Over the past couple of years, Brandy Burrow of Brandy Burrow Astrology and I have been looking at forensic astrology and event charts for a series that we’ve been running called “The Astrology Surrounding.” This week we did an episode on “The Astrology Surrounding the Death of Jeffrey Epstein” in honor of that asshole’s death 5 years ago on August 10, 2019. 

In the video on YouTube, Brandy and I look at two charts:
-First chart we look at is for the last time that Epstein was seen arriving back into his cell on August 9, 2019 at 7:49 pm at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in New York City. 
-Second Chart we look at is for 6:39 am in the same location on August 10, 2019 which is when his time of death was called.

In the video we don’t go much into the different theories as to why he died or who may have been behind his death; this video is strictly looking at the question of “did he kill himself or not?” 

What we found is that yes, he is dead. And no, he didn’t kill himself. Go watch the video because it’s a lot to recap in this blog post 🤣. Below you will find the charts that were looked at in the video (chart on the left is the last time the creep was seen and the chart on the right is when the creep’s death was called:

With all of that said (and because it has been made painfully aware to me that a lot of my blog posts from before 2022 have pictures that are missing and things like that), below I am reposting the original blog post that I did (solo) about the Death of Jeffrey Epstein in August of 2020. In that post, I went WAAAAY more into ideas about the theories of who may have killed him and why (the “conspiracy” angle wasn’t really discussed in the video because lol those kinds of videos can be “censored”). The chart that I focused on when writing the original blog post was the death chart at 6:39 am. You will need to look at that one if you want to look at the astrology and the blog post in tandem. The “page break” below is where the old blog post begins.

Real quick though – if there is a case that you want me to look at, let me know. Also, if you would like to get an astrology reading from me you can do that by clicking on this text 🙂

**I want to start this off with a disclaimer: I will mention a whole bunch of stuff in this post and it will go across a bunch of different groups and industries. I want to make it VERY CLEAR off the bat that I AM IN NO WAY SAYING that everyone involved in these different industries and groups are awful people. I don’t want my words twisted that way. I do think that there are several players, from many different arenas, industries and groups that were involved in Epstein’s death… but I also don’t want my shit twisted.** 

Time of death called for the creep.

Everyone and their mother knows who Jeffrey Epstein is, so I’ll save you the introduction. This is a chart that I’ve wanted to dive into full force and do a post on for a while now. The weird circumstances surrounding his death definitely give credence to numerous conspiracy theories as to what really happened in his cell on August 10, 2019. Did he hang himself (either because he felt forced or on his own volition)? Did someone else come into his cell and kill him? Did he actually even die that day (or was this just a story sold to us and he’s off living somewhere else in hiding/under protection)? While his death chart certainly does lack a certain amount of clarity in SOME areas, it’s loud and clear in others.

The first thing that you want to look at in charts like these is the Ascendant and where the ruler of the Ascendant falls, since the Ascendant represents the victim. In this case, Epstein is represented by the Ascendant in Leo, and the Sun (the ruler of Leo) finds itself in the 12th house. By way of the disposition chain from the Ascendant, Epstein’s chain ends here in the 12th house (since the Sun is in domicile in Leo). The chart ruler falling in the 12th house in a chart like this usually shows that a death has occurred (meaning, I definitely don’t think he’s still alive and being a gross piece of shit…..motherfucker is definitely dead). 

The Sun here is interesting because of its interactions with other planets and just by virtue of being in the 12th house. Since he was incarcerated at the time of his death, and his body was found in his cell, the 12th house theme makes sense here (since the 12th house represents many things, but being and feeling imprisoned are definitely among them). It’s also very close to Venus in the 12th, and very close to the Ascendant and Mars in the 1st house. Venus stands out here because it’s the ruler of the 10th house (since the 10th house cusp ruler is Taurus) and is one of the major angles in the chart….meaning it needs to be given attention. The 10th house can represent a bunch of different things; law enforcement’s response to the case, what they know or don’t know (or choose to divulge), the public’s reaction to the case, and things like a parent being involved or knowing more than they claim to know about a death/case. Obviously, I don’t think Epstein’s actual parents were involved in this case, but it does beg the question of someone that felt like a parental figure to him being involved in his demise (more on this in just a little bit). I feel like it could also point to law enforcement (or some parts of law enforcement…..like parts of the fucking JUSTICE DEPARTMENT) knowing more about this case than they claim to know. Other parts of law enforcement are probably just as in the dark as everyone else. 
**I’m not saying that the actual justice department had anything to do with his death per se, but I do think parts of it have at least AN IDEA of what actually happened. I don’t buy that they don’t for one fucking second.**

