Astrological Ramblings

In some of the videos that I ‘ve done recently, I’ve brought up the notion of whistleblowers and the GC. This isn’t an entirely new idea in and of itself – there have been some articles done on this and that it does seem to be common for well known whistleblowers to have GC conjunctions, oppositions, etc. (there most definitely appears to be a correlation). What I haven’t seen as mentioned is the notion that a good majority of these people have Jupiter Rx in their natal charts (or were born during the shadow period just after Jupiter goes direct). While I think the GC is a protective force for people in general when they lean into the GC’s energy and don’t fight it (I really do believe this – but the “not fighting it part” is important here), in the case of GC conjunctions and whistleblowers, the conjunctions seem to add an urge to get the “truth” out there. There also seems to be what I would consider a “protective” element to this as well. I think Jupiter Rx can ALSO be a protective force for these people (here is my last blog post about Jupiter Rx in connection to the GC in general). I think another protective force has to do with having something trine the GC – an actual planet or something major to give the whistleblower “safe passage” to translate the truth that they need to tell down to Earth (here is the blog post about […]


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