Astrological Ramblings
Here is a video I did about this same thing if you’re more of a watcher than a reader 🙂 I have been hesitant to approach this topic…..the topic of Starseeds and how this notion might tie in with the Galactic Center. Why have I been hesitant to “go there”? I think it’s for a couple of different reasons. Some of it might have to do with the fact that there really isn’t a whole lot that is “tangible” about the notion of “starseeds” or about BEING a starseed (it’s COMPLETELY based off of a feeling of knowing – nothing that can really be proven or disproven as of now). The feeling of knowing is important though (I’m not brushing this off). I mean, I’m someone who DOES deal in and do past life work for clients and there is no way to prove a past life exists or not, either (this also deals heavily on the feeling of knowing, too). The difference, I think, between what I do for clients in terms of past life work and the notion of being a starseed in my mind (and how one feels more tangible than the other, to me anyway) has to do with the fact that I’m looking at a natal chart and coming up with your past life story based on things IN your natal chart (and not just pulling ideas out of my ass). I try to make these notions tangible to the client, as well, by explaining […]