Astrological Ramblings

When looking at a particular planet in house overlays, the planet person will be affecting the house person with the energy of that particular planet, primarily in the area of life that the house in question deals with. In the case of this post, we’ll be looking at how Saturn in one person’s chart affects the other person’s chart by way of the house it falls in. Saturn is a teacher (not always an easy teacher, but a teacher none-the-less), and usually the lessons that Saturn has to teach in Synastry have something to do with responsibility, restriction (not all restriction is bad all of the time), maturity, stabilization, and getting serious. Some people need the lessons that the Saturn person is in their lives to teach, and some don’t (it really depends on the natural inclination of the house person). For reference, below is an example of Saturn in House overlays. **This is strictly JUST looking at the energy between Saturn and the house that it falls in in synastry, not taking into account any other aspects (such as other planets in your partner’s house), which, of course will color how you will want to interpret everything.** Your Saturn falling in your partner’s 7th House: The lesson that Saturn has to teach here is absolutely about commitment, responsiblity, and staying power in intimate relationships. The synastry aspect of your Saturn falling in your partner’s 7th house can indicate a real responsibility and commitment that the Saturn person will bring […]
Ahhhh, synastry! It’s quite interesting to look at synastry charts between two people, seeing the energy that both people bring into the relationship and how both of their energies interact with one another. I have a real interest in the house overlay part of synastry, which is when you look at a specific planet in your chart (say, Saturn) and see what house it falls inside of in your partner’s chart. Here is an example of what I’m talking about: When looking at a particular planet in house overlays, the planet person will be affecting the house person with the energy of that particular planet, primarily in the area of life that the house in question deals with. In the case of this post, we’ll be looking at how Saturn in one person’s chart affects the other person’s chart by way of the house it falls in. Saturn is a teacher (not always an easy teacher, but a teacher none-the-less), and usually the lessons that Saturn has to teach in Synastry have something to do with responsibility, restriction (not all restriction is bad all of the time), maturity, stabilization, and getting serious. Some people need the lessons that the Saturn person is in their lives to teach, and some don’t (it really depends on the natural inclination of the house person). **This is strictly JUST looking at the energy between Saturn and the house that it falls in in synastry, not taking into account any other aspects (such as other […]
**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Virgo/South Node in Pisces: If you North Node falls in Virgo, that makes your North Node mission in this lifetime all about growing into routine, work, and service (though not necessarily completely selfless service). There is also supposed to be an emphasis on health, and of really taking care of your physical body and your mind. Learning to be practical, useful, and the idea of “perfection” will all probably come to the […]
**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Cancer/South Node in Capricorn: If your North Node falls in Cancer, this makes you North Node mission all about being of support to others and accepting that same support in return, learning how to be vulnerable, emotional and sensitive (and coming to terms with this side of yourself), and home/domestic life & family. With your South Node falling Capricorn, in a previous life/lives, you were probably in control of your emotions and […]
Questions about past lives and karma are always popular questions that I get regularly. Specifically, I tend to get asked about past life issues and karma that are needed to be dealt with in this lifetime, and how these issues might manifest in the current incarnation. There are different places to look in your Natal Chart to to find unresolved karmic and past life elements, and one of the first place I look (after looking at the North & South Nodes and Pluto and its Polarity Point) is at any planets that may be making a square aspect with the North & South Nodes. If you have any planetary/celestial bodies squaring the Nodes, this formation is known as a “Skipped Step.” A Skipped Step is a planet (or planets) that deal with unresolved, specific issues that you have carried over from previous lives into this lifetime. This may have been an issue (or issues) that you chose to willfully ignore in a past life, or something that you didn’t recognize as an issue, or even something you just didn’t have the time in other incarnations to completely work out. You can have multiple planets square the Nodes (such as in the case of a Stellium square the Nodes, or even just planets in conjunction), and you can also have planets in opposition to one another that both square the Nodes (in the case of the Grand Cross). Just to illustrate what Skipped Steps look like in a natal chart, here […]
