Fucking Magnificent

Here is the video I made about the GC in the 1st through 6th Houses, for all of you that are interested (and watchers rather than readers). Here is the video for the GC in the 7th through 12th Houses.

I wanted to type something up about some thoughts on the GC in the different houses – taking the conjunctions to the GC and everything else that has been the focus of the research off of the table for just a second. Regardless if someone has conjunctions to the GC, Jupiter RX, conjunctions to the Galactic Anti-Center, and/or trines to the GC (or some other things that I’ve mentioned), the GC still feels like it would be important in the chart. Since the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Sun orbits the GC, it seems fundamental to the chart, regardless of if the planets in your chart make any of the GC contacts I’ve gone on about in other blog posts and videos or not. . How might the GC/GaC axis function in your own chart just taking the houses into account? Let’s take a look at some possibilities, keeping the below in mind as you read:

**Keep in mind that these are more general ideas and you would want to take the whole chart into account. These will probably need to be tailored some for the particular chart that you are looking at. Just use these to get your own creativity going for ideas and for synthesis.

**Keep the notion of the GC being a massive charge of energy in mind when thinking about the house where the GC falls. My theory is that the house where the GC falls in the chart, in some way, probably feels energetically charged. Is this conscious or not, “easy” or “challenging,” etc.? That would depend on the whole chart in question. You could also end up with someone who feels that the energy is sucked from the house where the GC falls, too (I could totally see that happening in some cases).

**Keep the notion of the GaC being a blinding (or blinded) force, one where maybe we can’t see the areas of life by the House the GaC falls in “correctly” due to this blinding, or clearly due to all the space dust going clouding things (there is a lot of space dust and bullshit around the GaC in space). It also seems possible that there could be some issues in this house’s areas of life but the person may “pretend” (either on purpose or not) that everything is fine. Also keep in mind that the GaC may take an overflow (or something like it) of the energy from the GC in the chart, which might “shock” and “upset” this area of life (though this probably allows the person to see these areas of life more clearly when the “shocks” occur). DO they actually choose to keep seeing them clearly? That’s a whole other discussion, lol.

**You would also want to take note of where Jupiter is in the chart (regardless of if it is retrograde or direct). Where Jupiter falls in the chart (by sign, house, and aspects) will give one a better idea of HOW much the person might be aware of the GC energy in their life and what other area of life the GC will bestow it’s power to (since Jupiter is the planetary ruler of Sagittarius, which is where the GC falls).

**If you happen to be someone who has the GC on the boundary of a house cusp, you could read the GC as if it was in BOTH houses (though I probably wouldn’t do this unless the GC was on the house cusp involving a major angle – the 1st House, the 4th House, the 7th House, or the 10th House).

**I have never once said the GC is universally good or bad, or easy or challenging. Keep that in mind, too.

  1. The First House/ Seventh House Axis

Galactic Center in the 1st House might cause someone to be personally connected with the GC (they may not realize this, but I wouldn’t be surprised if there was some kind of amplified sense of being connected to the GC, or at least an “understanding” of the energy of the GC). The person might be kind of weird or unorthodox (or have a weird/unorthodox approach to themselves, the way they present themselves, their physical body, and other 1st House “areas of life”). This person feels like their sense of who they are would just have a shit ton of energy behind it. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 7th House. This person may feel a sense of “blinding” or some lack of clarity in the areas of life dealing with one-on-one close relationships (of any variety). There might be even be “shocks” or “upsets” that seem to hit them out of the blue, out of nowhere in these area’s of life, too. Depending on how close the GaC is to the Descendant, you might also have the person be kind of blinded, un-clear, or even “shocked” by the shadow side of themselves.

Galactic Center in the 7th House might cause someone to have one-on-one relationships (of any variety) that seem to be GC charged in some way. The relationships might be a little different or weird, and they may attract this into their lives (whether they like it or not). They might also have an interesting relationship with the shadow side of themselves if the GC is close to the Descendant (they might be strangely familiar with the shadow side’s energy, even if they try to ignore or deny this). There is probably a lot of energy surrounding this area of their life in some way. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 1st House. This person may feel that they are personally blinded by things about themselves (perhaps due to all the energy of the GC focused on the house that deals with close relationships), or even just being generally not as clear about who they are and how they react naturally to the world around them (but there will probably be things that come to pass that kind of “shock” them into knowing who they are).

**The Second House/Eighth House Axis**

Galactic Center in the 2nd House might cause someone to have a “different” or “charged” relationship with their money and with their resources. They might have the same kind of relationship with their concepts of self-esteem, self-value, and perhaps even the things that they value are a little more unorthodox in nature. There is probably energy is that is put towards this houses areas of life, and the person may or may not do this on purpose. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 8th House. This person may feel a sense of “blinding” or some lack of clarity surrounding the values and resources of other people, or even things regarding sex and sexuality, psychological processes, and the deep soul merging that happens between two people. Since the 8th House is also like the bridge between the deeply conscious 4th House and the unconscious 12th House, it could be that there might be a real blinding to things that go IN the place between the conscious and the unconscious.

Galactic Center in the 8th House might cause someone to have a “different” or “charged” relationship with the place between the conscious and unconscious parts of them. The same could also be said about psychological processes, sex/sexuality, other people’s resources and values, and the deep soul merging that happens between two people. There is probably a shit ton of energy there, but since we’re talking about the 8th House, this does feel like one of the more difficult places to be able to access the GC energy to one’s benefit. Where Jupiter falls in this person’s chart will probably be very important for them to access it “out-loud” (depending on where Jupiter falls and what it’s doing, obviously). This puts the Galactic Anti-Center in the 2nd House. This person may feel a sense of blinding or lack of clarity about their own self worth (this seems like it’s probably the biggest deal here, to be honest). There might also be issues with their resources, their money, and even knowing what they really value. There will probably be shocks that happen in life to force them to see these things more clearly.

