United States Uranus Return disclaimer – This isn’t a piece to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy).

Just to start this off (as a continuation from the last post on Uranus in Gemini) here are the 4 most recent periods of time in history that transit Uranus was in Gemini (over the past 300 or so years) before the 2020’s:
-July 10, 1690 through Nov. 4, 1690; April 28, 1691 through July 31, 1697; Dec. 16, 1697 through May 18, 1698
-June 19, 1774 through Dec. 1, 1774; April 8, 1775 through July 12, 1781; Jan. 12, 1782 through April 28, 1782
-June 2, 1858 through Jan. 1, 1859; March 14, 1859 through June 27, 1865; Feb. 17, 1866 through March 27, 1866
-August 7, 1941 through Oct. 5, 1941; May 15, 1942 through August 30, 1948; Nov. 12, 1948 through June 10, 1949

Fast forward to the future: Transit Uranus will move into Gemini on July 7, 2025 for the first time.
-It will slip back into Taurus on November 8, 2025 through April 26, 2026
-Enters Gemini on April 26, 2026 where it will stay until August 3, 2032 (it will enter Cancer for the first time on August 3, 2032)
-Slips back into Gemini from December 12, 2032 through May 22, 2033 (that’s when it will stay in Cancer for however many years).

United States Uranus Return will be going on from July 5, 2026 through May 28, 2029 (with a 5-degree orb applying and separating between transit Uranus and natal Uranus); Transit Uranus will be exactly conjunct the US’s Uranus on July 26, 2027November 5, 2027 and May 11, 2028

What is the Uranus Return Anyway? Okay, so Uranus Returns happen every 84 years (roughly), and it’s when transit Uranus moves back to the same degree, minute and seconds as Uranus in a natal chart. For instance, the US has it’s natal Uranus at 8-degrees 55-minutes of Gemini, meaning the Uranus Return takes place in the US when transit Uranus “comes home” to 8-degrees 55-minutes of Gemini (this idea is how ALL planetary returns work). Uranus Returns will bring Uranian themes to the forefront, themes such as liberation, chaos, trauma, change…among many other Uranus notions. How this comes about depends on the sign and house natal Uranus falls in the chart, along with aspects that natal Uranus makes to other planets, angles, etc. Since these transits happen every 84 years not everyone will get to experience a Uranus Return (not everyone lives to be 84 years old); same thing could be said about countries as well (since not every country will make it to 84 years, either). It’s also a time when Uranus in the natal chart (or the chart of a country) has to be “dealt” with should there be anything that needs to be dealt with in this regard.

Any time that Uranus has been in Gemini the United States has been at war (and even before the US was a country, there was some shit happening on what would become American soil). Someone on YouTube commented “when hasn’t the US been at war?” on the video I did about transit Uranus in Gemini and the US’ Uranus Return in 2021. I definitely laughed at the comment because they would be right. For years and years now, the US has been involved in some kind of (bullshit) conflict (more often than not the kind of conflict that we didn’t/don’t need to be involved in the first place). However, the kind of “war” that I’m talking about (and was talking about in the video in 2021) aren’t the kinds of wars that are fought on behalf of another country, wars that are fought instead of fighting a country we actually want to fight (a proxy war), etc. The last time that Uranus was in Gemini, the United States was embroiled in World War II. The Uranus Return before the one in the 1940’s was during the American Civil War in the 1860s. The time before that one (in the late 1770’s through early-1780s) was during the American Revolution (when the United States became a country….so this really wasn’t a Uranus Return, but more like when Uranus was set in the US natal chart).
-Side Note: The United States wasn’t a country in the 1690’s, but Uranus was in Gemini during this period…and this is when the Witch Trials were happening on what would become American Soil (not a “war” in the traditional sense, but the times still pitted neighbor against neighbor).  

Beyond transit Uranus being in Gemini, the two wars going on during the previous two Uranian Returns ALSO came in hot the heels of some transit Pluto fuckery to the United States’ natal Pluto. For instance:
-The Civil War (during the 1st United States Uranus Return) started shortly after transit Pluto in Aries was square the United States’ natal Pluto 
-World War II (during the 2nd United States Uranus Return) started shortly after transit Pluto in Cancer was opposite the United States’ natal Pluto
–We just finished Pluto’s Return here in the US, meaning this upcoming Uranus Return that will start in 2026 also comes in hot on the heels of some transit Pluto fuckery, too. 

