Transit Uranus in Gemini Disclaimer – This isn’t a piece intended to fearmonger. Do I think this topic is “concerning”? Absolutely. I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t. Do I think it’s something that one should sit around being afraid of and worrying about it? No. Worrying about the future very rarely does anything helpful. Knowledge is power and knowing what energies are coming around the corner via astrology can help one to be prepared for things to come. Being prepared (a productive use of energy) is very different than worrying (a useless expense of energy).

We need to talk about something that has been on my radar for several years at this point (lol here is a video I did about this subject in the fall of 2021), and that something is Uranus moving into Gemini (here is a link to the recent video on YT I did about this same thing). This has been on my radar not only because the US is about to have its Uranus Return (which, lol, historically signals some kind of shit), but also because the world in general feels like it’s gone off the rails and devolved into chaos just a little bit (which makes me wonder what stuff will look like once Uranus actually moves into Gemini). Here in the US everyone has been so focused on Pluto’s Return that Uranus’ Return seemed to be completely overlooked by most until recently. In my opinion Uranus’ Return is the bigger deal (and really, the bigger problem) than Pluto’s Return was ever going to be. That was my opinion in 2021 and that opinion still stands today. This particular post isn’t going to go into the US’ Uranus Return too much (that will be saved for a different post hahaha), but I did need to make mention of it since it IS a reason Uranus moving into Gemini has been on my radar so much and for so long in the first place.

Transit Uranus enters Gemini on July 7, 2025 for the first time.
-It will slip back into Taurus on November 8, 2025 through April 26, 2026
-Moves back into Gemini on April 26, 2026 where it will stay until August 3, 2032 (it will enter Cancer for the first time on August 3, 2032)
-Slips back into Gemini from December 12, 2032 through May 22, 2033 (that’s when it will stay in Cancer for however many years).

Lolololol here is a picture of the Uranus and Gemini Star Cards since SEO demands I add a picture and the post is about transit Uranus in Gemini 🤣 click the picture if you wanna check out The Star Cards further

Some “keywords” for what Uranus may express:

TraumaGroupsFocus on FutureWeirdness & DifferencesHumanitarian
& Social Causes
God-ComplexAlienationDetachmentSurprise!AbandonmentThe Internet & Tech

Some “keywords” for Gemini Energy:


These different keywords for Uranus and Gemini need to be mentioned because there are SO MANY DIFFERENT WAYS that this transit could go from 2025 through 2032 (and how this will impact you personally, dear reader, will depend on what this transit is doing to your own astrology chart). Really, there are even MORE keywords that could be thrown in here; this is NOT a complete list hahaha. There is a “light” and a “shadow” to all the different sign and planet energies, meaning on a collective level (and even a personal one) we have the ability to work with the higher vibration of the planet/sign energy, or we can work with the lower vibration of the energy. Some possible ways that Uranus in Gemini could play out:

-Thought/Thinking (Gemini) Revolution (Uranus) 
-Change (Uranus) of Perception (Gemini) 
-Liberation (Uranus) of the Mind (Gemini) 
-Alienation/or Chaos (Uranus) at a Local Level (Gemini)
-Chaotic (Uranus) Communication/s (Gemini)
-Abandonment (Uranus) of Flexibility/Adaptability (Gemini)

**I’m only considering the transit in question and not bringing any of the other transits that will be going on at the same time into play (which will color how transit Uranus in Gemini pans out for everyone everywhere). The above are just some ideas bringing the keywords together, but I think you all get the idea. 