**The Third House/Ninth House Axis**

Galactic Center in the 3rd House might cause someone to have an unorthodox and/or charged relationship with the way that they communicate, the way that they learn, and the way that take in information. They are probably aware (at at least a little bit) to there being some differences in these areas between themselves and other people. Their perception of things might also be a little different than the general population. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 9th House. This person may feel kind of blinded to the understanding of the bigger picture on a macro level, and they might even feel rather blinded by their belief and the way that they seek their personal truth (or there might be something “blinding” about these things). There could even be some shocks and upsets that happen in these areas, kind of forcing these people to question their truth (and other 9th House notions) often.

Galactic Center in the 9th House might cause someone to have a strange or charged relationship to the way that they see the big picture, and with the way that they understand and assimilate things. They could also have an interesting relationship with religion and metaphysics, higher education, and with how they believe in things and seek truth. It feels like there would be a bunch of energy surrounding these notions. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 3rd House. This person might feel kind of blinded about the micro level (seeing things in a “smaller” context), and there could even be something blinding or unclear about how they perceive things in life. “Regular” (lol, whatever that is) communication may not be the easiest thing for these people to do. There will probably be shocks that happen in this person’s life that kind of force them to see what they aren’t seeing in these areas of life.

**The Fourth House/Tenth House Axis**

Galactic Center in the 4th House might cause someone to have a different or charged relationship with the concept of who they are at their core (and this is probably amplified if the GC is conjunct the IC). There might be a whole bunch of energy surrounding notions of home or family (though depending on the rest of the chart, this might be “easy” or “challenging”). I would think that like those with the GC in the 1st House, people with the GC in the 4th are also very aware and in-tune with the GC energy (though unlike the 1st House GC person, the 4th House GC person may be more private about this). This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 10th House. This person might feel a blinding or lack of clarity when it comes to their professional/public life – such as things having to do with their career, their public presence, their reputation, and their social status. They probably go through shocks during their lives that try to make them aware of 10th House areas of life in a more clear way.

The Galactic Center in the 10th House might cause someone to have a weird or charged relationship with the concept of who they are in the public spheres of life (and this is probably amplified if the GC is conjunct the MC). There is probably a whole bunch of energy surrounding things dealing with career, public presence, and reputation (though it really would depend on the whole chart as to if this is “easy” or “challenging”). The public could be more aware of the GC energy in these people than the person is aware of it (or I could see that happening here). This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 4th House. This person might be rather blinded or unclear about things regarding the core of themselves, and even things dealing with notions of family and home (what these actually mean to the person). They probably go through some shocks during their lives that beg them to see the 4th House in a clearer way.

–Along this axis, I also want to mention that there could be *something* going on with the concept of a person’s parents. I feel like you can see the parents of the person in BOTH the 4th & 10th Houses, not necessarily assigning one house for one parent and the other house for the other parent. This may not be the case across the board – if you have the GC in the 4th or 10th House, your parents may not be involved at all, but I certainly wouldn’t rule it out as a possibility.

**The Fifth House/Eleventh House Axis**

The Galactic Center in the 5th House might cause someone to have a charged relationship with creatively being able to express themselves. There might also be a charge or weirdness to things like risk taking, to the hobbies that you have, and even to the way that you “play” and have fun. If you have any children, the relationship with your children may be a little different as well. There just feels like there would be a lot of energy (created or spent) in these areas of life. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 11th House. This might cause there to be a blinding or a lack of clarity about how to express yourself in groups of people and with your friends. There could also be a blinding when it comes to what long-term goals you should be going after (or what your long-term goals are in the first place). My guess is that there would be shocks or upsets that happen in the areas of life which this house deals that kind of make the person aware of what they aren’t seeing clearly.

The Galactic Center in the 11th House might cause someone to have a charged relationship with how they handle themselves in social situations, with friends, and in terms of social causes. A lot of energy probably goes into the above, along with long-term goals. The person might have the ability to really make an impact in a big way regarding other people. This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 5th House. There might be some blinding about how the person can creatively express themselves independent of groups, friends, and social causes. It could also make it unclear what this person actually enjoys doing for hobbies and how they “play.” The relationship with their children may also be a little blinded or unclear in some way. There would probably be shocks that happen in the 5th House areas of life to kind of wake the person up to what isn’t being seen clearly in this house.

**The Sixth House/Twelfth House Axis**

The Galactic Center in the 6th House might cause someone to have different or charged relationship with their health (either/or physical & mental health) – really health is the first thing that comes to mind here. I would also think that this same charge exists with daily life and routine in general, along with the work that they do and the way that they “serve.” This would put the Galactic Anti-Center in the 12th House. I might think that with the GaC in this house, the person might be even more blinded to/by their unconscious, or it just might be even less clear than it usually is. They might not see the ways that they escape or the ways that they imprison themselves in the unconscious. There are probably shocks that occur that, at least briefly, to jolt some of this shit closer to a conscious viewpoint. They should grab these opportunities when they happen and run with them.

The Galactic Center in the 12th House might cause someone to have the unconscious parts of them highly fucking charged. Do they feel this clearly – probably not (this one, like having the GC in the 8th House, feels like it would be difficult). The person might have a strange relationship with notions of escape and “imprisonment,” but I might also think that they have a much stronger psychic-like charge than they realize (and this should be trusted if it isn’t). This puts the Galactic Anti-Center in the 6th House. This person may have some blinding or lack of clarity to the way that they need to actually function in the real, physical world. They may not see things like routine, service, and even the work that they do (or should do) clearly enough. There might be shocks that happen to them in their daily life that beg them to see these areas a little more clearly.

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