Lately I’ve seen so many different posts on the different forums that I creep on and articles written on different astrology websites about Transit Venus going Retrograde. Generally, these posts tend to have a slightly more negative slant to them (or dare I even say some fear?) involved in the line of questioning and phrasing. I think a lot of this has to do with the general negative or difficult view of retrograde planets in general, but Transit Venus Retrograde (or even Transit Retrograde Planets in general) aren’t universally a negative thing. I’m actually quite partial to them in general. They absolutely serve a purpose, even if they impact your chart in a “challenging” way (either in your actual Natal Chart or via Transits, Progressions, etc). Venus Retrograde is a particularly interesting planet to go retrograde because out of all the planets, Venus goes Retrograde the least often. It will be Retrograde from May 13, 2020 through June 26, 2020.

When looking at how Venus Retrograde will impact your own Natal Chart, it’s really important to look at the house cusps in your chart that are ruled by the Venusian planets (ie: those that are ruled by Taurus and Libra). Specifically pay attention to the house cusp that is ruled by Taurus, though, for these are the areas of life that will be most heavily impacted. Venus Direct is thought to point more towards Libra, while Venus Retrograde is thought to point more towards Taurus (hence why the Taurus ruled house cusp is slightly more important here). What you value at a soul level will be brought out through different “tests” or “situations,” forcing you evaluate those values for yourself. Say, for instance, you have Taurus ruling over the 10th house cusp, and Libra ruling over the 3rd house cusp….this is going to put an emphasis on the 3rd house areas of life (those dealing with communication, thinking, learning, etc) and especially the 10th house areas of life (those dealing with career ambitions, public persona, social status, personal authority, etc), and what you really value here. Not what you think you should value or have been taught to value, but what YOU really value and how you feel most secure in these areas of life.

You also want to take a look and see where Natal Venus is in your chart by house. This will show the way that those house cusps ruled by Taurus and Libra will impact Natal Venus. Let’s say your Natal Venus is in the 11th house….from the Taurus 10th house cusp, you might be looking at the way that you value or feel valued in your career to impact your long term goals/hopes/wishes. Or something like the way that you value the highest and most idealized version of yourself will impact your friends and the groups that you associate with. From the Libra 3rd house cusp you might be looking at something like the way that you communicate, think, and learn to become a little more introverted in regards to the groups that you associate with and the friends that you have (maybe valuing a lack of communication at this time with other people and more valuing the internal dialogue that you have with yourself).

It is my personal belief that Transit Retrograde Planets give the unique opportunity to redo or fix things that may not have been done “correctly” in the past. In the case of Venus, this deals heavily with ruminating on your values (what you have valued and currently value), and with how you love and what you love. Because this process is much more internal and introverted, it is said that this isn’t the time to start up new romantic relationships or get married or any of that shit. And for the love of whatever, don’t be trying to hit up your ex (remember at this time: this person is your EX for a reason and who *really* likes reruns?). Rather it’s the time to assess what you personally value and love (or who you love), coming “correct” here so when Venus swings back around to Direct Motion you don’t have a real or imagined cluster-fuck of epic “what was I thinking” proportions. On a collective level, I feel like Transit Venus Retrograde gives us as a species a period of time to assess how we value, what we value, and how we love and need to be loved. Really, with all the crazy shit going on in the world, this is kind of the perfect time for some introspection on our collective values and concepts of love. AND! With Transit Venus Retrograde in Gemini, there is (or should be) a collective focus on the values of brotherhood and sisterhood, since Gemini operating from it’s highest octave represents these concepts.

The exception here to the challenges with Transit Venus Retrograde seems to be people that have their own Natal Venus in Retrograde….and are actually operating through the Retrograde motion naturally and have embraced this. These people usually feel more at home during this time. For the people that have Natal Venus Retrograde who aren’t living through the Retrograde motion of Natal Venus (still trying to find love and value from outside of themselves rather than through themselves), this period can feel particularly challenging. But! The challenge is trying to pull them towards functioning from the Retrograde Motion all of the time, and truly loving and valuing themselves FOR themselves.

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