In this blog post, I am going to play around with a couple of charts to explain how to MAYBE use the GC in chart weaving and the important pieces of the “Galactic Center Puzzle” in each of these charts that would want to be considered if you were to read the chart through the lens of the GC. I’m not really sure if “reading the chart through the lens of the GC” is the right way to put that, but since I’m still learning how to incorporate this shit myself, breaking the chart down via the lens of the GC feels most “correct” to say (and then weaving that shit back together).
**Here is the video that goes along with this blog post for all you that would rather watch than read**
**I also went into some of this without chart visuals in my last blog post**

I will not be going over either of the charts in completion – just kind of pointing out exactly what should be looked at when reading from the lends of the GC.

Chart No. 1

This chart belongs to someone I know pretty well (or, lol, I think I know pretty well…..but you can think you know someone well all day long and not really know them at all – that’s another discussion for another day hahahaha I digress). Anywho, as you can see, they have the GC in the 9th House and Neptune is conjunct the GC within a couple of degrees. Their Mars and Jupiter are also within the window of orb that is being looked at for conjunctions as well, but since Neptune is the closest to the GC this will be the planet that is probably the most impacted BY the GC (getting a good majority of it’s “downloads” or it’s energy or whatever). This will also cause the GC to influence the way the 9th House areas of life play out for them (warped, charged, amplified, distorted, etc.). Things to consider here when reading:
-Their 12th House, with Pisces on the cusp, will BEND to Neptune and the GC in the 9th. This causes 12th House notions (like spirituality, escape, self-sabotage, and other 12th House notions) to BEND to 9th House notions (like religion, metaphysics, travel of the mind and body, expansion, higher learning, and other 9th House notions). The GC will give an amplification/warping/charge to the things from the 12th House that bend to the 9th House. You would probably want to do the same thing with the 1st House (since Aries is on the cusp and ruled by Mars) and the 8th House (since Scorpio is on the cusp and ruled by Mars via traditional rulership…if you use traditional rulership). The 9th House will bend to itself since Sagittarius is on the 9th House cusp and Jupiter is in this house (and really, feel like it would amplify this house even more). ALL of these houses that dispose of themselves to the planets conjunct the GC will have the GC influencing the way that they BEND to the planet involved.
-I didn’t post the declinations, but Mars and Jupiter are both out of bounds. Being close to the GC seems like it would charge these planets even more (spoiler alert: with this person it does).
-This person has no conjunctions to the Galactic Anti-Center (GaC). While there is no planet there to take the impact from the shocking that I do think happens here, this part of the chart is still acting a lightning rod – meaning that part of the chart is getting zapped from something like the overflow from the GC. In this case, the GaC is in the 3rd House. If you knew this person the way that I do, you would know that areas of life dealing with communication are a real Achilles Heel. This person thinks they communicate well (but they don’t – this isn’t just with me, either, but just in general). Up until recently this person would not have admitted this (they may have been blinded to just what the issues actually were, and may still be blinded to some of them today) . The 3rd House areas of life do sustain “damage” (this isn’t just in this person’s case, but the GaC in everyone’s chart will probably sustain some damage just due to the energy overflow that occurs from the GC, shooting over to the GaC).
-This person doesn’t not have Jupiter Rx (or Mercury Rx)
-This person has no trines to the GC. The Ascendant is CLOSE to being a trine, but a little too far out of orb for me to count.
-As I’ve mentioned before, when there are no trines, I think this makes Jupiter and Mercury very important to the translation of the stuff needing to be brought down to Earth from the GC – whatever exactly that is, and this seems like it’s a little different for everyone. This person’s drives, creativity, and beliefs are going to be charged here (among other Neptune, Mars and Jupiter things), and if they aren’t translated well it doesn’t seem like much could be done with this energy. Since they are also sextile the GaC, the trines/sextiles help to ground the lightning strikes to the GaC. Jupiter and Mercury FEEL like they could act as de-facto translator and grounder in the absence of the trine/sextile to the GC just in general.
–In this person’s case, since Jupiter is conjunct the GC (and already absorbing some of the GC energy), I feel instinctively like Mercury is probably the planet to look at here since it isn’t involved with the GC. There Mercury is already a little difficult since Mercury (what needs to be expressed here is communication and other Mercury things) is conjunct the Descendant (and the Descendant is like the shadow side of a person – the parts of you that you might know exist but don’t really want to deal with). It makes sense that this person would actually know that they might not be the greatest at communicating (perhaps they want to be pleasing when they do this, or perhaps they function from one of the Libra darksides (like apathy) when they communicate), but since it’s conjunct the Descendant it might get “ignored”. For this person to understand their own Mercury like the back of their hand (which is also more difficult since it is combust the Sun) just feels really important to be able to even BEGIN to translate all the energy at the GC.

Chart No. 2

This chart belongs to me – the only reason I’m using it here is because I don’t have to ask clearance to use my own chart lol. As you can see, the GC is in my 1st House, with Venus and Uranus within a degree of the GC. Saturn and Neptune are within the window of orb that is being looked at, but for this blog post I’m going to leave Neptune out of the equation (I’ve never really counted it as conjunct the GC, personally). This will cause the GC to amplify/warp/charge/intensify the way that I express myself naturally, the way that I approach the world, and other 1st House things. Some stuff to consider when reading from the lens of the GC:
-The 2nd House with Capricorn on the cusp, the 3rd House with Aquarius on the cusp, the 6th House with Taurus on the cusp, and the 11th House with Libra on the cusp will all bend to Saturn, Uranus and Venus respectively (and the 1st House and the GC) – these different areas of life by house feed the GC, essentially (for lack of better term).
-I didn’t post the declinations, but Venus and Uranus are out of bounds. The Moon is OOB, too, but the Moon is too far out of orb to be considered conjunct the GC at 16-degrees Capricorn.
-Chiron is opposite the GC and conjunct the GaC in the 7th House in Gemini. This makes Chiron the real lightning rod here. The whole area opposite the GC functions this way, but when you see a planet, Chiron, a Major Angle, the North or South Nodes (and probably other things that haven’t been looked at yet in the research) conjunct the GaC, this planet (et. al) is going to take a majority of the impact from the lightning strikes from the GC. This probably makes my Chiron more damaged than I’m even aware of (and I am aware there is damage there – I just probably don’t realize how much). This will manifest in 7th House areas of life (close relationships). I think people can probably fill in other gaps lol with Chiron in the 7th House. There
-Jupiter is trine the GC in the 4th House in Aries and it is also Rx. Having Jupiter Rx probably does tune me in to the GC, and having it trine the GC probably does allow the stuff that is “downloaded” or charged from the GC to come down to Earth. The stuff from the GC that needs to come “down to Earth” will use Jupiter as its vehicle to do this – this will come by way of beliefs & truth (and other Jupiter things) through the core of my being, home, family, roots (and other 4th House things) in an independent, pioneering, and/or even aggressive way (among other Aries notions). This makes Jupiter Rx really important in my chart, and I need to understand it like the back of my hand since it is the ONLY planet trine the GC (and able to “do” this translation).

I will probably do some other examples of this if I can get clearance to do so (if anyone wants to volunteer their charts for this purpose, I don’t have to use your name or anything – just a picture of the chart and something short like what I posted above to give some ideas about how to work with the GC energy).

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