it isn’t any wonder how vocal I can be about American politics, etc. I always wondered why i was personal to me.

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