Another thing to point out here is that Venus is within 17 degrees of the Suns body. So is the Ascendant, and Mars (in the first house). Mars in the 1st house can indicate some kind of aggression or violence towards the victim. With the ruler of the 9th house cusp being Aries, and Mars being in the 1st, this also sort of backs up the notion of the catalyst/perpetrator being from or having allegiance to a foreign nation (even if they actually are a US citizen). I also feel like beliefs come into play here (also very 9th house in nature), and these beliefs coming face to face with Epstein. There is also the possibility that this perpetrator (maybe not the person who actually did the killing, but the person who made the call to have him “offed”) was some kind of guide/guru/teacher for Epstein. 

Next, you want to look at the Descendant, for this represents the perpetrator (if there is one) or the catalyst to the event. The Descendant/7th house cusp is ruled by Aquarius, which makes Uranus in the 9th in Taurus the perpetrator/catalyst by first dispositions along the dispositor chain (by modern rulership). This automatically makes me think that the person who actually pulled the trigger for this to all happen wasn’t from this country in some way (even if this person lives in this country, they don’t pledge allegiance to this country). The reason I say that is the connection to foreign places and the 9th house (usually representing long distance travel, faraway places, and foreigners). I’m thinking that this person is probably a lot different than the way that they present themselves (Uranus), and they will do whatever is necessary to keep the stability and security that they have (Taurus). This is someone who is probably pretty high up on their professional ladder and was damn sure not going to fall off of it. I also definitely believe that money was a major motivator for all of this to happen, much more so than this person (or even “people” since Uranus is involved, and Uranus tends to rule over the collective and groups) being afraid of Epstein actually talking to the authorities. Epstein was holding out on this person, these people, by way of money/resources and maybe even information (the ruler of the 2nd house cusp, Mercury, falling in the 12th house shows the hiding of resources/money, and possibly even information.) I mention the money thing because of Taurus’ involvement (Taurus rules over our own resources….so here we could be looking at the resources/money of this one person, or a group of people). The next place we go on the dispositor chain is Venus in Leo in the 12th (since Venus rules Taurus). This is interesting because Venus in the 12th is conjunct the Sun (the Sun represents Epstein). It is here in the 12th house that the perpetrator (or the person sent to do the deed) comes up close and personal physically with Epstein in his cell (when the actual death occurs, in my opinion). Because the Sun is sandwiched between Venus & Mars (both planets within 17 degrees of the Sun’s body, as is the Ascendant which is also representative of Epstein), I’m treating both planets as aggressors here…. albeit in different ways. To me, Venus is more the person who made the call to have him terminated (lol) and Mars was the actual act of “termination.” I actually have a feeling that the actual killer probably wasn’t from this country either (they could’ve had them flown in from somewhere else). Honestly, the killer could have some kind of military background; this wouldn’t surprise me in the least (especially with the Mars connection here). Next (and last) along the dispositor chain we have the Sun in Leo in the 12th house. This is where the Descendant dispositor chain ends, since the Sun is domicile in Leo. 
-Saturn is the traditional ruler of the 7th House/Descendant in this chart, and it happens to fall in the 5th House in Capricorn. This chain of dispositions ends here since Saturn is the ruler of Capricorn. This brings, in my opinion, entertainment into the equation (and here this feels like the entertainment industry specifically).

