More Galactic Center Loveliness

Here is the first video that goes along with the blog post. Here is the second video.

***Since there are so many ways that the GC seems like it can function, and so many moving pieces that seem like they can correlate with the GC energy (and even the GaC energy), I’m going to try to streamline this blog post to the best of my ability without it going all over the fucking place. This still might happen in certain parts of this post – but hopefully not too much (crosses fingers). I also want to mention that this post will primarily deal with what to DO with all the energy from the GC and how to best utilize it to the person’s advantage.**

At this point you might be wondering HOW any of these theories can actually be put INTO practice (there have been some questions that I’ve gotten recently about HOW the Galactic Center could be used in chart weaving/chart delineation). I have some IDEAS about that, but I wouldn’t take ANY of these as absolute truth. These are some ideas that you should try playing around with on your own (with your own natal chart and those of other people) and see if they “fit.” I AM JUST FUCKING WITH ASTROLOGY HERE, and fucking with things is one of the ways that we learn new things. DO NOT HOLD ME TO ANY OF THIS.
-Also keep in mind while reading this that the tighter the orb is between the GC and a planet via conjunction and with the GaC and a planet via conjunction, the stronger the impact the conjunction will have on the person. Same thing could be said with a planet (et. al) trine the GC – the tighter this orb, the “better” a translator the trine probably will be.

I. Galactic Center by House – No Conjunctions or Oppositions, No Jupiter Rx, No Trines to GC
-Take a look at this past blog post of mine to give you some ideas about HOW the GC might manifest in your life (or the life of whoever’s chart you’re looking at). Definitely don’t take this as gospel and come up with your own notions if you find those don’t completely fit the chart that you’re looking at (the houses can represent a myriad of different areas of life, all of which I probably didn’t cover in those “examples”).
-Think of it like this: the House where the GC falls is going to be filled with a lot of energy just due to the nature of the GC. This could amplify this house for the “good” or the “bad,” and it could so distort/warp this house and the areas of life that the house has domain over.
-The “lightning” will still strike on the opposite side of the chart, where the GaC falls (this will STILL happen, in my opinion, even if there are no conjunctions to the GC or the GaC). Any overflow of energy will probably still make it’s way over the GaC (or something like that) which could cause the house where the GaC falls have some “issues,” like blinding to any issues that are present in this house in the first place.
-If there are no GC or GaC conjunctions, I might think that while the GC STILL matters in the chart, the effect on the person from a holistic view of the chart probably won’t be THAT intense over all.

-If the GC/GaC Axis happens to fall in two houses (and for this I’d be looking 5-degrees applying or separating from the GC/GaC since there is no planet involved), then both houses would probably feel the impact from the GC and the GaC. Having this going on over two houses might actually lessen the impact in each house some since it’s spread out over two houses (two houses with the GC/two houses with the GaC).

II. Galactic Center by House – No Conjunctions or Oppositions, but Jupiter IS Rx and/or Trine(s) to the GC
-The person who has no conjunctions or oppositions to the GC, but DOES have Jupiter Rx probably IS able to “tune into” the GC energy in a similar way as a person with planets conjunct the GC, though it’s not exactly the same (there does feel like there probably isn’t as much energy involved in this tuning in though, who knows, this might end up being to the person’s benefit overall). There probably is an underlying understanding of the energy that IS going on at the GC by the house that it falls.
-The person who has no conjunctions or oppositions to the GC but DOES have a trine to the GC seems that they would have a clear translator to bring the energy from the GC down to earth by planet (and everything else I’ve looked at thus far), house, and sign. Since they have no conjunctions to the GC or oppositions to the GaC, they may not be as aware that there is much to translate and ground in the first place – they just might kind of naturally have a nice translation of the energy.
-For the person who has no conjunctions or oppositions to the GC, but they have BOTH a trine to the GC AND Jupiter Rx, this makes me think that the person probably is more aware that there is something to translate from the GC in the first place (at least as an undercurrent if nothing else), and the trine gives them the ability to DO this.