There really does seem to be a (major) war equation for the United States:
Transit Pluto making a challenging contact with the US’ natal Pluto first….and then transit Uranus entering Gemini.
(I lololol’d at “entering”…I’m immature sometimes 🤣)

**As a side note, I think a reason that the cold war between the US and the USSR didn’t turn hot in the 1980s was because Uranus wasn’t about to enter Gemini. At the time, transit Pluto in Libra was making a square with the United States’ natal Pluto (from 1980 through 1985) meaning the Pluto part of the war equation was there. But alas! Transit Uranus was in Scorpio and Sagittarius…far the fuck away from Gemini. 
**As another side note, I think a major reason that World War I wasn’t a longer war for the United States (we were only directly involved from April 1917 through November 1918) was because transit Uranus wasn’t in Gemini and because there wasn’t some transit Pluto fuckery going on before the war started.

Why does Uranus’ Return (and transit Uranus in Gemini in general) seem to trigger the United States going to war? I have some theories about that. The chart below is the natal chart of the United States (also called the Sibly Chart):

United States Uranus Return – Chart for the first time transit Uranus “comes home” to the placement of the United States’ natal Uranus (July 26, 2027); US natal chart inside the wheel and the transits are in green outside the wheel.

Uranus is in the 6th House of the US’ natal chart, but it’s very close to the Descendant in the chart. The Descendant is where the chart “sets,” meaning it’s a shadowy place. I’m not talking about the Jungian Shadow when I say shadowy; in this case, I’m thinking about when the Sun sets in the sky there are literal shadows on the ground. We don’t always pay attention to these shadows (we might even ignore, dismiss, or forget about them completely), but we are aware that they are there (it’s not surprising to us, generally speaking, when we do happen to catch a glimpse of our own shadow). THIS is one of the major things the Descendant represents. Another thing the Descendant can represent is energy that we attract to us whether we like this energy or not. Because of the conjunction between natal Uranus and the Descendant, I do get the feeling that the things that Uranus wants to express might end up getting ignored, dismissed, or “forgotten” by the United States. I also think it’s possible that because we might ignore, dismiss, or “forget” about this expression, our country might attract this energy right back. 

What does Uranus want to express? We’re talking about notions like liberation, chaos, detachment, trauma, shocking change, groups/community, freedom…. among other things. Because this is going on in Gemini these Uranian notions will be expressed through the lens of Gemini energy; this energy can be communicative, perception, intelligent, scattered & all over the place, manipulative, excitable, flexible…among other ways of expression. ALL of the above might get ignored by the United States due to Uranus conjunct the Descendant.

Things that (I think) we as a country need to watch out for during Uranus’ Return from 2026 through 2029
(and even right now before this transit begins)

1. We tend to ignore, dismiss, and/or forget our own perception of chaos and how chaotic we are as a country…until we can’t ignore it anymore and we come face to face with countries that are as chaotic (or more chaotic) than we are. This particular thing seems incredibly apt for the times that we find ourselves in this country right now (really, this has been the case for YEARS at this point, and I don’t see that slowing down any before our Uranus Return takes place). While I think the average person does see this chaos for the most part (and has seen it for a long time), we are so used to the chaos that we might even see such as “normal” (or it might be tempting to do that). Nothing about this shit is normal, has ever been normal or will never be normal.

2. The US tends to cause a bunch of chaos other places under the guise of “freedom,” “humanitarianism,” and “liberation.” Maybe, in some cases, we really do have good intentions with the above, but we don’t seem to stick the landing correctly most of the time. Like, we will go in and “liberate” a country, but we don’t follow through very well (by not having a plan in place we leave a fucking power vacuum, OR we stay in that country for WAY too long after the “liberation” has taken place, etc.). Lol at the poor follow through; Gemini energy is usually too scattered to stick around for something like “follow through” and Uranus is way too fast moving and “shocking change” to do much follow through, either. I don’t think we always SEE the issue with any of this.
–We need to remember that we can be humanitarian (Uranus) in a local/regional (Gemini) sense as well. I do think that we “forget” this as a country (probably due to Uranus in the US’ chart conjunct the Descendant). We can certainly help other countries and places that aren’t local (and we should when it’s needed and wanted by these other countries and places…and when we can give it), but we can’t forget to do this locally as well.  As willing as we are to help other countries and places, we also have to be as willing to step back and NOT play Team America: World Police (and World Humanitarian) when the help isn’t able to be given (when we’ve spread ourselves too thin) or when the help isn’t wanted by the other place and/or country in the first place.

