Astrological Ramblings

In some of the videos that I ‘ve done recently, I’ve brought up the notion of whistleblowers and the GC. This isn’t an entirely new idea in and of itself – there have been some articles done on this and that it does seem to be common for well known whistleblowers to have GC conjunctions, oppositions, etc. (there most definitely appears to be a correlation). What I haven’t seen as mentioned is the notion that a good majority of these people have Jupiter Rx in their natal charts (or were born during the shadow period just after Jupiter goes direct). While I think the GC is a protective force for people in general when they lean into the GC’s energy and don’t fight it (I really do believe this – but the “not fighting it part” is important here), in the case of GC conjunctions and whistleblowers, the conjunctions seem to add an urge to get the “truth” out there. There also seems to be what I would consider a “protective” element to this as well. I think Jupiter Rx can ALSO be a protective force for these people (here is my last blog post about Jupiter Rx in connection to the GC in general). I think another protective force has to do with having something trine the GC – an actual planet or something major to give the whistleblower “safe passage” to translate the truth that they need to tell down to Earth (here is the blog post about […]
The Galactic Center ^^^^^ FUCKING MAGNIFICENT (photo credit – NASA) I have talked about a WHOLE BUNCH OF DIFFERENT stuff regarding the Galactic Center recently on the YouTube channel for Lets Fuck with Astrology – the joint business venture between myself and the other creator of the Star Cards, Natalie (who is probably one the people who has been the dearest to me in my whole life), but the Galactic Center has captivated me for much longer than it might seem that it has. It’s the “mystery” about it that really gets me – and there is something REALLY mysterious about it (probably the fact that we aren’t really sure what is ON the other side of the GC). The GC is said to be a lifeline to other dimensions, a place to contact the other side, and as the Mayan’s liked to call it, “the source of all creation,” among a whole bunch of other shit. It is also thought of as a place where divine inspiration comes from and that the GC can feed one information like “downloads.” And yes, there are definitely some alien theories thrown into all of this (those are a lot of fun, but I think the alien thing is fun to think about, anyway). There is also the idea that it functions like a (hidden) luminary since the Sun actually orbits the GC (the GC is actually one of the reasons our galaxy functions the way that it does). Astrologers like Philip Sedgwick […]
Just as a disclaimer – this is literally JUST an idea, I’m just fucking around with this shit and am in no way, shape, or form claiming that this is “correct,” or that I am any kind of expert in this particular area of astrology (I won’t do myself dirty/sell myself completely short though – I have a lot of astrological knowledge in MANY areas of astrology, but this particular are, the Galactic Center (GC), is more of a “mystery” to me). I also reserve the right to to find this wrong later on…so, in other words, no one hold me to this shit 🤪Without playing around with ideas and theories and stuff like that, we wouldn’t ever learn anything new. In the intro article that I wrote about the Galactic Center (GC), I mentioned the idea of bringing stuff FROM the GC “down to Earth.” In case I didn’t make it clear WHY this would be necessary in the first place (sometimes I’m not as clear as I would like to be 🤣), there is an idea that the GC is the source of all creation, and a life-line to the “other side” (or other realms, other dimensions, etc.). There is also an idea that the GC is a way to tap into this source of all creation, to tap into other dimensions, and even to be FED information from the source of all creation and/or from other dimensions. Why would this need to be brought “down to Earth?” […]
I have never written about the Galactic Center, but it has been a focus of mine and on my radar for well over a year and a half (probably closer to two years at this point). Natalie (my partner in crime) and myself have tossed around ideas about the Galactic Center (the GC) – even during the process of creating the Star Cards, we would still toss around ideas about the GC here and there. So, earlier this year after the release of the Star Cards, we put out a “call” to anyone who might have planets conjunct or opposite the Galactic Center. For anyone who is interested about the original post on our subreddit, r/letsfuckwithastrology, you can find that by clicking this. Why did I post that here? Because this post actually gives a decent over-view of where our minds were at the time that we put out this “call” to anyone who may have planets conjunct the GC or opposing the GC. Also, the post tells you how to pull the GC on your own chart. It isn’t a fixed star, but it moves very, very slowly like a fixed star moves – currently it is at roughly 27-degrees Sagittarius. Below you will find my chart with the GC pulled so you can get an idea of what the symbol will look like when you pull it in your own chart. The Galactic Center is in the cluster fucked 1st House, where the symbol “*Gala 26 41” is […]
Lana Clarkson died on February 3, 2003 at 40 years old in record producer Phil Spector’s home. It is said that they met while she was working at the House of Blues in LA earlier than night and I guess decided to go for some after hours fun or some shit at his house. Driver was waiting outside for them to do…whatever they were going to do in the house, and the driver heard a gunshot while waiting. Spector comes out of the house with the gun saying “I think I just shot her” OR “I think I’ve killed somebody” (I’ve seen both quotes). He has maintained that it was an accidental suicide and that she “kissed the gun.” She was found in his home dead with a single gunshot wound to her mouth. He ended up being sentenced to 19 years to life in prison but died earlier this year on January 16, 2021 before he was eligible for release. This might sound real stupid, but as familiar as I am with a lot of the music that he produced (George Harrison’s “All Things Must Past” would probably be in my top 5 favorite albums of all time), I am NOT super familiar with this case. Which, again, sounds really stupid because it was so highly publicized. So, lol, I won’t lie – this fucking chart is weird (I think it’s weird – though I can’t quite place my finger on why yet). More than that, I think the […]