You also want to look at the Moon in these sorts of charts, because the Moon always operates as co-ruler of the victim. The Moon in the 4th house isn’t usually a good sign of life in these sorts of charts (as the 4th house tends to indicate “womb to tomb”). Another ominous thing to this aspect is that the cusp ruler of the 12th house (Cancer) has its ruling planet in the 4th house (the Moon), which can show either the start of a death pattern or an actual death, depending on the chart. The Moon in the 4th also tends to show the person in their “home” (which, at the time of his death, his cell was his “home”). Another interesting thing about the 4th house is Jupiter being there in retrograde making a loose conjunction with the Moon. Jupiter is an interesting one here, because I feel like it could actually be representative of a couple of things. Jupiter here could show a lack of personalization between Epstein and the actual killer (meaning that the person who physically killed Epstein wasn’t angry at him personally, maybe didn’t even know him personally, etc.). The separating aspect (and retrograde motion of Jupiter) also make me think this…. that there wasn’t a strong connection between them. Jupiter is also interesting for another reason that I will come to here in the next part (I don’t want to get too ahead of myself).

There is a lot that I’m going to go into in this section, so bear with me, lol. This chart has an interesting Yod formation that stands out to me. The Yod includes a few other planets, but I’m specifically looking at the sextile between Saturn in Capricorn in the 5th, Neptune in Pisces in the 8th, and the Sun in Leo in the 12th (with both Saturn and Neptune making quincunx aspects to the Sun). In a Yod pattern aspect, you have the Sextile aspects that operate harmoniously, while they each put stress on the Sun & feel stress from the Sun. Now, the harmonious thing…. just because two planets are in a harmonious aspect doesn’t necessarily mean that they are good together or do “good things” for one another. It just that they just understand one another. I actually don’t read Saturn and Neptune as individual people, places or things here, but I read them as groups of people (especially with the Descendant in Aquarius which has an affinity for groups). The kind of groups that I’m thinking of are those that operate separately from one another but have shared interests and come together from time to time. Think of these two groups as if they operate like the different Mafia families used to operate once the commission was formed. Those families, for the most part, stayed out of one another’s way, had their own territories of operation and ways of operating, but they came together when there were problems and things needed to be handled. They also did share some common interests and would come together for those common interests. This is exactly how I think of these two groups, the Saturn Group and the Neptune Group. Who are these two groups? 

The Saturn Group: Saturn falls in the 5th house conjunct Pluto (both being retrograde). Saturn is in Capricorn, but the actual 5th house cusp ruler is Sagittarius. I feel like, with the 5th house and its natural connections to things like self-expression & entertainment (such as the arts/music/film industry/modeling industry/etc), and its natural connections to children (the 5th house also rules over children), that is what represents THIS group. The conjunction between the the ruler of the 5th House (Jupiter Rx) and the Moon (which is the co-ruler of the chart meaning it’s also Epstein) is another thing that ties him to the entertainment industry in some way. The two big dick daddy planets in the 5th House (Saturn and Pluto) make me think this group also represents very powerful people (both foreign and domestic, since the cusp ruler of the 5th IS Sagittarius). I actually have a feeling that while Epstein worked with BOTH the Saturn and the Neptune groups, it was the Saturn Group that he probably dealt with on a daily basis (or at the least most frequently).

This group definitely has ties to the entertainment industry (all the different arms of it). Sagittarius on the cusp of the 5thHouse conditioning that Saturn is going to have an expansive reach. The people involved in this group come from a bunch of different backgrounds and they all come together under some belief system that might be a little “backwards” in some way (retrogrades in these kinds of charts tend to show a sort of backwardness; I’m actually quite fond of them in natal astrology readings). This belief system is also more hidden, as is all the power that some of these people have. I very much think that those in any real power in this group are behind the scenes since Saturn and Pluto are both retrograde and fall in the Capricorn section of the 5th house…. which isn’t actually the FACE of the 5th house (that’s Sagittarius, which is on the 5th house cusp). These people find the “work” that they do enjoyable with the ruler of the Capricorn 6th house (Saturn) falling in the 5th house (which also represents pleasure and leisure). It can also show dealings with children (and obviously, with what we know about what Epstein was doing, I don’t need to say any more about this (it speaks for itself)). It seems like not only does this group have a lot of power, but also a lot of money. The money exchange, information exchange, or even just resource exchange happens with the Neptune Group when it needs to in a “harmonious” way.