3. I don’t think we see how much chaos, trauma, and fragmentation our own media and communication(s) causes this country (media would definitely fall under the Gemini umbrella since it’s, essentially, communications). Lol yeah, I’m going there, I don’t give a fuck 🤣. When I say “media,” I’m not just talking about mainstream (news) media, but also ALL the chaos, trauma and fragmentation/division that is ripe all-over social media and all other media platforms. This could also tie into the chaotic, traumatic and/or fragmented way that we as a country communicate with one another in general (and think about/perceive different parts of the country). ALL forms of media in this country are a fucking problem (really THIS is a problem everywhere probably 🤣 but it is major problem in the US). Anyone that can’t see that THIS has played a major role in keeping this country fragmented off by stoking the fucking flames hasn’t been paying attention. I also think we are more vulnerable as a country than we might realize to outside/ “alien” (Uranus) media/communication(s) (Gemini) influence(s). Now, when I say the above, I’m certainly not suggesting that people in the US shouldn’t engage in social media/other forms of media, read/watch the news, etc. I’m also not for censorship and/or banning platforms and (other forms of) media/communications (even stuff I might not like, might not agree with, think is stupid, etc.). It just seems important to be aware of different forms of media that might do NOTHING but cause trauma, chaos, and fragmentation and how this might happen/how they might do this.

4. The Hive Mind is a massive problem in this country; it’s been a problem for a while now and has only gotten worse over the past 10 years (and it only feels like it will get worse as transit Uranus moves into Gemini). Uranus can represent “groups” of people/community, and Gemini energy is expressed through the mind (hence the “hive mind” having a very low-vibrational Uranus in Gemini flavor). This feels even further amplified with the Aquarius on the cusp of the 3rd House flowing into Uranus in Gemini in the 6th House conjunct the Descendant in the US’s astrology chart; it’s like a double dose of this energy, though with the Moon IN Aquarius in the 3rd House of the US’ chart it feels even more personal to the US (like, this country is emotionally connected to the Hive Mind). 
**I want to point something out about lower vibrational Uranus (and Aquarian) energy that drives me crazy but it IS a thing that needs to be discussed: the group thing. Groups definitely have their purpose and it’s a wonderful feeling to “belong” to a group, to a cause, etc. However, one of the MAJOR shadows of Aquarian energy is the notion of belonging to a group and not being able to see anything outside of that group (not being able to see any other perspective besides the groups perspective). While Uranus (and Aquarius energy) at its highest vibration is inclusive of EVERYONE, Uranus (and Aquarius) at a lower vibration is only inclusive of those “different” like they are or those that share the same point of view that they do (and if you don’t share the same point of views across the board with the group…you’re out). There is a way to strike a balance here – align with your group(s), cause(s), etc. but still be inclusive (or at least respectful) to everyone else.
—If I get any comments along the lines of “No, I won’t do that. They (the other side/group/etc.) don’t listen to me, they are the problem, etc…”..then I hate to break it to you but YOU’RE a part of the fucking problem, too. It would do you good to remove your head from your ass for a while and go touch grass. We all have to lead by example, and bring out into the world (show the world) the kind of respect that we as people want on an individual level. If we keep living in the same cycle of us v them, nothing will EVER change.