Here is a video I made about this for people who like to watch things In the last post about Pluto’s Return, I went over the US’s 2021/2022 Solar Return Chart. In this post, I will be moving forward in time to the US’s Solar Return that starts in 2022. With regular Solar Return charts for people, you generally don’t want to look too far in advance since you need to have the location that the person is on their birthday/when their Solar Return happens. In the case of looking at a country, I have set the reference location to Washington DC, the nations capital. Unless something happens between then and now that changes where the nations capital is, this Solar Return chart will still be valid this far into the future. Below you will see the Solar Return chart I’m talking about: The Solar Return Ascendant is in Gemini, which makes the SR Chart ruler Mercury…which falls in Cancer in the 1st House. While I definitely think we are pretty chatty as a nation this year, and really, probably more sensitive about how we communicate, I do wonder how this actually translates in real time. Do we use this for thinking/communicating in a more compassionate way, or we use to it as a way to further misunderstand one another (again, just being overly sensitive and offended about everything). It also feels kind of….scattered. This could really go either way at this point since we’re still so far out from […]
**Here is the video that I did that goes along with this blog post** This is Part II in the continuation of the series on the US’s Pluto’s Return, which started in earnest in early 2020 and will go on through December 27, 2025 (once Transit Pluto clears 2 Aquarius 33 in the sky which is within the 5-degree separating orb I use for transit to natal planets). This year when the US has it’s “birthday” on July 4, 2021 feels really important from a Solar Return perspective since 2022 is when transit Pluto comes home “exactly” to it’s natal position – this happens on February 20, 2022, on July 12, 2022, and on December 27, 2022. You might be asking yourself “can countries have Solar Returns?” Lol I don’t really know. I mean, if people have them, I don’t see any reason why a country couldn’t have them, too. Natalie and myself were talking about this a couple of months ago – if it is possible to look at a Solar Return for a country. We both kind of came to the conclusion that there really wasn’t any reason you couldn’t do a Solar Return chart for a country (in theory). If nothing else, it might give some ideas about what the country (any country’s Solar Return you might look at) will be going through during any given year. In saying all of that, it would make the Solar Return’s for the US for 2021 through 2022, and also […]
I want to start this post off by saying that this will probably be the first of a few different posts (and hopefully a podcast with Natalie to talk about this shit) – so in other words, this single post is NOT a complete synopsis. Also, this post was not created to do the fear mongering thing (and if these posts scare anyone, I truly am sorry). I believe that knowledge is power (typical Sagittarius energy lol), and ultimately the more we know, the less we have to fear. It’s much easier when and if the other fucking shoe drops to be prepared for this possibility than to be left there in the chaos holding your proverbial dick in your hand. Right now, the United States is going through what is known as a Pluto Return. This occurs when transit Pluto comes home to the same place that it falls in the natal chart. I look at an orb of 5-degrees applying and separating between transit Pluto and natal Pluto. Pluto’s Return actually started in early 2020 and will end for good on December 27, 2025 after transit Pluto goes beyond 2 degrees 33 minutes Aquarius in the sky. There are three dates during the Pluto Return that stand out the most – these are February 20, 2022, July 12, 2022, and December 27, 2022. These dates stand out because these are the dates that BOTH transit Pluto and natal Pluto are at 27 degrees 33 minutes Capricorn (meaning these […]
Hey Everyone! So I haven’t been as active on here lately, but that is because I have been very busy! On top of all the client work I’ve had the past few months (which, by the way, I am so grateful to all of y’all that have hired me), myself and probably one of the dearest friends I’ve ever had, Natalie Mithqal, decided to create something. And without further ado, here are the Star Cards. These little beauties can be used to help you learn how to read your own (or anyone’s chart)! They are 45 cards and an over 100 page notebook for study (and you can actually take notes in the damn thing!). Here is a layout of all of the cards (in the proof version) if you want to get a better idea of what is included in full. There are 12 Sign cards, 10 Planet cards, 12 House cards, 6 Aspect cards, and 5 “Miscellaneous” cards (the North Node, the South Node, Chiron, Black Moon Lilith, and the Sun/Moon Midpoint). The backs have the glyphs for each thing talked about on the front. I am pretty visual person, so having the sign, planet, and house cards all next to one another laid out helps to create the synthesis visually between the different parts of the chart. Start easy first (with just a planet in a house, or just a planet in a sign), and then moving on to more complicated synthesis – such as a planet/house/sign […]
Yesterday I brought up the idea of out of bounds planets on the subreddit during the “Guess the Asshole” game. The following is posted to the subreddit, but I figured I would also post it here on the blog for those of you that don’t do the reddit thing (and there is probably some overlap from my previous OOB posts from about a year and a half ago). The definition for Out of Bounds (OOB) planets is “A planet that exceeds a declination of 23-degrees 27 minutes either North or South of the equator.” Also, just for definitions sake, Declinations are the movements of the planets North and South of the celestial equator. They can create major aspects called **parallels** and **contra-parallels.** Parallels operate like conjunctions and contra-parallels operate like oppositions.  This is another discussion for another post entirely, lol, but I did figure it should be mentioned.) Once a planet is out of bounds it is kind of free do to as it pleases. It’s no longer under the dominion of the Sun meaning that it can behave however it sees fit to behave. The planets that have the ability to go OOB are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter (which does so rarely), Uranus, and Pluto. The Sun, Saturn and Neptune don’t go OOB, and this is because they have the a very similar declination to the Sun. The Moon is the planet that goes OOB the most often, and the years that the North Node is closest to 0-degrees Aries […]


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