The Neptune Group: Neptune falls in the 8th house (the house that you typically look at for death). Now, on its own, Neptune in the 8th house can show a lack of clarity as to what actually caused the death of a person (Neptune can be an unclear bitch like that). For this reason, I don’t think we’ll ever really KNOW what exactly happened to Epstein in his cell for absolute certain. The 8th House also represents other people’s resources, debts, taxes, and transformation (among other things). Neptune can represent things like spiritual leanings (or what is thought of spiritual), though I’m thinking with the retrograde motion of Neptune the spirituality that this Neptune Group subscribes is not used correctly or they use this “spirituality” in a fucked up way (…and it almost feels like a mask). It also seems possible that this is tied with beliefs since Jupiter Rx is square Neptune Rx (like what is believed doesn’t actually fit with the spirituality or something like that). I feel like this group claims to be one thing, but they are really something different underneath, and probably VERY secretive about all of this. Pisces ruling the 8th and Neptune in the 8th also makes me think of faraway places. Pisces is traditionally ruled by Jupiter (which is very much known for foreign things, places, and people). Jupiter Rx conjunction with the Moon in the death chart also points towards a connection this group has to Epstein (in my opinion). I don’t think this groups home base is in the US but they definitely operate on US soil. With the fluid nature of Neptune, they have probably made their way across several different boarders (you can probably find members of this group all over the globe). I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if there was tension between different parts of the Neptune Group (different arms of it) with Jupiter Rx and Neptune Rx (both ruling Pisces) square one another in the chart.

So…..what exactly do I make of these two groups? I actually have a feeling that these two groups share in resources (and even information) when they need to, but otherwise they operate somewhat independently. They definitely have a “harmonious” relationship. I think Epstein had a relationship with BOTH groups, but I actually think it was the Saturn Group that he was holding out on. Again, I don’t think he was taken out because they were afraid that he would talk (I really don’t think he was going to), but he was holding out on information, resources, and/or money that the Saturn Group wanted/needed from him. This, either directly or indirectly, impacted the Neptune Group (though I don’t think they were as concerned about this as the Saturn Group). The Saturn Group, I feel, made the call to the Neptune Group requesting that they “do” something. I would like to point out that while I think Epstein had more day-to-day dealings with the Saturn Group, he was more closely linked to the Neptune group (which is why they needed to be the one to actually take him out; had the Saturn Group done this, it would’ve been seen as stepping on the territory and toes of the Neptune Group). I actually have a feeling that the person who made the call/gave the okay to terminate Epstein was someone who was close to him in some way and may have very well NOT wanted to do this (but did it to keep things amicable between the two groups). I’m thinking that whoever they got to actually kill him was someone that was able to slip into the jail (masking themselves as a guard or employee) rather than an actual person who worked in the jail. 

I’m not going to point fingers to try and ID these groups, but I think there are several different governments (arms of these different governments) involved in this death (I did point fingers in the original post in 2020 and while I don’t think I was wrong, I think there are other governments involved than the one’s I called out). You all can come to your own conclusions about this. I will say this – that Les Wexner guy needs to be further explored (and what/who he is connected), as does anyone that happens to be above him (I know he’s got someone above him). That would be my advice here. Will it happen? Probably not. Really the whole motherfucking house of cards should come tumbling down, but the powers that be aren’t going to let that shit happen.

Another thing….I have always felt like there was (is) connection between Epstein’s death and the everything that happened in 2020. This isn’t me saying that the pandemic wasn’t real (I think the virus was/is a real thing. I definitely question the origins, though), but I think had the conversation stayed on Epstein longer, well, that might not have been a good thing for some very powerful people, groups, and governments (and that wasn’t going to happen). Keep in mind that Epstein died in August 2019 and the all the 2020 stuff started in March 2020 (which changed the conversation from anything else that happened to be going at the time to the pandemic). If what happened in 2020 was a total organic and natural occurrence, it was incredibly convenient for those who might have wanted to change the conversation. If it had/has human hands on it, it was absolutely used or unleashed to change the conversation.
**The Epstein thing isn’t the only conversation that people might have wanted to change at the time, but I do think it was a big one.

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