5. Uranus is in Gemini in the 6th House of the United States’ chart, which makes my mind go towards something like fragmentation and change (and even trauma) in mundane daily life within our neighborhoods/regions/areas that are local to us. I do think that in some way, somehow, we will see change to the way that we function in and perceive daily life (and really, since we’re talking about Gemini and it’s affinity for “multiples,” we could be talking about this change coming about in multiple ways). Change in daily life was absolutely the case during the two previous Uranian Returns; in World War II we saw many changes in daily life with the US, one of the biggest being women entering the workforce (and even the professional sporting world) in ways they hadn’t before (and many stayed in the workforce after Uranus moved into Cancer). During the Civil War, we saw literal changes to daily life/the mundane in terms of regions and localities (with different states breaking away from the Union one by one). We were also dealing with different transits beyond JUST transit Uranus in Gemini during these two wars (and transit Pluto fuckery to the US’ natal Pluto right before it), so the changes (and even fragmentation/trauma) to daily life/routines/etc. might look different during THIS Uranus Return that’s coming up than they did in these previous eras….but I do suspect changes will take place. 

Some of these themes came into play during the US’ previous Uranian Returns. There was definitely a hive mind thing going on during the American Civil War (or some version of the Hive Mind going on, an “us v them” thing going on between the North and South), and it was also a war that saw fragmentation of neighbor relations/fragmentation of “brotherhood” (this was literal neighbor fighting neighbor, and also neighboring states fighting one another; the fragmentation/disassociation of brotherhood). Was it a bad thing that the Civil War happened? Not at all. At the time it was going on, it was ugly. War is always an ugly thing, but there is an added layer of trauma (Uranus) to war when it’s neighbors fighting neighbors, brothers fighting brothers, etc. People were (more) liberated because of this war though, so it was a good thing (liberation also being a Uranian notion). Surprise! (which is a Uranian expression) was a thing during World War II with the bombing of Pearl Harbor. There were also trauma and fragmentations surrounding notions of brotherhood; while this war didn’t involve brother’s fighting brothers/neighbors fighting neighbors (like the Civil War did), we did see families that lost several male family members (and in some cases, parents/families lost some or ALL of their sons to the war, meaning some brothers lost all of their brothers (literal or figurative) to the war). 

Another theme that seems to be in play (from a historical lens) is the notion of depressions and recessions in the United States during the period of time that transit Uranus is in Taurus (transit Uranus is in Taurus right now as I’m writing this in 2024), and coming OUT of those depressions/recessions once transit Uranus enters Gemini. I won’t bore you with too much history (lol I know not everyone is as much of a history slut as I am 🤣), but the recessions I’m talking about are below:
-Panic of 1857 took place when transit Uranus was in Taurus (and when transit Pluto was square the US’ natal Pluto). Essentially, something like 5000 businesses in the US failed which caused a recession (and this recession was also one of the catalysts for the Civil War).
-Recession of 1937 through 1938 took place with Uranus was in Taurus (and when transit Pluto was opposite the US’ natal Pluto) and was actually really bad. If the Great Depression of 1929 through 1933 hadn’t been even worse (kind of eclipsing the recession of 1937), the one in 1937 would be referenced way more than it is
because it was really bad, too.
—We recently had a recession in 2020 during the first few months of the covid era while transit Uranus was in Taurus. This is feeling like it’s following suit with the previous events mentioned.

It’s no secret that wars (and war-mongering) are big business and money makers (not just for the United States, but in general), and transit Uranus in Gemini DOES seem to tie in with the United States being involved in some kind of major war (again, from a historical lens). Both Gemini energy (ruled by Mercury) and Mercury, have an affinity for the exchange of currency. The currency thing is interesting in this context because both of the previous times of transit Uranus in Gemini there were things that happened to the currency in the United States:
-Greenbacks were issued during the American Civil War which were NOT backed by Gold and Silver (previously all US currency used gold and silver coins; paper currency was only handed out by banks that were privately owned).
-Bretton Woods Agreement of 1944 (during World War II) was a system in place that, essentially, the currency of all “western” countries at the time were valued in alignment with the US dollar. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) was also established during this same period. There is much more to this, (and much more that I could say about this 🤣) but the above is the quick and dirty version to illustrate my point.

ALL of the above from a historical standpoint makes me super curious about what might play out this time as transit Uranus moves into Gemini for the first time in 2025. My knee jerk inclination is to think that it will be both local/regional to the country AND worldwide.
–Also want to make mention that with the US’ natal Pluto in the 2nd House in Capricorn, it makes sense that some kind of transit Pluto fuckery to the US’ natal Pluto would involve money and resource issues (2nd House) that are restrictive or limited (Capricorn) in some way.