III. Conjunctions to the Galactic Center (just looking at the conjunctions for a second)
Let’s talk for the second about the notion of a “Galactic Center” personality. Through my research thus far, I have noticed there have been some ideas that have been tossed around about the Galactic Center and what this might do to the personality of the person that has GC contacts. Some of these ideas I agree with, and some of them I don’t (these ideas usually include all aspects to the GC, and for the purposes of this “block” I am ONLY talking about GC conjunctions). Really, I feel like the GC is too much of a wild card to be able to nail down EXACTLY what it will do to a planet (et. al) that is conjunct the GC with absolute certainty – I just don’t think it works THAT way. However, there are some definite possibilities of things that the GC could do to planets that conjunct it.
-Amplify & charge the nature of the planet (et. al)
-Warp & distort the nature of the planet (et. al)
–Depending on what else is going on with that planet (et. al) in the chart will kind of give you an idea of if this is going to swing in an “easy” or “challenging” direction (and hell, the GC is so fucking weird I wouldn’t be surprised if it could even have a “neutral” effect at times – still “charging” the planet, but somehow neutralizing anything “easy” or “challenging” going on with it by way of the rest of the chart).
**For instance, if you had someone with their Sun conjunct the GC, you might find someone who’s identity/ego is amplified or distorted (and this could be something like the ego being massively inflated all the way over to the person’s ego/identity being almost non-existent). THIS IS LITERALLY JUST A FOR INSTANCE – you would need to take EVERYTHING in the chart into account to know if this actually fits (or which way it swings). Shit, it could even swing different ways at different times.
-Seeking for truth and belief, in some way, also seems to be a hallmark of people with GC conjunctions (even if the person tries to ignore such things, which lol, could definitely happen). Where this comes out will depend on the house that the GC falls, and the planet (et. al) conjunct the GC will show WHAT is being sought out via truth and belief in the first place.
–There usually is some kind of amplification, charge, warping, distortion, surrounding this. This part seems like it’s EVEN MORE amplified if Jupiter happens to be RX somewhere in this person’s chart (though it does seem to exist regardless if Jupiter is Rx or not).
-Conjunctions to the GC feel like they are protective in a way (they are one side of the “protective coin” with Jupiter Rx being protective/giving protection as well). To only have one or other does afford a person “protection” but not completely.
—What do I mean “protection?” Really, I could see this going a few different ways. With the example of whistleblowers, those that had GC conjunctions and Jupiter Rx seemed to fair better overall with blowing their whistle (even if they had a “weird” relationship with doing so). You could correlate this to ANYTHING that a person with GC conjunctions and Jupiter Rx may want to do (that feels fueled by the GC – and here you would be looking at Sagittarian themes even if the planet conjunct the GC fell in Capricorn). If they are actually ABLE to do this in any kind of way that makes sense would also depend on if a trine exists to the GC or not.
-I do think, and there is no proof of this (this one is a hard one to “prove”) but that the GC is probably a connection to other dimensions, other galaxies (it could very easily connect to the Super Galactic Center which is the center of the metagalaxy that our galaxy is inside). Chris, a friend of mine, made the comment on a previous blog post that the GC might be like an umbilical cord, what connects us to other places and realms. I think this is probably pretty right the fuck on – it feels right on to me. We weren’t talking about it being an umbilical cord to the Super Galactic Center, but it probably functions as such, too.
–This could cause the person with GC conjunctions be given information (like downloads) to the planets that are conjunct the GC. What would be downloaded would probably tie in heavily with WHAT planet (et. al) is conjunct the GC. Certain planets (et. al) conjunct the GC would probably best best to get certain downloads over other planets (et. al). For instance, someone with Uranus conjunct the GC would probably do better with downloads of a revolutionary nature than someone who had, say, the Moon conjunct the GC.

