Astrological Ramblings

On September 11, 2000, Zachary Bernhardt went missing from the apartment that he lived in with his mother in Clearwater, Florida. He disappeared literally without a trace (the police photos of the apartment showed nothing that seemed to be out of place); it’s almost as if he just up and vanished. He was 8 years old when he went missing; he’d be 28 today. From what I can find about him and mother’s relationship, it appears that it was good and “normal” (I only put normal in quotes, because really, what the fuck is normal anyway?). She was a single mother (his father doesn’t appear to have ever been in the picture) and worked different jobs throughout his life to support both of them. At the time of his disappearance, she was working the night shift (which pays more usually), but she was off the night that he went missing. According to her account, they spent the evening hanging out together and he fell asleep sometime around 11 pm. With her being on a night shift with her job, she decided to stay awake when he went to sleep to stay on her regular schedule. She decided to leave him asleep in the apartment around 2 am unattended (last time he was seen) to go for a random swim (in her clothes) and to walk around the complex. She also left the front door unlocked while she was gone. After coming home and taking a shower due to the impromptu […]
Last seen charts are both ominous and of much interest to me. I’d like to think that I can eventually help to use my astrological “powers” for good, and I can’t think of anything more “good” than helping to give families answers to their missing loved ones whereabouts and what happened to them in the first place. At this point, a lot of people are aware that Naya Rivera (of Glee fame, among other things) went missing in Lake Piru on July 8th, 2020. The circumstances of this case are, well, just kind of weird and ask more questions than they answer. She rented a boat and was last seen around 1 pm with her little boy going out into the water. Hours later, around 4:30 pm, someone called 911 to alert authorities that there was a toddler on a boat in the lake (her Son), unaccompanied. Exactly what has been ascertained from the boy is a little unclear (to me anyway), though that’s totally understandable. He’s, I’m sure, in shock, and he’s only 4. It sounds like they were swimming, or she was just swimming, and she never got back into the boat. My heart absolutely breaks for her son and her whole family (and I’m not that much of an emotional person, really….but this situation is just really, really sad). Because I had (and still obviously have) some questions about what happened to her, I decided to pull a “Last Seen” chart to try to shed some light […]
Midpoints! A very important astrological concept and one that is not talked about as frequently as they should be. So I am here to talk about them now, hahaha. A midpoint is essentially the equal distance between two planets (or celestial bodies). You can take the midpoint from planets that are aspecting one another in a chart, or planets that don’t aspect one another. Midpoints can be used either way. How to actually calculate the midpoints for any planet/celestial body aspect? You can either use a computer generated program, or you can do them by hand. You will need to turn the degrees to the 360 degree zodiac first. The 360 degree zodiac is as follows:Aries: 0 to 30 degrees Taurus: 30 to 60 degrees. Gemini: 60 to 90 degrees. Cancer: 90 to 120 degrees Leo: 120 to 150 degrees Virgo: 150 to 180 degreesLibra: 180 to 210 degreesScorpio: 210 to 240 degreesSagittarius: 240 to 270 degreesCapricorn: 270 to 300 degreesAquarius: 300 to 330 degreesPisces: 330 to 360 degrees So, this is my chart above. I have the Sun and Moon Circled in Yellow. The software I’m using (Astro Gold) is able to pull midpoints, but a lot of them don’t seem to be able to do this. If I wanted to find this midpoint by hand, I would have done this:——–Turn 1 Sagittarius 45 to 241 Sagittarius 45——–Turn 16 Capricorn 03 to 286 Capricorn 03Then you add them together (adding the degrees and the minutes separately):——-Degrees: 241 + 286 […]
Yod, Yod, Yod…..what the fuck is a Yod in astrology? I see this question (though maybe not asked this exact same way, hahaha) posted quite frequently on different forums and even by my own clients. People are always wondering (and with good reason!) what the fuck the Yod in their chart means for them. They’ve been popping up in my own client’s charts more recently, and I figured this was the time to actually do a post on them. **Side note –click this if you would like for me to do any kind of chart reading for you 🙂**If you are more of a watcher than a reader, here is a video on this same topic The Yod (also known as The Finger of God) is an aspect, like the one mentioned in the chart above, where you have two planets sextile (60°) one another with the two sextile planets quincunx/inconjunct (150°) from the same planet (or the apex of the Yod). The sextile planets are in harmony, operating on the same wavelength, while both of those planets are putting stress on the apex of the Yod through the quincunx aspects. While the sextile is harmonious, usually until the Yod is worked through the sextile may operate at the lower end vibrationally (i.e.: exhibiting the least desirable traits of the sextile in question) due to the quincunx stress. To understand what a Yod is, I suppose you need to first understand what a quincunx aspect is. The 150° aspect means […]
I’m baaaaack! And talking about a topic within astrology that I love….which is retrograde planets. Hahahaha, honestly I have been so busy these past (about) 4 months that I just haven’t had a spare moment to actually add to my astrological ramblings. And I’m truly SO eternally grateful for this, for the people that have hired me to do readings for them and kept me so busy. Practicing astrology (and being able to ACTUALLY practice astrology for clients) is one of the great loves of my life. So, to everyone that has hired me to do work for them, thank you so very much 🙂 Over the past few months I have had several clients with a shitload of retrograde planets in their natal charts. Not only that though, but I have also seen an influx of questions on the different forums that I frequently creep on/answer questions on about what it means to have whatever planet in retrograde (and we could be talking about any planet here, except for the Sun and Moon, which never go retrograde). I tend to look at retrograde planets through more of the soul’s journey kind of lens, meaning I believe they tend to be things that our soul wanted to learn about and understand in a myriad of different ways throughout our different incarnations on Planet Earth/this 3D dimension. Thinking about it from this point of view helps to put it all into perspective for me. For some reason, the soul really wanted […]
