Astrological Ramblings

Here is a video I made about this for people who like to watch things In the last post about Pluto’s Return, I went over the US’s 2021/2022 Solar Return Chart. In this post, I will be moving forward in time to the US’s Solar Return that starts in 2022. With regular Solar Return charts for people, you generally don’t want to look too far in advance since you need to have the location that the person is on their birthday/when their Solar Return happens. In the case of looking at a country, I have set the reference location to Washington DC, the nations capital. Unless something happens between then and now that changes where the nations capital is, this Solar Return chart will still be valid this far into the future. Below you will see the Solar Return chart I’m talking about: The Solar Return Ascendant is in Gemini, which makes the SR Chart ruler Mercury…which falls in Cancer in the 1st House. While I definitely think we are pretty chatty as a nation this year, and really, probably more sensitive about how we communicate, I do wonder how this actually translates in real time. Do we use this for thinking/communicating in a more compassionate way, or we use to it as a way to further misunderstand one another (again, just being overly sensitive and offended about everything). It also feels kind of….scattered. This could really go either way at this point since we’re still so far out from […]
I want to start Part II of this series off by making it very clear that you are so much more than your Sun Sign or your “Big Three” (The Sun/Moon/Rising). If you went off of the basic or trendy instagram/facebook/etc post about astrology, you might be inclined to to think that you’re Sun Sign is literally the only thing that matters, or that your “Big Three” compose the sum of your astrological parts. Personally I take real issue with this sort of astrology that is passed around the internet like some incurable clusterfuck of infectious diseases. Infection is a good word for it, really. I get the some of the memes and posts are funny (though some are downright stupid and only used as a source for starting some shit), but the infection happens when people take silly memes and posts to heart, using them as learning tools, because they don’t yet know anything else. So they believe that they’re toxic because they’re a Pisces Sun. They believe that they’re “boring” because they are a Virgo Sun, or that they are equal to “The Devil” because they’re a Gemini Sun. Obviously, universally, people don’t believe this popsicle bullshit, but for people who are just dipping their feet into astrology and starting out, and then seeing some nonsense like they are the devil because they are a certain Sun Sign, it can be be discouraging. And it’s just fucking incorrect. I don’t hold the learners accountable here, but those who […]
When looking at a particular planet in house overlays, the planet person will be affecting the house person with the energy of that particular planet, primarily in the area of life that the house in question deals with. In the case of this post, we’ll be looking at how Saturn in one person’s chart affects the other person’s chart by way of the house it falls in. Saturn is a teacher (not always an easy teacher, but a teacher none-the-less), and usually the lessons that Saturn has to teach in Synastry have something to do with responsibility, restriction (not all restriction is bad all of the time), maturity, stabilization, and getting serious. Some people need the lessons that the Saturn person is in their lives to teach, and some don’t (it really depends on the natural inclination of the house person). For reference, below is an example of Saturn in House overlays. **This is strictly JUST looking at the energy between Saturn and the house that it falls in in synastry, not taking into account any other aspects (such as other planets in your partner’s house), which, of course will color how you will want to interpret everything.** Your Saturn falling in your partner’s 7th House: The lesson that Saturn has to teach here is absolutely about commitment, responsiblity, and staying power in intimate relationships. The synastry aspect of your Saturn falling in your partner’s 7th house can indicate a real responsibility and commitment that the Saturn person will bring […]
Ahhhh, synastry! It’s quite interesting to look at synastry charts between two people, seeing the energy that both people bring into the relationship and how both of their energies interact with one another. I have a real interest in the house overlay part of synastry, which is when you look at a specific planet in your chart (say, Saturn) and see what house it falls inside of in your partner’s chart. Here is an example of what I’m talking about: When looking at a particular planet in house overlays, the planet person will be affecting the house person with the energy of that particular planet, primarily in the area of life that the house in question deals with. In the case of this post, we’ll be looking at how Saturn in one person’s chart affects the other person’s chart by way of the house it falls in. Saturn is a teacher (not always an easy teacher, but a teacher none-the-less), and usually the lessons that Saturn has to teach in Synastry have something to do with responsibility, restriction (not all restriction is bad all of the time), maturity, stabilization, and getting serious. Some people need the lessons that the Saturn person is in their lives to teach, and some don’t (it really depends on the natural inclination of the house person). **This is strictly JUST looking at the energy between Saturn and the house that it falls in in synastry, not taking into account any other aspects (such as other […]


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