IV. Conjunctions to the Galactic Anti Center (NO conjunction to the GC)
For the person who ONLY has a conjunction to the GaC (and nothing conjunct the GC), that planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC does appear to still act as a massive lightning attractor for this area of the chart – and this area of the chart is already an attractor as it is since it does seem like this is WHAT the GaC does anyway (having a planet there (et. al) just gives it a very CLEAR vehicle to attract the energy from the GC).
-This area of the person’s life might already be a little cloudier, a little more blinded, and probably takes a lot of the impact from *something* like an overflow of energy from the GC. Since this area of the sky is “calmer” (and it IS calm when you look at it against ALL the energy of the GC on the opposite side of the sky/chart), when it is shocked it’s like it might not know what to do WITH the shock. Really, it doesn’t have to DO anything – this planet (et. al) just absorbs the shock as it is (and if I’m being honest, probably does have some “damage” just by virtue of being here). I’m not trying to imply whatever is conjunct the GaC is fucked or anything like that, but when reading this planet (et. al) I would read it from a slightly more “challenging” angle, even if it makes nothing but nice aspects throughout the rest of the chart, just due to this damage that it does seem to take.
-What the planet (et. al) expresses might be a little more blinded or clouded over to any issues that it has throughout the rest of the chart. When the GC shoots over energy to the GaC, which probably does happen more frequently when there is no planet conjunct the GC to absorb any of the energy AT the GC, the planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC may not know what “hit” it and cause it to kind of “spiral” (maybe just a little bit). Knowing the “shadow” side of the planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC in question feels really important to keep that spiraling from happening.
-If a person has a planet (et. al) sextile to the GaC, they have a way to ground the shocks and strikes to the GaC (which probably helps this “spiral” from happening).
-If the person with a sextile to the GaC/trine to the GC happens to have Jupiter Rx, they probably are more familiar with the GC energy (even without having a conjunction to the GC). This probably helps the person to at least understand these shocks that happen to a planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC a little better (someway, somehow).

V. Conjunctions to the Galactic Center and the Galactic Anti-Center
-For the person who has BOTH sets of conjunctions to the GC and the GaC, they have massive amounts of energy from the GC being absorbed by the planet (et. al) that is conjunct the GC , and they have a planet (et. al) to take the overflow of energy from the GC – something there to function like “here kitty kitty kitty” (an attractor) for ALL of that energy. This feels like it could be incredibly polarizing – it could either make the person incredibly polarizing to other people (either loving them or hating them), or it could just make the person feel very polarized per the areas of life we’re talking about by house and regarding the planets involved. I realize an opposition is already a polarity as it is, but in this case the polarity feels like it’s on steroids. On area of their life has so much fucking energy in it, and the other end is getting the shit shocked out of it (which is polarizing).
-I would still think that the planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC would take on some damage here, though the person might be better able to handle the damage a little better due to also having something conjunct the GC. While the planet (et. al) conjunct the GC
-For the person who has no trine to the GC/sextile to the GaC but has those conjunctions, it almost seems like the energy would keep going on and on in loop, which could make life a little more challenging. I also feel like it’s as possible that when the loop can’t keep going, the energy ends up shocking the entire chart (this would probably be some kind of trigger via transit or something – I’m not totally sure WHAT that trigger would be yet). I think in this kind of case, it’s probably really important that these people are familiar with their own Mercury and Jupiter in their natal charts (since the GC in Sagittarius and the GaC is in Gemini) – they need to understand the “easy” and “challenging” things about these planets in their chart, really know these motherfuckers like the back of their hand. This is the case even if Jupiter and Mercury are direct (though, I actually think, in this case should Mercury and/or Jupiter be Rx, it might make NOT having the trine even easier since Mercury Rx feels like it has affinity with the GaC and Jupiter Rx definitely has an affinity with the GC).
-For the person who has conjunctions to the GC and the GaC, and happen to have a trine (or trines) to the GC/a sextile (or sextiles) to the GaC, these people REALLY need to understand that fucking trine planet for THIS is how the person translates stuff from the GC. The more planets the person has trine the GC, the more possible ways of translation the person has at their disposal. Does the person with multiple trines use them all? Maybe, maybe not. The point is that they have multiple avenues for translation, and should get to know each planet very well (how each planet dances with the rest of of their chart).

VI. Person with Conjunctions to the GC, GaC, or both BUT NO TRINES or SEXTILES from GC/GaC
-When someone has a planet (et. al) conjunct the GC, or a planet (et. al) conjunct the GaC, or BOTH, but NO TRINE/SEXTILE to the GC/GaC, this makes the person’s Mercury and Jupiter very important in their chart (I think both can serve as de-facto translators in cases like this). BOTH Jupiter and Mercury seem like they would be important, though depending on what Jupiter and Mercury are doing in the chart, this could cause one to be a better translator/grounder over the other. I’m still playing around with this some, but I do think this is probably how the translation and grounding is able to happen with the absence of a trine/sextile to the GC or GAC. If one of those planets happen to be Rx in the chart, I would definitely look to the Rx planet first.