Lilith is a common thing to come up in readings (people often have questions about her). Not only that though, but I’m constantly seeing questions about Lilith on the different forums that I creep on & answer questions. “How does she affect my life?” “What does it mean to have Lilith in Libra in the 6th House?” “What does it mean that she’s in conjunction with my Midheaven?” “Does having Lilith in the 8th make me a fucked up bitch?” These are just a few examples of questions that I’ve either received myself or just seen posted different places. I think before you can really understand HOW Lilith affects your life by placement in the natal chart, it is important to not only understand who Lilith was, but also to make sure that you know which Lilith you’re talking about. There are actually four Lilith’s that can be pulled in a chart: -Asteroid Lilith – No. 1181-Black Moon Lilith (mean) – this is what comes up when you choose the Lilith option on Moon Lilith (true) – h13-Dark Moon Lilith/Waldemath’s Moon – h58 So, if you use at all to create charts, Black Moon Lilith (mean) is probably the version of Lilith that you are most familiar with (since it’s the one that comes up when you look for Lilith under “additional objects”). Also, this is the version of Lilith that is commonly used when looking at charts and talking about Lilith. Both Black Moon Lilith’s (mean and […]
Lilith is a common thing to come up in readings (people often have questions about her). Not only that though, but I’m constantly seeing questions about Lilith on the different forums that I creep on & answer questions. “How does she affect my life?” “What does it mean to have Lilith in Libra in the 6th House?” “What does it mean that she’s in conjunction with my Midheaven?” “Does having Lilith in the 8th make me a fucked up bitch?” These are just a few examples of questions that I’ve either received myself or just seen posted different places. I think before you can really understand HOW Lilith affects your life by placement in the natal chart, it is important to not only understand who Lilith was, but also to make sure that you know which Lilith you’re talking about. There are actually four Lilith’s that can be pulled in a chart: -Asteroid Lilith – No. 1181-Black Moon Lilith (mean) – this is what comes up when you choose the Lilith option on Moon Lilith (true) – h13-Dark Moon Lilith/Waldemath’s Moon – h58 So, if you use at all to create charts, Black Moon Lilith (mean) is probably the version of Lilith that you are most familiar with (since it’s the one that comes up when you look for Lilith under “additional objects”). Also, this is the version of Lilith that is commonly used when looking at charts and talking about Lilith. Both Black Moon Lilith’s (mean and […]
The 8th House is a place that frequently gets brought up by people on forums, and I personally get a lot of clients asking questions about this particular house. What is it about this house that makes people so curious? What makes this house so intensely questioned, yet so misunderstood? I believe that this has a lot to do with the “unknown” quality of this house, since much of this house isn’t openly known or understood by the native. Above everything else that the 8th House represents, I find it to be representative of a bridge between the deep conscious (the 4th House) and the unconscious (the 12th house). The energy of the sign that sits on the 8th house tends to be on this 8th house bridge….not completely under a fog like it would be if it were in the 12th house, but somehow removed from the native. You probably use the energy in a more passive fashion, and this energy is waiting for the native to jump on that bridge to consciously claim it/them as their own in an active way. The same could be said for any planets and their energy that are found residing in this house. Until you claim these energies consciously for yourself, you may difficulty knowing when/where/how/why to use the energy in the first place. The 8th House is traditionally said to rule over the areas of life dealing with sex and death. I personally disagree with this, only because it is so […]
I find houses in interception to be particularly interesting when I find them in a client’s natal chart. Some astrologers disregard the idea of intercepted houses as unimportant….to each their own, everyone reads a little differently. I feel like when intercepted houses are in a client’s natal chart, to leave them out of a reading would be doing the client an injustice. Intercepted Houses are when a house is located between two separate house cusps, but the house and sign in question rule over no actual house cusp of the own. An example of this below: As you can see from the example above, Aquarius and Leo rule over no house cusps of their own. Aquarius falls under the domain of Capricorn’s house, and Leo falls under the domain of Cancer’s house. Neither sign has any real way of easily expressing itself outwardly to the world in a specific area of life (or just in general). The sign itself, as well as any planets that may find themselves inside the interceptions, operate under a sort of “fog,” kind of like the 12th house. You may not be fully aware of the sign and/or planetary energy that resides in the intercepted house, or there may be something kind of fucked about the way this energy manifests in your life. It also tends to be that the intercepted house’s energy (and any planets that find themselves in them) were not taught by the parents/caregivers in early childhood as something important to the […]
**I know this post deviates quite a bit from the out of bounds stuff I was talking about last week. I’m not through there at all, but the topic of orbs has come up many times on the forums that I creep on (and answer questions), and it struck me that this would make a good post.** What is an orb exactly you may be asking? An orb is how close together planets are in aspect in a natal chart (or any kind of chart, really). Why are they important? The tighter the orb between two planets, the more that particular energy may manifest in the person’s life. Which ones to look at first? I generally like to look at the orbs between the aspects made by the luminaries and the chart ruler (ruler of the Ascendant) first. An example of an aspect’s orb from my own chart can be found in the pictures below. In the first picture, circled in purple, you can see the conjunction between Pluto and Mercury in Scorpio in the 11th at about a 5 degree or so orb. The second picture is of the different aspects in the chart. You will notice next to the little symbols in the boxes there is also a number. That number is the orb between the aspects. Different astrologers have different ways of reading charts and reading the orbs made between planetary aspects. Some use a 10 degree orb across the board, and some use a slightly larger […]


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