**In this post in the series, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Gemini/South Node in Sagittarius: If your North Node falls in Gemini, your North Node mission in this lifetime is all about the use of effective communication & language (both written and verbal). Also, you’re probably supposed to move into the realm of logic, reason, facts, details, curiousity, and using the more concrete side of you mind. With Sagittarius as your South Node, you probably had a past life (or past lives) where […]
Recently, talk of Draconic Charts seems to have exploded around the different forums that I frequent (which is super-exciting, I love talking about this stuff!), which gave me the idea to make another entry highlighting these charts and what I believe are the important things to focus on while deciphering them. Kind of a hodgepodge of ideas dealing with these charts, so bear with me if my ideas seem to kind of jump from thing to thing. Pluto’s importance here in these charts should never be forgotten. Pluto (and it’s polarity point opposite it) has a very special place within evolutionary astrology, almost operating like the North Node/South Node Axis, showing where we come from on a soul level and what we want to evolve into. The position of one’s natal Pluto points to the way we are based on the experiences from our previous incarnations, while the natal Pluto Polarity point points to what our soul wants to evolve into in this lifetime. By reading these two placements in a Draconic Chart, I almost see this as Pluto representing the way that we just naturally (on a soul level) believe things, desire things, and perceive things, but the Draconic Pluto Polarity Point shows the highest possible evolution of our soul (all that our soul could be). It’s once that we’ve actually obtained this soul goal of “becoming” our Pluto Polarity Point that we probably stop reincarnating into this world and then go on to somewhere else. Once we’ve reached […]
I’m going a little out of order here, I know. The next part of this series should really be about the Gemini & Sagittarius North Node/South Node Axis, but I just recently saw a question on reddit about the North Node in Leo, which gave me the idea go out of order here. **In this post, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Leo/South Node in Aquarius: If your North Node is in Leo, in this lifetime, your soul wanted to evolve into the feeling […]
**In this post, we will take the House that the North Node falls in out of the equation and just focus on what it means to have your North Node in a specific sign (and what it means to have the South Node in the polarity sign). Usually with things having to do with the Nodal Axis (and growing into our North Node), a catalyst occurs in our lives that edges us out of the comfort of the South Node and into the uncharted territory of the North. This catalyst could be something major and life changing (such as a death, marriage, or divorce), or even something much more minor. Something will kind of shake us internally, saying “Wake up, fucker. You’re supposed to move beyond this,” whatever the “this” in the situation is. Once this waking up occurs, you will begin to move towards the North Node. Though, in all my years of study, this period of waking up usually doesn’t occur until the person’s first Saturn Return, or after it.** North Node in Taurus/South Node in Scorpio: If you have the North Node in Taurus, your North Node mission in this life is all about security and stability in the physical world, to learn to take care of yourself for yourself, to calm down/slow down and relax. In this lifetime, your soul wanted to evolve into something more earthy, grounded and stable in the physical reality. This is probably a far cry from your South Node in Scorpio, […]
The idea for this entry came to me when I answered someone’s question on reddit about stelliums. The question of “What is a stellium?”/“Do I have a stellium in my chart?”/“Tell me about my stellium!” seems to get asked a lot. Whether I’m being asked about this directly when reading a client’s chart, or I just notice people asking these questions on forums (like reddit) as I creep in the shadows and answer questions (hahahaha!), it seems like everyone has questions about stelliums. But….astrologers can’t really seem to come to a consensus as to what exactly constitutes one. This is probably because there are many different ways to read a chart, and really, it’s such an intuitive process that no one is really right or wrong. Over the 20 years that I have been doing this, I have come up with my own “guidelines” for reading stelliums in natal charts, and rules for deciding what constitutes a stellium in the first place. But before we get to all that, first a bit of pertinent information:**A stellium is a massive group of planetary/celestial body energy in one’s natal chart in one location (such as having 4 planets in the 11th House). All of the planets might be in one house or sign, or the planets may cross over into two signs and/or two houses (though some astrologers don’t count a stellium as a stellium if all the planets aren’t in the same sign or house). Just as an example of what […]


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