VII. Other Factors to Consider
1. Jupiter Rx anywhere in the chart
-For the person who has Jupiter Rx and conjunctions to the GC and GaC, it seems like there is a “protection” that this person is afforded. Jupiter Rx DEFINITELY seems to be a protective force for people that have this and have a conjunction to the GC. If they have a trine to the GC as well, this seems like they have the “protection” to translate ANYTHING from the GC and bring it “safely” down the earth (and I mention this because of the examples that I’ve looked at so far with whistleblowers, conspiracy theorists, and other famous people). The GC feels protective in a weird ass way, too, so having BOTH a conjunction to the GC and Jupiter Rx does seem to add a layer of protection for these people to do what they feel called (or are called) to do. Jupiter Rx, since it feels like it is so in-tune with the GC energy as it is, will also also act as an amplifier to utilize the GC energy in some form or fashion.
2. Other Retrograde Planets
-Though I do think the GC has the most correlation with Jupiter Rx (especially in a protective/protection capacity for the person), I do think all Rx planets have an affinity for the GC. The Retrograde Planets don’t cause someone to be tuned into the GC antenna necessarily, but those that already are tuned into the GC Axis AND have Rx planets in their chart feel like they might have an amplified sense of being tuned-in.
–When I talk about Rx planets here, I’m not talking about just having one planet Rx, unless we’re talking about the Chart Ruler – that one planet might be enough to amplify being tuned into the GC, or having a planet conjunct the GC Rx – this one planet might be enough to really tune one in as well. In most cases, I’m thinking a Retrograde heavy chart, as in 3 or more planets being Rx and this allowing the person to better tune into the GC energy.
3. Out of Bounds Planets (here is a blog post about this with correlation to the GC)
-These definitely feel like they have an affinity for GC energy. They function as wildcards much like the GC seems to be a wild card as well. Having planets conjunct the GC and/or conjunct the GaC, and having OOB planets, seems like it would only amplify the GC’s energy and/or the strikes and shocks that the GaC takes on. An OOB planet that is actually conjunct the GC and/or the GaC seems like what I said before is probably amplified EVEN MORE.
4. Chiron (here is a blog post about Chiron with correlation to the GC)
-Chiron feels like it DOES have a similar vibe to the GC in terms of both of them being a “bridge” – Chiron being the bridge between the inner and outer planets, and the GC being a bridge between our galaxy and what is out there beyond our galaxy (or perhaps, what we are connected to). I’m not sure that Chiron in the natal chart automatically tunes you into the GC on it’s own without having any involvement with the GC axis already mentioned (though I do think they have a similar vibe in being “bridges”). I might think that having Chiron Rx could turn the GC antenna up a notch (even if Chiron Rx has nothing to do with the GC Axis and everything mentioned above).
-Having Chiron direct or Rx involved with the GC Axis, or trine the GC, probably does cause Chiron to function as an amplifier for the GC energy.
–Chiron is still one I’m playing with (or less “leaning” one particular way or the other). Honestly, I’m still playing with all this fucking shit lol.
I feel like a fucking moron for never mentioning this before but you definitely need to take dispositions into account here in terms of planets conjunct the GC or conjunct the anti-center. For instance, lets say that someone has Venus conjunct the GC. This means that the houses that have Libra and Taurus on the house cusp will bend to Venus and will also influence the GC. Same thing could be said about planets conjunct the GaC.

In the next blog post, we will go over an example chart (or a couple of examples if I can get clearance on using other charts beyond the one) on how to *maybe* put this into practice

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One response

  1. […] In this blog post, I am going to play around with a couple of charts to explain how to MAYBE use the GC in chart weaving and the important pieces of the “Galactic Center Puzzle” in each of these charts that would want to be considered if you were to read the chart through the lens of the GC. I’m not really sure if “reading the chart through the lens of the GC” is the right way to put that, but since I’m still learning how to incorporate this shit myself, breaking the chart down via the lens of the GC feels most “correct” to say (and then weaving that shit back together). **There IS a video to go along with this and once YouTube quits acting like a cock-sucker I will link the video here (it’s not letting me upload anything at the moment).****I also went into some of this without chart visuals in my last blog post** […]

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