Astrological Ramblings

Interview with an Astrologer-Philip Sedgwick also known as the mack fucking daddy of the Galactic Center (and Galactic Astrology) This conversation took place on August 11, 2022, over zoom. Philip’s parts of the conversation are in bold, and mine are not bolded. The parts that are in parenthesis are things that might be necessary for one to know for some context of the question and/or answers (and also for other side notes). This entire conversation was such a professional highlight ^_^ “Hey Philip!”“Hey Ellie. So, how the hell are you?”“I’m pretty good – I’m excited! How about you?”“I’m good. Do you want to ask me your questions, and that way I can have a little more of spontaneous response to them?” “Okay, sounds good! All of the questions were okay though, right?”(I always like to shoot over the questions that I want to ask in an interview before the interview happens). “Yeah, there’s a couple of answers that will be a little different than the track of the question, but nonetheless, it will work.” “Okay – that is fine. (I start getting my iPad out with the questions).“So, what got you interested in astrology in the first place? What was the spark?” “Well, I was in the Navy, and I was up for a security clearance, and one day I was in a coffee shop at the base where our ship was stationed, and this guy came up to me and asked me for my birthday. I told him, and […]


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