We are already seeing the waves of some of the above across the world. These themes (along with other Uranus in Gemini notions) will only get stronger (and probably come to a head) once Uranus moves into Gemini. The idea of alienation and chaos (Uranus) at the local level (Gemini) is one of those ideas that definitely stand out to me. There is a lot of chaos at the local level around the world with different countries/areas that are neighbors (neighbors and neighborhoods are Gemini expressions as well) fighting one another over land, ideology, etc. I know there are MANY more dynamics that go into the fighting that we’ve seen in the past few years but to keep things “simple” here (and so I don’t go off on a tangent hahaha) I think you all get the idea. All of this regional fighting might only get worse as Uranus gets closer to Gemini and once Uranus enters Gemini. Now, how could this become worse? It’s always possible that the regional conflicts already going on in 2024 (as I’m writing this) get worse. It’s also possible that instead of these conflicts getting worse, the world just sees MORE regional conflicts break out (I’m side-eying y’all, China and Taiwan, among a few other regions). And of course, it could be a little from column A & column B. I really, really hope that I’m wrong about all of the above.
–This same idea could tie into the feeling of chaos (Uranus) scattered (Gemini) around. If there are a bunch of regional conflicts that break out (with regional wars going on all over the world or something like that), that would definitely be literal chaos scattered around. The same idea could also translate over to humanitarian aid/social issue stuff (Uranus) that’s scattered (Gemini) as well. This could easily be the case if, say, different countries/areas are providing aid to multiple locations across the world because of multiple regional conflicts breaking out/multiple regions striving for liberation.
—I also want to mention that while Uranus in Gemini could look like (and be) chaos at the local/regional level (or chaos scattered around), it could also translate towards revolution, rebellion, liberation, etc. (Uranus) at the local/regional level (Gemini). This is necessary in a whole bunch of places across the world.

Abandonment/Detachment (Uranus) of Flexibility/Adaptability (Gemini) also seems like something we might see more of once Uranus enters Gemini. As of writing this post it’s July 2024 and transit Uranus is still in Taurus (and Taurus energy is not known for its flexibility) which could color how I’m seeing transit Uranus in Gemini down the line. I don’t know though, people don’t seem to be as flexible/adaptable as they once were (especially in terms of thinking, how they think). Things anymore just seem very black and white, which is a problem when we live in a very grey world that calls for adaptability and flexibility. Though, again, I don’t know if it’s so much that an individual person can’t see the grey areas, or if it’s PEOPLE together that can’t see the grey (“a person is smart but people are stupid” kind of thing). Really, I know that a person as an individual has the ability to adapt and be flexible (hasn’t detached from this ability), but get a bunch of people together and that flexibility and adaptability seems to get detached from within the echo-chamber.
–The more I think about this. (thought about it overnight), people (especially groups of people) have ALWAYS been this way 🤣 it’s not a 21st century invention.

That brings me to my next thought about transit Uranus in Gemini: the notion of the hive mind getting stronger (groups/the “hive” being a Uranian thing, and Gemini energy expressing the mind). Here in the US this particular thing is a big problem (especially within US politics and it feels extra hot this year with the election in November)…but it also seems to be a problem across the world. I only see this getting worse everywhere once Uranus enters Gemini. EVERYONE needs to watch this very thing; it’s easy to want to stay within your own “group” or “echo-chamber,” to only want to communicate with these people because they think like you think, etc. There is nothing wrong with feeling like you belong to a cause, to a group, etc. that aligns with you. There is a problem with ONLY communicating, thinking, etc. with those people, and I think across the world (but definitely in the US) we are seeing something like this play out. Social media and the media in general stoke these flames which doesn’t help (fragmentation through media of all kinds feels very Uranus in Gemini as well).
**As individuated as Uranus (and Aquarius) strive(s) to be, sometimes this energy has difficulty achieving such because of the tie to groups, community, humanity, etc. The sweet spot for this energy is finding individuation through the group/being an individual IN the group/community (or by way of NOT feeling part of a group which can happen, too), not BECAUSE of the group or NEEDING a group/cause/community to feel like an individual. Gemini energy (the twins) also isn’t the most naturally individuated, either. It’s for this reason that I feel like transit Uranus in Gemini could cause the world to dive more into the waters of the “hive mind” or “group-think” than individuation of thought. I really hope I’m wrong about that though, and that, instead, liberation of the mind/of thought is exactly what happens when this transit comes about. Being able to be a part of a group/community/cause/etc. but being able to maintain one’s own perspective independent from the group in general (and especially when necessary).