Don’t even get me started on the technology angle of Uranus in Gemini for the United States (which feels further amplified since transit Pluto will be firmly in Aquarius by this time). During the previous two Uranus Returns we saw multiple technological advancements in the United States, such as the transcontinental railroad in the 1860s (during the 1st US Uranus Return) and the creation of the atom bomb (during the 2nd US Uranus Return). Suffice to say, I think this 3rd United States Uranus Return will yield similar kinds of life changing technology. My mind goes to Artificial Intelligence most of all, but I think there will be multiple technological advancements beyond just AI.

There are higher vibrational ways that citizens of the US (and all over the world) can work with transit Uranus during it’s time in Gemini. This starts at the level of the individual first; we individually have to start this by example. Some ways that come to mind first are:

1. Revolution and Freedom (Uranus) of the Mind, Communication, and Sharing (Gemini). This can only happen if we are willing to see/entertain more than one perspective on things (which, luckily, Gemini energy is so “multiple” in nature that this IS possible). I also want to make mention that just because you are willing to entertain another perspective doesn’t mean that you have to agree with that perspective. It’s actually a sign of intelligence to be able to do this, and also luckily, both Uranus and Gemini are intelligent which gives me hope (and hopefully all the emotions can be left at the fucking door).  Different (Uranus) ways of communication/communicating in general (Gemini) also seems possible as well (this could be the methods that we use to communicate, it could be the way that we communicate with one another in general…I just hope this skews itself in a “positive” direction).
-I also think the hive mind probably has to get worse before the above can happen. Enough people have to be like “enough is enough!” and break away from this notion of the hive mind (and this has to be done in a non-polarizing way), or have to be “alienated” by the hive mind themselves. Sometimes when people go against the hive mind it ends up being polarizing, which causes it not to have the effect that is desired. The point of going against the hive mind needs to have the purpose of bringing people together under the banner of universal brotherhood no matter what one thinks/what our differences are.

2. Rebellion and Liberation (Uranus) from Manipulation and Lies (Gemini). Uranus is the great liberator (one of the highest vibrational ways that this energy can come about), which makes me think that we CAN do this in the United States (and really, across the world), we just have to be willing to question things differently than we have before and use our own intelligence (individually) to do so.

3. Trauma/fragmentation (Uranus) of the Two-Party System (since Gemini is the twins, the two party thing feels like it could fit here). Even liberation FROM the two-party system could fit here. Now, this one is probably a pipe dream, but damnit I really hope that we in this country are able to see that multiple (Gemini as well) options exist…not just two. I *really* hope collectively we are able to see that we’d be better off with NO political parties period (rather than voting for the party, voting for person kind of thing), but I don’t think that will happen anytime soon. We just need to ask ourselves, really ask ourselves, does ANYTHING ever change in this country? Not really? Does it all feel like different sides of the same coin more often than not? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
–The way things are going in 2024 as I write this post, it feels like radicalization (Uranus) of the Two-Party System (Gemini) is more likely to happen once transit Uranus moves into Gemini (and I really hope I’m fucking wrong about that).

4. Thinking (Gemini) about the Future (Uranus). This is something that we should ALL start doing NOW, but we definitely need to do this once Uranus moves into Gemini. What do we all want the future to look like? Not only for ourselves, but for the generations that will inherit what we leave them (and do we leave them something to feel hopeful about or do we leave them a chaotic mess). I know a lot of people in my generation (Millennials) feel like we have been buttfucked 10 ways from Sunday with the mess that we have inherited (and are currently inheriting). I don’t want my son’s generation to feel that way – I want something better for those who come after me.

There will be more to come about this same subject because not only am I an astrologer but also a history dork (as I think this post kind of illustrates 😂). And….from a historical lens/previous transit lens, I feel like the United States Uranus Return this time around might echo things from BOTH the American Civil War and World War II (not solely one or the other), though I don’t think it’s going to LOOK like how we might imagine that this might look. Definitely more to dive into, that’s for sure.

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