One way that I hope transit Uranus in Gemini works itself out is at least some detachment (Uranus) from information (Gemini). Let me explain what I mean. We are inundated with a constant stream of information thrown at us via the news, social media, etc. It’s ALL on demand (whether we want it “on demand” or not). We have the choice to consume everything or anything thrown at us, and often times we choose to consume. I’m hoping that over the course of this transit we all collectively decide to detach some from all the information thrown at us 24-hours a day/ 7 days a week/ 365 days a year. This doesn’t mean that we completely detach from information (that would be stupid lol), but I think we all know people (or are this kind of person ourselves) that is constantly reading the news only to fuel what could (jokingly) be called an anxiety kink, constantly scrolling social media without a purpose, etc. The “without a purpose” part isn’t good in this case because Gemini energy can be rather “scattered” and “unfocused” anyway (meaning it might be more tempting to use the internet/technology (Uranus) in an unfocused or scattered way (Gemini), or even in an anxiety producing way, under transit Uranus in Gemini).
–Some of y’all aren’t going to like this part, but I encourage you to think about this (and if this doesn’t apply to you, then just disregard this part): If the news/media/social media you consume is making you nervous, anxious, worried, etc. and what you’re consuming deals with stuff that doesn’t directly impact you in some way (you don’t live near the area that is being addressed, you don’t have family or friends there, etc.) and/or there isn’t anything you can personally do to help the situation/it’s out of your hands….I might consider detaching from the information a little bit and not consuming as much of it. This doesn’t mean that you completely detach from this information shared (again, that would be stupid – it is important to know what’s going on in the world at large). If, though, it is impacting your own personal mental health to stay so immersed in what is being shared, detaching a little bit isn’t a bad way to use transit Uranus in Gemini energy once this transit begins.

Another way that I hope transit Uranus in Gemini comes about (and kind of ties into the paragraph above the last one, but deserved a short paragraph of its own) is detachment/liberation (Uranus) from ALL the lies/manipulation (Gemini). Look, let’s get real: a whole lot of stuff online (and in the world) is fake as fuck. Whether it’s some “influencer” 😂 (what a stupid word) on social media curating some image of perfection (spoiler – it’s not perfect in real life 🤣), to bots everywhere on the internet leaving bullshit comments, to a whole bunch of other things, I’m hoping that we can all collectively see when and where we’re being lied to and manipulated, and detach/liberate ourselves from such. Luckily change (Uranus) of perception & thought (Gemini) is something that could come into play under this transit, which I think could help with the detachment/liberation from lies/manipulation (crossing my fingers, toes, and eyes for this to happen). Change of perception/thought could absolutely be helpful alongside everything that I’ve already mentioned in all of the previous paragraphs.
–This same notion above ties into AI as well (really, Uranus in Gemini AND Pluto in Aquarius BOTH have ties to AI, and there will be an even greater rise in it once both Uranus and Pluto move into those signs). Honestly, I’m not sure how I feel about AI. I mean, I can definitely see the merit in it, and the usefulness of it – there IS a lot of good that can come from the technology (and some of it is just flat-out cool to play with). At the same time, though, I do see the potential for it to cause problems (perhaps major problems in multiple ways). Because I’m still not sure HOW I feel about it in totality, I’ll end this segment here. Just wanted to make mention that AI is very Uranus in Gemini as well.
**I feel like this is a good place to mention that if you get a reading from me, it is 100% from me (a human) and not from AI or a computer program or anything like that. Whether you get a reading via zoom, in a report, etc., what I read for you only comes from my mind, knowledge from what I’ve learned over many years, and from your chart (or the chart I’m looking at for you).

The future (Uranus) as something that is nervously/anxiously anticipated (Gemini) 🤣 and knowing the future can go multiple different ways (also Gemini). Notions of things like the future might be more up in the air once transit Uranus moves into Gemini. Really, I think we’re already there, but I’d imagine it will feel even more so once the transit begins. It seems important that everyone really think about what kind of future they want to see play out (this is very Uranus in Gemini as well). Obviously start on this now but definitely continue it once transit Uranus moves into Gemini. This, thinking about what you want the future to look like (and then trying to live your life that way as much as possible) seems like a better use of energy than worrying about the future (which, lol, doesn’t really do much).

To finish off this post (and as a segue into another post that will be posted soon) here are the periods of time transit Uranus spent in Gemini (the times it was solidly in Gemini for 6 years are in bold) over the past 300 or so years:
-July 10, 1690 through Nov. 4, 1690; April 28, 1691 through July 31, 1697; Dec. 16, 1697 through May 18, 1698
-June 19, 1774 through Dec. 1, 1774; April 8, 1775 through July 12, 1781; Jan. 12, 1782 through April 28, 1782
-June 2, 1858 through Jan. 1, 1859; March 14, 1859 through June 27, 1865; Feb. 17, 1866 through March 27, 1866
-August 7, 1941 through Oct. 5, 1941; May 15, 1942 through August 30, 1948; Nov. 12, 1948 through June 10, 1949

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